A new cycle is here, an opportunity to reach new goals, in an ever changing world. We do not notice this change much, like we don't notice the flowers and the trees grow.
After 12,000 years of barbarism, we know we are still in part of it when you see ruthless action and horrible crimes. There was a painting Renaissance, perspective was introduced, but the spirits were not yet free. And as we know, all spirits command their freedom and release into the Great.
One day we shall greet, and create The Age of Spirituality and Cooperation.
This website is like showing up early so you can get a good seat.
Rockers, artists, creative thinkers and writers, inventors: make the right contests happen by which the problems of the general inventory of are solved by the creative problem solvers!
A lesson of the space program: no country lines on the planet from the Moon.
We are one world.
Everyone must solve the problems: Many experts lose their passion to do so, their will almost.
The World Mind is Mind-Link world communicator.
Spirituality is not religious only, it is a manifestation of a greater force, a real physical force that unites all the other forces. A virtual force that becomes all too real.
Like yelling out Godzilla! in a crowded Japanese theatre.
Who is to say that one day again in the future we may believe in many gods again?
Emotions are important for perception, feeling, and interpretation. Sometimes the words we use are to justify our actions, like reflex.
We need a world psychologist! The world is bi-polar!
The philosopher is stifled these days from stirring the pot of emotion, the best job for a philosopher. A buffet of thought is served and eaten? After digestion of new ideas by the populace new positive actions will form.
The philosophy of today is the common sense of tomorrow.
Try to list your emotions, moods, capabilities, and your functionalities.
Think of the tribe, not just the nuclear family. Of the extended family also.
We have an emotional and an intellectual personality.
We are a spec of dust moving through space heading for the Great Attractor.
Trust Spirit. It is an ocean that accepts all rivers.
Sociologists should formalize ideas for interpersonal interactions and distribute.
The Amygdala may be your connection to spirit.
World needs alliance of artists, thinkers, musicians, creative people to develop new lines of reasoning for creative problem solving and riff off each other to do so. In concert, we should have one strong Idea Factory composed of various personality types tuned in for a couple hours, new players coming in and out, different perspectives.
We all possess unique eyes-ears-touch-brain systems unique to our gene pools, variation restrictions which may be a parameter inducing other expression.
The new evolution will be in the mental abilities, perhaps a world mind, a super human mind finally, and the ability to estimate probabilities, now that we can estimate geometries for 2000 years.
The buildings are built; now we link the human souls, not nearly as cheesy as it sounds.
Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, and Projects is what we have to spend in the mall of life, the escalator of life, up and down! Social Life too, like an "x" factor.
The secrets of life are different than the secrets of Reality.
The world is one. We are but one people on one ship on a tower of Babel.
Ivy league schools differ from others in that they show you how to own the company (so learn that here, it's emotional), and start you off on a network of like-minded associates.
Learn to be of service to others, to make positive waves in the sea of emotion, and the universe rewards you 100 times the energy, for your projects.
To have your own companies, you have to like to sell, and or find someone who does, and build a team of sales people.
Americans mostly hate sales, have been misled about the fun and the money. Example: in business you can have multiple profit centers same product. Start several small ones, fun, see what sticks, some just evaporate; go to the next. Like a stack of pancakes: you don't eat just one!
Each person is born sovereign, a sole proprietor corporation (corpus = body), from birth. What is the other way?
Form cooperatives, like a music band working together for one purpose: admin, sales, manager, you are your own assistants for awhile.
The rich network, don't only try to make it on your own. Robinson Crusoe was picked up by a boat.
Learn and feel free to borrow solutions from other countries and cultures: we are all passengers on this ship.
Get New General and Special Theory of personal economics, from the website.
The newspaper should serve up those business ideas like pancakes: who does not know that 80% live broke and one paycheck away from poorstown? Show them how to make money individually and in cooperatives. Right now, the business section of the paper fails.
The people of the world love each other and want to learn from each other.
To get rich, have multiple incomes, buy cheaper and live less expensive.
Money multiplication, and not simple investment is your actual financial goal: to build the machine.
Generic America is living generally until you fire up the money making machine: slow start, then high curve, exponential.
Don't borrow to buy all your things; the interest goes up compound rate.
Buy from estate sales and things like that.
