The Body has a Mind of its own
Department of Good Ideas wants to make the connection. What ideas do you have that are positive for the individual? The innovation is in the lifestyle design! After going to top schools, the only one that had something on the ball was the one that showed me how to own multiple businesses by selling the product; not everybody's mind can do sales, many think of it as too pushy.
The money is an "along the way" type thing, the true prize is Billionaire Mentality: what would you do if they took your billions away? And after you build your exponential money multiplication machine?
And really, only some get out of the "zero or one" interest type of awareness, and become, by more eclectic, perhaps prolific methods, more than they remember being in the past. It takes energy; communication and energy are the biggest challenges now.
I transfer ideas contained inside each person, in a type of PERSONAL GOOD NEWS brochure of what we have learned from family, school, friends, our own thoughts, reading, tricks, formulas, travels: we all have many perhaps, but the negative forces are winning if we do not give them to others, then we both have it and pass it on. We are on a journey, and we are tourist-journalists; what is your report.
We want to solve the problems by using the information contained inside all the people in the 240 countries. So far we have "exercise every day" and that the 11,000 island countries are sinking! A new Atlantis. We also have ideas about things we should do that frankly, only a contortionist can hardly do.
We detect much provinciality in the solutions and the information sets now given. Mostly A or B, on or off, black or white. This is not accurate, the simplification diminishes the power of the solution sets. Passive-aggressive information denial is very evident, a general ennui by the people. Well, I am still enthusiastic, and this is a big key. Don't hang around people that bring you down, don't accept negative miracles.
We are our own psychologists: we live rightfully and get our work done, we are happy, if not, frustration can lead to conflict can lead to violence, can lead to group violence, can lead to national wars if of sufficient scale.
Of course, and again because we are from the "mama didn't raise no foo" school of thought, where is the list of all the categories and places of violence and war? Chicago is one, two people die every day and 50-70 get shot on the weekends! Where are the celebrities now, these noble princes and princesses? Where is the psychologist? Where are the celebrities giving people what they need, knowledge and emotional support, where is anybody, why no press of the positive efforts by the church.
Where are the thinkers. Where is the call for the creative problem solver ("download your Bingo card of the problems by region or category, text your solution"). So you see why DGI fails: the people are not yet sufficiently alert to recognize the miraculous powers within.
Well, then what about the powers without? The mechanisms and actions you can find to uplift any or all of the 8 categories of LIFE that you have within you, that you carry around, are your gifts.
I will write for you. By the time you finish this I will have written "The Lists of Skills That Pay $40-400 per hour / gigs that pay $500-1500 per" and "The Book of Causes and Their Agencies: how to start of join a non profit group" and these will go in your local inconvenience store, door to door, in the US Publications office.
When there was a newspaper I called them and said they should print ways to go into business for the general person who wants to escape "job" for many reasons, including that ever present social anxiety, the commute, the abuse.
Not to worry, although yeah, a little with no help, DGI is working on the Emotion for you! We only need reach 20% with our 21-day free trial and presto!
Everyone is aware this is a choice in how your awareness faces up to the resources, opportunities, benefits, services, miraculous powers within, their assembly into blessings, what you create, evolve. Learn to sell or get someone who does or program your computer. Contact us with questions. We have books and push button essays on your topic we can send you.
Early on, I caught on that I should show the people the solutions for what they did not know they did not know. From all 240 countries; we need an inventory of the ship.
First thing: inventory of the situation and its connected worlds. Second: Give the information to everyone in Bingo cards; they may have a bingo, a solution; makes it fun. Third: publish in DGI and 14 other outlets like this one. We all want to know positive things that others know, and line them up in series and parallel, and turn on our IDEA FACTORIES.
I suppose like the crazy person does not know he or she is crazy, we do not know when our IDEA FACTORIES are not turned on. We must admit that some are hurting too much to think up ideas, or report unusual ones. Some people experience pain when they feel emotion. Perhaps some DGI thoughts will encourage solution. We are overlooking this source of national strength: our ability to think in cooperation on various topics and questions, sidestepping politics as usual.
No politics: the ideas in the 8 B can solve any problem with cooperation, but who trusts who? Alliances have to be made, people to be liked.
I transfer ideas contained inside each person, in a type of PERSONAL GOOD NEWS brochure of what we have learned from family, school, friends, our own thoughts, reading, tricks, formulas, travels: we all have many perhaps, but the negative forces are winning if we do not give them to others, then we both have it and pass it on. We are on a journey, and we are tourist-journalists; what is your report.
We want to solve the problems by using the information contained inside all the people in the 240 countries. So far we have "exercise every day" and that the 11,000 island countries are sinking! A new Atlantis. We also have ideas about things we should do that frankly, only a contortionist can hardly do.
We detect much provinciality in the solutions and the information sets now given. Mostly A or B, on or off, black or white. This is not accurate, the simplification diminishes the power of the solution sets. Passive-aggressive information denial is very evident, a general ennui by the people. Well, I am still enthusiastic, and this is a big key. Don't hang around people that bring you down, don't accept negative miracles.
We are our own psychologists: we live rightfully and get our work done, we are happy, if not, frustration can lead to conflict can lead to violence, can lead to group violence, can lead to national wars if of sufficient scale.
