Power of Mind Not Yet Understood

 Most people have not developed ideas from observation or imagination. Of those that have, 3% are formatted to give ideas, example writers and film makers, but, of that 3%, only 3-7% get it out there.

And the media doesn't exactly help. No contests, no search for ideas, no welcomes to the world of thought. One of a hundred is: no contests for car safety in the 325 M people: why must so many suffer without us even trying to problem solve as a community of ideas, powerful ideas to stop millions a year from car deaths?

                           Popular house design

Of course, this made me start Department of Good Ideas, I would have a coup!

Actually, this is more like Blockbuster video rentals. I was able to see and what I saw was the people generally were more driven by circumstantial  programs and habits than by the ideas behind them, their ideals. 

                        Cuban-Saying card: Hope

The world of ideals was only brought up when somebody was talking you into doing something they wanted. 

As I began the project, I noticed that the words Enlightenment  and Self-realization had gone out of popular script vocabulary, the vernacular. 

Of course, we feature those concepts here, along with ideals as a rich source of energy, emotion, energy of motion. 

Voices have said in past times that higher than academic work is being a saint and becoming enlightened, what do you think?

The modern reader or watcher is hypnotized into believing in name brands, and discounting ideas that do not come from a group-recognized organization. At the same time, little attention is paid to what is going on. 

Ideas should be evaluated by their merit, not source of origin. I am understanding that the entire world of ideas melts before our eyes in two seconds, like the real world can, when we get the job, social situation, errands, and hobby life going. If you are still with me, this means maybe that you have the ability to open your short-term memory to about 14 seconds, not the standard 3,4 of the people who do not develop the study habit.

We get our ideas from: TV (forget it), computer (click this), some sundry reading (glossy, common), radio (some from sports shows or late night, radio is still a source), our friends (busy talking about our other friends or the smallest of things), newspapers in passing, no contests and their business page should be called stock report, they have no news there for 80% of the people, who need to learn American Business International or risk perishing when the financial waters rise again, and they do.

Present day Berkeley: Sandwiches were $5. Then $7.99, then $9.50, now 2019 $11.20, Good luck. when I can make that same sandwich for $2.50 at home. 

Now what this does is kill the lower incomes, the "living poor." They continue to not be able to afford things, this is how you notice your personal economy is slipping. 

And nobody says anything; all quiet on the western front. Lack of ideas and imagination for the community? Ideas spark other ideas, why not put them together and read together? Is there no hope for our minds when the trip becomes money? Juan would have thought opposite: the more money we have, the freer our minds are to think about anything, including valuable topics.

Besides, the modern attention span is about 28 seconds, whereas in 1959 it was 1 minute 30 seconds, appearing that TV commercials have programmed our attention cycles. Are you still with me?

In other methods they say the attention span was 12 seconds (what they mean, I suspect, is focus), and now it is 8, making it less than the attention focus span of a Goldfish, 9.

The illusion that stopped them did not stop many that generated energy by having a parallel study besides what schools gave us, and continued studying after 30, when most don't.

I am not saying you do not have ideas. What I am saying is you, like 98% percent of the people do not appear to be formatted to issue good ideas to others. 

Nothing in their training, family, or studying brought their eyes to the obvious: If all of us put our positive ideas together, what we have learned, then we all have them!

Our brain becomes much more useful, we all get better, the world gets better. The powers that say: we don't have the money funding allocation are informed of new innovative solutions requiring little or no money: what they require is voluntary cooperation of minds and hands.

God would not have put an organ that uses 20% of the energy in our bodies, and emotion, energy of motion, if the purpose was not motivation, motor activation by energy of motion. 

This probably is so our IDEA FACTORIES fire up and COOPERATE ON SOLVING ALL THE PROBLEMS USING MATHEMATICS AND OBSERVATION. The first math is to line up the factories in both series (all working on the same project or thought) and/or parallel (working independently). 

Before that, inventory of problems to be solved or simplified are given. It becomes like BINGO, fun to make a better world which out of necessity has to allow for the existence of negative actions from others sometimes at moments of true insanity, the circuits create negative energies perhaps violent actions.  Nature takes all the roads, creates all the possible actions no matter what: they each have their chances.

DGI wants to get simple ideas from you, the ones you would want the whole world to know. 
When the perspectives and points of view are shared, we all see better. 

 25,000 people have been to these websites, and I thank you for the purchase of Cuban-Saying cards and books/designs, but this is not enough: We must seek out this new underground cult, the readers who are popping up here and there, apparently ignoring the commands of their cell phone overlord. At least that is what my cell phone says. 

 The world needed heroes (just a program to run, hero 2.0) who stand up, and your whole search for spirituality is found right there, you feel it when you see the other person's eyes light up in gratitude: the pride you feel is pride of Spirit, you finally see spirituality and feel it, something all the rituals in the world cannot do for you.

 You now know firsthand why the world is like this: few feel the spirit within them. Brain research will advance this. I was hoping some of these groups were about cooperation, but at this time, it appears beyond the reach of their circuitry. 

Can this only be for these factors: The circuit is not built correctly or cannot accept energy. The power generation does not reach the circuit. The circuit has atrophied from not being used, by the use it or lose it rule, like musculature. 

Burger and fries cake, not to be confused with the cake that is actually broccoli.

The circuit has rusted out: Then we clean the terminals, one day with nano robots, today with diet, exercise, and change of scenery. 

                As you see, a house can be three containers stacked, problem is where to park your three-container home.


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