Money tree technology: small-risk investments, but many of them. We are not looking for the no, we are looking for the yes.
Business model: company offer of products and services through pro marketing and sales promoted to target markets 6 times each.
Many form cooperative alliances.
Why is there not a 24 hour government channel with money ideas and dealing with others ideas? A public information channel free online.
Ask everybody for every answer, like Department of Good Ideas, which brought you here.
This is not called a job economy, but capitalistic. Get your capital from business you start while you work, maybe on lunch or weekend. Family has fun helping.
The general marketing formula is 20 accounts x $20 per account x 30 metros= $12,000 a month, the high school guy has fun doing all the work to fulfill the order (was me at one time). Maybe you make more.
Everything you know and do can be of service to others, even just using your hands.
Eat right and exercise 2-4 hours almost every day, and sleep 8-9 hours nightly.
A computer should always be on as a "silent salesman" sending out your broadcast messages...
Take free shots at large economies both in business and art.
"Entrepreneur" just means the one that starts business, but in Romanian.
Take out 50 ads across the country for your products.
Greatest American asset is cooperation and the willingness to continue studying.
Connection is the dominant theme of realities.
We are the children; don't you recognize us?
After 25 the social network crashes every 10 years and needs to be rebuilt by meeting people at your activities.
Don't turn the poor invisible; there are impoverished regions in your mind that you have turned invisible, they will help you recognize what they are.
There are no national contests to stop 1 M a year from being seriously hurt or killed by car accidents, and this is OK with you?
Planes, trains, and cars could be much safer, as could crossing the street with intersection air bags.
There is a minimum of life that can be the goal to be provided to all on the planet, the minimum required to have a good chance to prosper and help those that did not.
Technical Alliance of Creative problem solvers? A united world technological alliance?
The plants and animals are here to heal us and be our friends, we change their habitats and eat them. They vanish 25-100 species daily.
132,000 die from hunger daily, many would have been geniuses that could solve problems and help us.
Figure out what the world needs, and how to reverse-engineer the resources and cost effective solutions and funding.
The things that humans need most come from everywhere and anywhere on the planet.
Telomerase may stop aging; there are two precursors to it that need amping.
God went to make himself a sandwich, and when he came back we were at war already!
After 12,000 years of barbarism, we know we are still in part of it when you see ruthless action and horrible crimes. There was a painting Renaissance, perspective was introduced, but the spirits were not yet free. And as we know, all spirits command their freedom and release into the Great.
One day we shall greet, and create The Age of Spirituality and Cooperation.
This website is like showing up early so you can get a good seat.
Rockers, artists, creative thinkers and writers, inventors: make the right contests happen by which the problems of the general inventory of are solved by the creative problem solvers!
A lesson of the space program: no country lines on the planet from the Moon.
We are one world.
Everyone must solve the problems: Many experts lose their passion to do so, their will almost.
The World Mind is Mind-Link world communicator.
Spirituality is not religious only, it is a manifestation of a greater force, a real physical force that unites all the other forces. A virtual force that becomes all too real.
Like yelling out Godzilla! in a crowded Japanese theatre.
Who is to say that one day again in the future we may believe in many gods again?
Emotions are important for perception, feeling, and interpretation. Sometimes the words we use are to justify our actions, like reflex.
We need a world psychologist! The world is bi-polar!
The philosopher is stifled these days from stirring the pot of emotion, the best job for a philosopher. A buffet of thought is served and eaten? After digestion of new ideas by the populace new positive actions will form.
The philosophy of today is the common sense of tomorrow.
Try to list your emotions, moods, capabilities, and your functionalities.
Think of the tribe, not just the nuclear family. Of the extended family also.
We have an emotional and an intellectual personality.
We are a spec of dust moving through space heading for the Great Attractor.
Trust Spirit. It is an ocean that accepts all rivers.
Sociologists should formalize ideas for interpersonal interactions and distribute.
The Amygdala may be your connection to spirit.
World needs alliance of artists, thinkers, musicians, creative people to develop new lines of reasoning for creative problem solving and riff off each other to do so. In concert, we should have one strong Idea Factory composed of various personality types tuned in for a couple hours, new players coming in and out, different perspectives.
We all possess unique eyes-ears-touch-brain systems unique to our gene pools, variation restrictions which may be a parameter inducing other expression.
