A time of princes and princesses

Give some idea of your interest. It is a thought and action writer-inventor cooperative handling 15 topics and over 200 ideas. ​departmentofgoodideas.com  email same but Gmail

This week: Chicago  2 people get killed everyday, 60 on the weekends get shot. How to problem solve this?

First assumption: It is up to you and me and hey, where are you going?

One mechanism is clear here, we solve this we solve everything. The mechanism is: 

Conflict with oneself and others ----leads to anger ---leads to violence ----and on a large enough scale violence becomes war.

And so, in the same way DGI solved "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" (the pre-chicken) we solve a problem we did not even know we had: We have no Department of Pre-Conflict. Fortunately, there is a Department of Noticing What's Going On.

My program is inventory of the world and its contents; you can help there, maybe you know someone from another country we want ads in every country, and we want input from every person (you) on the OPPORTUNITY INDEX for the 240 countries: how easy is it for me there to establish BILLIONAIRE MENTALITY which means basic needs in both body and mind information, access to markets. 

Along the way, I discovered there are also 11,000 island nations, and most of them are going under water

Moving information around and forming creative clever solutions is a problem which can be solved with imagination and cooperation. 

We are captains of our ships, and sadly mostly under a TRANCE in part from information denial, in part by monkey-see-monkey-do mentality (the ones that are free pretty much had their own reading and parallel program of study, and did extra credit. The points of reference, the contexts are easier to see. 

Since 9-11 I began to work on the solutions for the world. The craft we pilot, the time machine we inhabit, is a radio station with a biochemical post quantum pattern analyzer. The eyes are cameras, all we store is 22% of the pattern of a photo that we can vaguely see in our minds; we also feel the same as when those photos were taken. 

We all have: Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, Social Life, special projects, Time, and Emotion (our spiritual blood). All these are easily uplifted, education dropped the ball in only aiming for job workers instead of heroes who can have their own lives and also make money. Little was shown, the emotions were skewed and played with, this is how we're programmed, by our emotions. 

We are programmed by hypnosis methods, light, sound, touch, to create a series of illusions in front of our mental eyes, right about where the other two are. The mental eyes do not need binocularity.

We should try IDEA SHARING our PERSONAL GOOD NEWS brochures, which we hand out to others like mad. I give you an idea, now we both have it and can give it to others. This is that free energy we pretend to speak about. 

I am in Berkeley, part of this is going door to door with these good news brochures. We are IDEAS FACTORIES that rust out after 30, unless you pick a field where you need to think and create, and even then only in 1 interest, or 0.  You have to fight for maximum awareness; it is not always enhanced by modern environments. 

There are only 35 metros and the tactics of getting all the neighborhoods information to make their lives better is easy to implement. 

You do 10 neighborhoods with the "pass it on" message on their flyers, and you take out great ads in the activity partner sections of websites: join an idea cooperative. 

Like it was 500 years ago; I am almost 100 so it is not so long 500 years. 

Princes, Princesses, Lords, Barons, Counts (today's TV celebrities)
Upper peasant (1 interest)
Peasant (0 interests)
Yokel (everyone makes fun of this one). 

But, we know thought can emerge anywhere and almost by accident, like most scientific discoveries. Who could even think?   Academic (some good thought here but politicized, restrained), Government (some thinking there), General person (too busy talking about other people), Artist (they were asked to stop the European war 100 years ago; they failed), the independent thinker (me, others), the businessman (some project driven thought here). 

People are building free pantries on the streets with food and basic toiletries for those in need. Pass it on. 

85% of the brains are of the same design and expect the same payoffs, respond to same stimuli. 15% Almost always do their own thing and are multi-skilled, can hold the information in, and use it, like a warehouse. They may possess faster algorithms. 

Those are the people we look for, that have some ideas or can riff off our ideas. I show people how to write in 12 minutes but the only takers are English majors from college. The regular street person does not seem to have much curiosity, interests. I provide options for business, but, that is an emotion! I like sales. 

Read on the site the table of contents, find the list of projects, get some idea and write to me. We need about 15 people to make this work, across the country. We can link creative minds and form a MASS MIND for the planet based on the central bank of ideas, and the positive contents in the minds of others, ideas where you lose nothing by informing others. 

3% develop heart and imagination naturally, and not always both in the same place.


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