Amazing Inventions and Products is Born!
It's been born, since I was five and made my first invention, a new type of airplane design, flies faster less friction.
Amazing Inventions and Products is going to be a name to live up to: nothing less than amazing will do. We have some, we are variety inventors and want YOU to develop your ability to dream to the point you can play again, and invent things.
Many systems may have atrophied or even rusted out. Education, in 2019, has its pluses and minuses, its sins of omission: to my notice many relevant and important items are left out by some kind of passive-aggressive mechanism. Not all makes sense, maybe not even most.
In Cuba, we don't think about the capitalization of things we develop unless we have some help, maybe this is true of everyone. We Cubans are poor negotiators, yet we like sales. It's just: we give the house away, we leave money on the table, this kind of thing.
Through DGI, the more relevant information is in the eyes of all the people. We do indeed ask all the people for all the answers to all the questions, a fast growing bank of ideas and participators in the effort for National Ignition of the Idea Factories,s our true form of free energy other than Gravity and the Sun.
We begin with 1 minute a day, then 2 minutes, then 5. We show you how to fire up your idea production center, we transmit the ways to you at a certain time, even while you sleep. Simple programs like R.O.P.E. will enable Lucid dreaming, then we can meet in the dream.
We all learn and perceive in slightly different ways, and does this not suggest a map made of the ideas in each person's head summed up is then the actual picture of the world? As if you looked everywhere and lived everywhere for a while.
How long does it take to know a place? I am guessing about 3 months, but it could be 5 or 6. At what point do new patterns stop coming your way? Where do you want to stay?
Suffering will do things to your head, like send an S-Wave through the barrier and onto a cutting board in our universe.
Europe, Asia, US, a couple more? We want reports in a certain format, to show us better what is going on there, not restaurants: there is enough time to eat when you are dead: try living, you might like it!
The people who travel a lot like the featured pro musicians reach about 40 countries. Somewhere along the way they lose their ideals to help others, else their publicity would still be in our eyes, now how they are "giving back," right?
Where is the guitar I won from Led Zeppelin? The 6 months free rent from Cold Play? The year's worth of groceries from, oh, you get it. Are they looters, to some extent?
I can sure tell you things are different in Free Cuba, when we are free. In the other places too, the variations are key to seeing all our modes of behavior.
Our will accesses our Emotional control box, the circuitry regarding the allocation and amounts of emotion, energy of motion, to be given our tasks, linked to the when and the how.
You can choose to do them more efficiently, you can delegate tasks, you sometimes do another one then you don't have to do this one.
You do number two or three while number one is "cooking" and the suppliers are in the process of supplying. Inventions appear simple to me, but maybe not, unless I am in the process of transmitting the instructions to your brain-bot on how to fund the very concept of inventions with emotion so you can run some subroutines, which lead to other programs.
Our programming is such that we have 8 sets of eyes looking out of our two eyes, they take turns quickly as in the 18 saccades, quick subconscious eye movement, to check on your 18 maps of reality (plus your personal biography) that you carry around "on" all the time.
Now, I know the end result of the invention sales chain: you have your idea, then you fabricate design parts (machine metal shop; plastic shop; make it yourself), you assemble the prototype (if needed; I am not building a new airplane, do not have the space).
Then comes the part I should be doing more of:
JOINT VENTURES (special projects)
* I added an "s" this time at the end and realized that by helping others start their dealer networks, I start mine and make it to the trade shows again!
We all should be there, at least by proxy or splitting a booth with another company. If you ask them to sell your product, they often neglect it and sell theirs.
At trade shows for the industry you sell to you make 1-3 small fortunes per show if you do it right. My company did not. Our president had an MBA, masters in business assassination.
And you meet new circles of people. At Trade Shows you become vendor to corporations, and establish your dealer network, and you meet valuable contacts for more than business.
And I will get to Mars before anyone else. You won't find my tunnel-making machine "boring." Am I building a luxury small car? You will see my inventions soon...
I have Cuban Saying bi lingual cards, unique writings on valuable topics, and a variety of designs meant to stimulate the imagination with imagination itself, it is a process of lighting up your machine, and viewing the fireworks from the hillside. I have the big machines too, but at first my products are made of paper.
I have the sales kit ready. It has my 20 or so books, cards, and inventions for sale. I am also open to doing sales myself. As I visit with the stores I can also show them specialized advertising that is budget friendly and pays for itself.
One idea is for you, me, and the people down the block to establish a dealer network over a period of 2 years, depending on luck. You would like a mail-order business also.
The dealer network should reach 100, and you aim to make $100 per dealer per month, meaning 10 K a month with minimal expenses other than your product or services. You have new products coming out, you give birth to ideas you have had.