Of course, and again because we are from the "mama didn't raise no foo" school of thought, where is the list of all the categories and places of violence and war? Chicago is one, two people die every day and 50-70 get shot on the weekends! Where are the celebrities now, these noble princes and princesses? Where is the psychologist? Where are the celebrities giving people what they need, knowledge and emotional support, where is anybody, why no press of the positive efforts by the church.
Where are the thinkers. Where is the call for the creative problem solver ("download your Bingo card of the problems by region or category, text your solution"). So you see why DGI fails: the people are not yet sufficiently alert to recognize the miraculous powers within.
Well, then what about the powers without? The mechanisms and actions you can find to uplift any or all of the 8 categories of LIFE that you have within you, that you carry around, are your gifts.
I will write for you. By the time you finish this I will have written "The Lists of Skills That Pay $40-400 per hour / gigs that pay $500-1500 per" and "The Book of Causes and Their Agencies: how to start of join a non profit group" and these will go in your local inconvenience store, door to door, in the US Publications office.
When there was a newspaper I called them and said they should print ways to go into business for the general person who wants to escape "job" for many reasons, including that ever present social anxiety, the commute, the abuse.
Not to worry, although yeah, a little with no help, DGI is working on the Emotion for you! We only need reach 20% with our 21-day free trial and presto!
Everyone is aware this is a choice in how your awareness faces up to the resources, opportunities, benefits, services, miraculous powers within, their assembly into blessings, what you create, evolve. Learn to sell or get someone who does or program your computer. Contact us with questions. We have books and push button essays on your topic we can send you.
Early on, I caught on that I should show the people the solutions for what they did not know they did not know. From all 240 countries; we need an inventory of the ship.
First thing: inventory of the situation and its connected worlds. Second: Give the information to everyone in Bingo cards; they may have a bingo, a solution; makes it fun. Third: publish in DGI and 14 other outlets like this one. We all want to know positive things that others know, and line them up in series and parallel, and turn on our IDEA FACTORIES.
I suppose like the crazy person does not know he or she is crazy, we do not know when our IDEA FACTORIES are not turned on. We must admit that some are hurting too much to think up ideas, or report unusual ones. Some people experience pain when they feel emotion. Perhaps some DGI thoughts will encourage solution. We are overlooking this source of national strength: our ability to think in cooperation on various topics and questions, sidestepping politics as usual.
No politics: the ideas in the 8 B can solve any problem with cooperation, but who trusts who? Alliances have to be made, people to be liked.
We are barely into the new cortex uses, so there are some clashes between the animal you and the more civilized Neocortex you.
And most importantly: in other countries the money is just part of it, so people can do what they want, and the billionaire engages in projects. Inventions development and sales, which I have known since the age 4. should be taught in grade 4. There are only 4 steps! How backwards are we in general! 12,000 years backward.
Can this be remedied? Yes, but the people have to show up to their own cause, their own self improvement. They can "see" their fundamental parts: mind, body, wallet, spirit, social, special projects, Time, and Emotion. With this we address the money, and do the other things.
Billionaire: your money is gone, what is left? Your ability to start organizations, the ability to network, the ability to sell, the ability to attend Trade Shows, the ability to start Dealer Networks, you ability to take out advertising to sell your products and services.
Billionaire mentality confers freedom and time to enjoy and be inspired by your own luxuries and sense of design,. all of which you get at estate sales: your first goal from grade 6 or for sure 7;
An exponential money multiplication machine. Everything is a machine, including making money, so that then you do whatever you want, to point is for ALL OF US to be made aware of the large income careers, and very much also, how you make as much or more in multiple businesses. My formula is this:
Ax + Bi = SUM { C e ^G} All your lifestyle expenses plus big imagination money equals the sum of your capital times your income from money machines of the form Ce^G C capital, e = 2.72, G good fortune exponent variable (timing, price, market perception, use).
Business is emotion, the rest is to work out our natural curiosity and our acquired ones. Time and health was important to me, part of the reason I write this is because they do not seem so important to others, as things will just take care of themselves magically.
If magically, we should prepare for the gifts of life behind the game doors we choose, and for the miraculous gifts within, which we apparently ignore, there is not much "thought" going on; once the transmission methods of creativity (new definition, see site).
Why? Dark Age. Set up by concrete thinkers, now the more creative spiritual persons of heart and imagination do a make-over where the pieces are set up differently, everybody wins.
Someone loses, like at economy? The others help them. The rich help make a new middle income well off, then this group helps those that cannot play the money game so well, that do not have the "knack" and it is obvious. They are not made invisible by the social scripts they are made an opportunity to serve, to solve a problem. Send us ideas for the individual
Elementary school schedule:
Grade 1 reading, writing, calculus
Grade 2 Different language begins
Grade 3 How to write books and articles, sell them
Grade 4 The 4 steps to invention development and sales
Grade 5 American business methods, sales, international
Grade 6 film and documentary; service to others
Grade 7 Complete health and fitness, sports, service to others
Grade 8 One scoop of ice cream, vanilla, one cherry. Back to work!
Heart, Creativity, and Service are not usually taught, but for other countries like Cuba, they are a way of life.