Ideas in their essence needs your good ideas for individuals. You may not think individuals need  help, that everything is groups of people. Guess again. Groups are made up of individuals, and this is the genie-in-us about the whole thing. 

We have the secrets of life (truly this time) awaiting you. If not you: find us thinkers who use spirit to power heart and imagination. See what the future is like! We are a writer inventor coop, and would like you to come to California and explore adding the dimensions writer and inventor, or we show you from here. Come alive! The ones you think are thinking are not! The world was built up by smart concrete thinkers: The Rise of Cooperative inner strengths is here! If not for you, tell your friends with heart and imagination.  Check out my essays: the world is truly as wonderful as the enlightened tell us, but we must SEE, and this is what DGI does, we create IDEAS SHARING, and dispel the 4-element early training which conditions us to not see the world. The world is truly amazing if we idea share, the ideas are very very powerful: the present leaders are not creative; we are super creative and non political: who do you think is going to have the answers to the questions we do not even ask. Once your Diamond Consciousness is installed, if it can, then you have managerial override over your Emotional Control Box.  Notice that 85% of the brains mimic what the others are doing, and that 15% make up their own minds and do their own enterprises. This is because of emotional learning from family, "schools," neighborhood, and financial situation. GI uplifts mentality for those that can achieve Billionaire Mentality, which is what you have left over when they take your billions away. It is powerful, but also it is an emotion: do you still have the list of the emotions and their uses from high school? Neither do I.  How do you think a mind is captured, its choices limited, if not by the emotions: they see the world and come to conclusions: should we not know much more about how they work and construct reality? DGI does this, and finds that it is creativity itself and heart that power a soul to rightful destinations.

500 years ago it was the "social script," what we learn as a foundation of personality, was that only (only) some of the sons of noblemen (today's politician-salesperson) could possibly learn to read and write. Salesperson for perceived super-rich concerns. A billionaire is a small country! There are 550 in the US. 

Today we know otherwise. There is in all of us born of human, an actual language center on the left side of our brain, around the middle: it is now believed, outside the social script beliefs, that once the transmission of what we mistakenly call art (really, evolvivity, how we blend what we see and imagine into new creations, by evolving them). Art is how we think! Just like there is an intelligence in there, this intelligence is artistic, can create and imagine, in a way we do not now know (I write this in 2027). 

A bigger problem is few care. Well, there is us. Art is an alliance of science, thinking, inventions and engineering with writing, fine art, making film, and music. These are your champions, for those that can activate thought in agreement. 

You know who agrees with these thoughts? Academic creative thinkers and business top leaders. Had I not been defrauded of all my money I would have bill boards with this on it! Where are the rich people? Are they in fear of audit?

Emotion: Energy of Motion; Motivation: motor activation by emotion.

Why did the chicken cross the road? He felt like it. 

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The pre-chicken

Why could, the little engine? He had self-esteem.

Your job conceals you, as it does all of us; we are something else, something better inside, but we trusted the "adults" in the story to make things right, but notice, notice: they are concrete thinkers and the entire world around us has been built by imaginative ideas, not concrete thinkers; they have nothing to think about. This is what you see, why the people only speak about other people instead of how to make individual lives better, and uplift ALL lives.  We are still in a Dark Age, but slowly maybe with positivity by all the thinkers, powering up their IDEAS FACTORIES (notice they rust after 30 mostly), We are those children that had all those ideas; the process of civilization has taken as much as it has given: we are now at the precipice, where every 45 minutes it is breakfast again. 

We have over 300 positive ideas to uplift life, at "think about the children" 

These ideas are not what you would expect if given only data sets A or B, black or white, on or off. The more studied mind, which will be you once you read, have 8 colors, and for each, about 4-8 choices: it is the creative world! 

Completely incorrect definition, we are being downright stupid to not enlist the help of the creative problem solver, of the person with heart; we have been dumbed down by the process of civilization, we have created a non-thinking seldom-expressive mass of people that we actually needed to show up front and center in the battle for individual uplift, for consensual sight, for the cooperation of minds and spirits. 

We have cut down 95% of the trees and we are different from that: our design of body uses forest molecules and surrounding water masses to create our experience: you can achieve island consciousness (very positive, very happy. Those that live by the sea have that positivity the world needs. Where is the media contest for this kind of learning? 

Do you see the world is set up wrong, that most voices are not heard because we are controlled by media, politics,  sexual, and financial uncertainties (80% live paycheck to paycheck, yet that group pays 80% of the taxes; coincidence?). When broke you pay more for things!

Where is the psychologist? Silent. Where is the philosopher? Silent.
Where is the thinker? Uncalled for. Where is the person of heart? In the same corner as the girl that draws pretty pictures. 

Do not believe for one second that the artist is "that girl in the corner, way far, that draws pretty pictures." and that what is front and center is making money and social life and acceptance: this is all untruth! What is in us is our human legacy, and too much of the world is being interpreted by politicized concrete thinkers worries about their jobs.

We are not doing enough to cooperatively solve the problems of the world with writers and inventors. We give money to and place these individuals in a hill somewhere far from the masses which can be influenced very little by these thinkers. The thinker and creative problem solver is where? 

Everyone mostly going through a day of routine programming on a daily basis, until you are in a rut and cannot get out. But it is so colorful there! Everything else is grayed out on the comm bar.

ART is now redefined to be not artifact, that which is left behind, but the better: 

ART is the synthetic alliance of thinking, engineering, science, and invention with fine arts, writing, film making, and music.

Do you see this? Write to us at the site. Most are unmoved by most things, they are creatures of blind routine and program: ARE YOU?

  We are emerging into the new Age of Cooperative Spirituality, an illumination of our purpose, and our abilities; they are miraculous, so we must make everyone aware of their power to not only create ideas, but line up the IDEAS FACTORIES in SERIES and in PARALLEL, and publish the entries in DGI: If I give you a positive idea, now we both have it, I lost nothing.  Are you getting this? writes us at DGI


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