Products and services have life cycles; everything has its time, you need new ones to come out and replace your front line at some point, usually.
This whole concept there is called an exponential financial money multiplication machine. Of course, it is truncated at higher marks or you would own the world, and you would not want that, would you? California if it were a country would be number 6 in its economic powers.
The great thing about those techniques is they invite more than one type of deal and more than one profit center, maybe many and they grow.
Job is "just one business" and usually only one profit center: the job you do gets you paid.
In business you can have "diversified enterprises" where you sell different products and services. They each wind up having multiple profit centers, and one of the keys in marketing/sales is to find new markets and new profit centers.
You make the money for to do Trade Shows from the dealer network while you are applying for Vendor to corporations you serve.
"The only legitimate form of business in the world is serving the needs of others"
Sales, apparently, is a personality thing, the people have to click with you, what they are buying is the trust in you to some degree, and your presentation.
Your pile of benefits has to be substantially higher than their pile of money to purchase. This is done in the modern era with value-added selling. There are many ways to do this, if interested send email.
Integrity is your most valuable asset in business; apparently it's the first thing you have to learn how to fake!
Amazing Inventions and Products is going to be a name to live up to: nothing less than amazing will do. We have some, we are variety inventors and want YOU to develop your ability to dream to the point you can play again, and invent things.
Many systems may have atrophied or even rusted out. Education, in 2019, has its pluses and minuses, its sins of omission: to my notice many relevant and important items are left out by some kind of passive-aggressive mechanism. Not all makes sense, maybe not even most.
In Cuba, we don't think about the capitalization of things we develop unless we have some help, maybe this is true of everyone. We Cubans are poor negotiators, yet we like sales. It's just: we give the house away, we leave money on the table, this kind of thing.
Through DGI, the more relevant information is in the eyes of all the people. We do indeed ask all the people for all the answers to all the questions, a fast growing bank of ideas and participators in the effort for National Ignition of the Idea Factories,s our true form of free energy other than Gravity and the Sun.
We begin with 1 minute a day, then 2 minutes, then 5. We show you how to fire up your idea production center, we transmit the ways to you at a certain time, even while you sleep. Simple programs like R.O.P.E. will enable Lucid dreaming, then we can meet in the dream.
We all learn and perceive in slightly different ways, and does this not suggest a map made of the ideas in each person's head summed up is then the actual picture of the world? As if you looked everywhere and lived everywhere for a while.
How long does it take to know a place? I am guessing about 3 months, but it could be 5 or 6. At what point do new patterns stop coming your way? Where do you want to stay?
Suffering will do things to your head, like send an S-Wave through the barrier and onto a cutting board in our universe.
Europe, Asia, US, a couple more? We want reports in a certain format, to show us better what is going on there, not restaurants: there is enough time to eat when you are dead: try living, you might like it!
The people who travel a lot like the featured pro musicians reach about 40 countries. Somewhere along the way they lose their ideals to help others, else their publicity would still be in our eyes, now how they are "giving back," right?
Where is the guitar I won from Led Zeppelin? The 6 months free rent from Cold Play? The year's worth of groceries from, oh, you get it. Are they looters, to some extent?
I can sure tell you things are different in Free Cuba, when we are free. In the other places too, the variations are key to seeing all our modes of behavior.
Our will accesses our Emotional control box, the circuitry regarding the allocation and amounts of emotion, energy of motion, to be given our tasks, linked to the when and the how.
You can choose to do them more efficiently, you can delegate tasks, you sometimes do another one then you don't have to do this one.
You do number two or three while number one is "cooking" and the suppliers are in the process of supplying. Inventions appear simple to me, but maybe not, unless I am in the process of transmitting the instructions to your brain-bot on how to fund the very concept of inventions with emotion so you can run some subroutines, which lead to other programs.
Our programming is such that we have 8 sets of eyes looking out of our two eyes, they take turns quickly as in the 18 saccades, quick subconscious eye movement, to check on your 18 maps of reality (plus your personal biography) that you carry around "on" all the time.
Now, I know the end result of the invention sales chain: you have your idea, then you fabricate design parts (machine metal shop; plastic shop; make it yourself), you assemble the prototype (if needed; I am not building a new airplane, do not have the space).
Then comes the part I should be doing more of:
JOINT VENTURES (special projects)
* I added an "s" this time at the end and realized that by helping others start their dealer networks, I start mine and make it to the trade shows again!
We all should be there, at least by proxy or splitting a booth with another company. If you ask them to sell your product, they often neglect it and sell theirs.