The new evolution will be in the mental abilities, perhaps a world mind, a super human mind finally, and the ability to estimate probabilities, now that we can estimate geometries for 2000 years.
The buildings are built; now we link the human souls, not nearly as cheesy as it sounds.
Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, and Projects is what we have to spend in the mall of life, the escalator of life, up and down! Social Life too, like an "x" factor.
The secrets of life are different than the secrets of Reality.
The world is one. We are but one people on one ship on a tower of Babel.
Ivy league schools differ from others in that they show you how to own the company (so learn that here, it's emotional), and start you off on a network of like-minded associates.
Learn to be of service to others, to make positive waves in the sea of emotion, and the universe rewards you 100 times the energy, for your projects.
To have your own companies, you have to like to sell, and or find someone who does, and build a team of sales people.
Americans mostly hate sales, have been misled about the fun and the money. Example: in business you can have multiple profit centers same product. Start several small ones, fun, see what sticks, some just evaporate; go to the next. Like a stack of pancakes: you don't eat just one!
Each person is born sovereign, a sole proprietor corporation (corpus = body), from birth. What is the other way?
Form cooperatives, like a music band working together for one purpose: admin, sales, manager, you are your own assistants for awhile.
The rich network, don't only try to make it on your own. Robinson Crusoe was picked up by a boat.
Learn and feel free to borrow solutions from other countries and cultures: we are all passengers on this ship.
Get New General and Special Theory of personal economics, from the website.
The newspaper should serve up those business ideas like pancakes: who does not know that 80% live broke and one paycheck away from poorstown? Show them how to make money individually and in cooperatives. Right now, the business section of the paper fails.
The people of the world love each other and want to learn from each other.
To get rich, have multiple incomes, buy cheaper and live less expensive.
Money multiplication, and not simple investment is your actual financial goal: to build the machine.
Generic America is living generally until you fire up the money making machine: slow start, then high curve, exponential.
Don't borrow to buy all your things; the interest goes up compound rate.
Buy from estate sales and things like that.
Money tree technology: small-risk investments, but many of them. We are not looking for the no, we are looking for the yes.
Business model: company offer of products and services through pro marketing and sales promoted to target markets 6 times each.
Many form cooperative alliances.
Why is there not a 24 hour government channel with money ideas and dealing with others ideas? A public information channel free online.
Ask everybody for every answer, like Department of Good Ideas, which brought you here.
This is not called a job economy, but capitalistic. Get your capital from business you start while you work, maybe on lunch or weekend. Family has fun helping.
The general marketing formula is 20 accounts x $20 per account x 30 metros= $12,000 a month, the high school guy has fun doing all the work to fulfill the order (was me at one time). Maybe you make more.
Everything you know and do can be of service to others, even just using your hands.
Eat right and exercise 2-4 hours almost every day, and sleep 8-9 hours nightly.
A computer should always be on as a "silent salesman" sending out your broadcast messages...
Take free shots at large economies both in business and art.
"Entrepreneur" just means the one that starts business, but in Romanian.
Take out 50 ads across the country for your products.
Greatest American asset is cooperation and the willingness to continue studying.
Connection is the dominant theme of realities.
We are the children; don't you recognize us?
After 25 the social network crashes every 10 years and needs to be rebuilt by meeting people at your activities.
Don't turn the poor invisible; there are impoverished regions in your mind that you have turned invisible, they will help you recognize what they are.
There are no national contests to stop 1 M a year from being seriously hurt or killed by car accidents, and this is OK with you?
Planes, trains, and cars could be much safer, as could crossing the street with intersection air bags.
There is a minimum of life that can be the goal to be provided to all on the planet, the minimum required to have a good chance to prosper and help those that did not.
Technical Alliance of Creative problem solvers? A united world technological alliance?
The plants and animals are here to heal us and be our friends, we change their habitats and eat them. They vanish 25-100 species daily.
132,000 die from hunger daily, many would have been geniuses that could solve problems and help us.
Figure out what the world needs, and how to reverse-engineer the resources and cost effective solutions and funding.
The things that humans need most come from everywhere and anywhere on the planet.
Telomerase may stop aging; there are two precursors to it that need amping.
God went to make himself a sandwich, and when he came back we were at war already!