A time for the Alliances to Progress

Cooperatives. Department of Good Ideas takes you all the way, but there must be an interest in life that is so superior you begin to see the overall pattern of things, and wish to be of service to others. All the parts of the person, like a Bingo card: where can you help? Where is that great idea? 

The people are not waking up, is my warning to you: they have been silenced, don't you notice? They mostly speak about other people and things if you listen closely. The brain can be used as an IDEAS FACTORY, that is what DGI sees: we have all learned from family, "schools" (really, specialized skills training centers; do you see with this ability to see?). There are about 15 GREAT things to think about and discuss with our friends. 

The world is like a BINGO game for problem solving, we should all have bingo cards for all our fields, what are the open questions? How can I ask new ones of the problem solver community, DGI being one. 

We are programmed 80% by puberty, so we have to be careful and examine our gifts: don't accept negative miracles. Then around that time, a time of awakened sexuality, you find out there are some elements and people in the world that lie, cheat, steal, abuse, harm, and potentially cause violence on us. What to do, then, is the recurring theme of life and living.   

Those that want more out of this ship and 240 illusionary countries (really, genetic sets), need the information contained within the others. The general person, the academic, does not see any of this, and when I point blank ask the teachers why the student is not given the choice of business, multiple business ownership, so they have the high school guy do the work (me) and they like all of us that have things to do, are project driven, can do  whatever they want to do, and for this the emotions may be uncertain:  Our minds must always be thinking: what to do about our emotions, and how to deal with the others.  The world has hardly been explained. At DGI you get results from top American Students and visionary thinkers: there are few of those. We say we were not trained correctly, trained by well positioned concrete thinkers who do not explain thought, what there is to think about, emotions, or what the OPPORTUNITY INDEX is for all 240 countries. No, I am afraid smart is the new dumb, the one dimensional studies dumb the person down.  Any hope is with 15 places like DGI, and that in some way we have a breakthrough regarding our emotions, and this breakthrough will not come from the concrete smart thinkers, but from the clever imaginative intelligent thinkers (sums the smart fields; some of us, it appears, have giant brain storage capacity and can hold several fields at once in their consciousness. 
We urgently seek those people.  Clever, creative problem solver by large numbers of people at DGI is the only thing that can handle the complexity of the non-choices and passive aggressive emotional denial that is taking place: the clever creative problem solver is the one that had their own reading program aside from school, sought outside study programs, HOME SCHOOLED first 3 years is the key, you learn better from your mother.  So, DGI is a mathematical physics of the brain site which by the CLIMATE EMERGENCY both in our world and in our MINDS, takes action, we all solve the problems together and ask all the questions together, you see mine on the site.   For there is a weather in the brain, sometimes sunny, sometimes sprinkling, sometimes a mental storm appears.  Oh, you may not feel this yet; if you remain attentive, the scene before your eyes accelerates.  In DGI idea, you are exposed to many different actions in life, each for 15 days or weeks.  items of the mind, like study, read, write, study the mind, of the body, how to get the energy and time to work our running 2 hours a day plus, more money through business so you can put that aside and live, finally live free and hopeful, helpful.  Before 30 the herd is allowed to mate, after 30, BY DESIGN, they work for other persons all the time. In some way, the main circuits of the 85% standard brain design do not compel them to start their own enterprises, mostly by personality type: doer, watcher, critic, or the leader-follower idea based on confidence many times.  There are 15% alternate design brains that have two or more "defects" (blessings, why we are different, not issued exactly the same except twins) and the first group 1. These differences make us see the world differently.  So, we are a a new style thought writer-inventor cooperative, find us some people, but I admit the students appear to be that one study thing, not eclectic. There was another view that was not presented in this still DARK AGES where the spirit and mind are unknown country. You make a point to have a real school: you show 15 really basic subjects, plus cooperation of ideas (DGI), and the idea to look up and see all 240 countries and their problem solving methods.  This could be in the media, but the media fails where DGI succeeds. See you on the web!


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