At trade shows for the industry you sell to you make 1-3 small fortunes per show if you do it right. My company did not. Our president had an MBA, masters in business assassination.
And you meet new circles of people. At Trade Shows you become vendor to corporations, and establish your dealer network, and you meet valuable contacts for more than business.
And I will get to Mars before anyone else. You won't find my tunnel-making machine "boring." Am I building a luxury small car? You will see my inventions soon...
I have Cuban Saying bi lingual cards, unique writings on valuable topics, and a variety of designs meant to stimulate the imagination with imagination itself, it is a process of lighting up your machine, and viewing the fireworks from the hillside. I have the big machines too, but at first my products are made of paper.
I have the sales kit ready. It has my 20 or so books, cards, and inventions for sale. I am also open to doing sales myself. As I visit with the stores I can also show them specialized advertising that is budget friendly and pays for itself.
One idea is for you, me, and the people down the block to establish a dealer network over a period of 2 years, depending on luck. You would like a mail-order business also.
The dealer network should reach 100, and you aim to make $100 per dealer per month, meaning 10 K a month with minimal expenses other than your product or services. You have new products coming out, you give birth to ideas you have had.
Products and services have life cycles; everything has its time, you need new ones to come out and replace your front line at some point, usually.
This whole concept there is called an exponential financial money multiplication machine. Of course, it is truncated at higher marks or you would own the world, and you would not want that, would you? California if it were a country would be number 6 in its economic powers.
The great thing about those techniques is they invite more than one type of deal and more than one profit center, maybe many and they grow.
Job is "just one business" and usually only one profit center: the job you do gets you paid.
In business you can have "diversified enterprises" where you sell different products and services. They each wind up having multiple profit centers, and one of the keys in marketing/sales is to find new markets and new profit centers.
You make the money for to do Trade Shows from the dealer network while you are applying for Vendor to corporations you serve.
"The only legitimate form of business in the world is serving the needs of others"
Sales, apparently, is a personality thing, the people have to click with you, what they are buying is the trust in you to some degree, and your presentation.
Your pile of benefits has to be substantially higher than their pile of money to purchase. This is done in the modern era with value-added selling. There are many ways to do this, if interested send email.
Integrity is your most valuable asset in business; apparently it's the first thing you have to learn how to fake!
Filter Formula: How does Warren Peace get out of this one?
He has about 40 invention ideas, how does he make his way to market? Really, it's that simple but of course, not in my head. Which child does a good mother love the most?
Should it be the ridiculous one, the "joke" invention that leads the way: Mouse Flavor cat food?
So I ask this: of all the ones that make money, which ones reach the market the fastest? Which are the easiest to make? Which is the fastest to make?
Then I do it again, because I still have about 20! You can join me in steps 2 and 3, and if you can do sales, great; step 4.
Most people hate sales yet we learned in sales school that anyone or just about anyone can sell. if they are not good talkers, this is better for the client: the good talker is seen as a slickster. If the voice is too low: the client will listen more carefully!
Furthermore, and this was key, we learned to take negatives and turn them into positives, a type of intellectual judo which I have found to be superb.
The first thing that wakes up is the Personal Biography
And: Enthusiasm, free-flowing positive energy that makes Juan feel alive, truly does make a difference. It has a certain, "Yo no se que."
DGI stands by with methods and support for your enterprises in exchange you promote the site and its works, its projects.
A final disclaimer: We believe in living our dreams. As we arrive on the planet, we do not get many formulas, our emotions are not discussed then later they are used to jack us around.
Ideals are mostly used when somebody is trying to talk you into something they do not really do themselves.
The battle for us and our families is for ideals, they pull us along when times are tough, and enable us to be ambassadors of good will and ideas when times are smooth.
"In the slow moving yet accelerating river of time you get to the waterfall part much too quick"
Each product can stand alone or be bundled, they all contribute to the sum of your incomes to reach dealer network: 100 x $100 = more money than you can shake a stick at, according to scientists.
This is done over the 35 metros, on the busy streets.
Finally, a word about the Acquiescence 100 BF 0
The first 100 billionaire families in the year 0 were the ones with holdings and products to sell, or land to mandate over. They also knew how to protect their holdings and establish insulation barriers between themselves and the rest of the people.
Of course we need to buy most of our stuff, and the food too for now. Read my books, different things happen. Yes, all industries are descendant of those first 100 families, but we are not going to make our own goods and services, and this is what they provide to us. Interesting side note, in 1889 Madison Avenue started the "they will buy what we sell them" campaigns. Before the general stores were drab and few choices were found. Nanotechnology is coming. Read my books, said the hypnotic command...