
There is more than a general ignorance about the world, but a total lack of training of the people, at least in US, France, UK from what I have seen. The people need an uplift in most of their capabilities and actions.

The primary programming environments, the ones we call "they" mistakenly, are our parents (they get the story 30 years late), neighborhoods (they mostly sell things 5 different ways, not much more), our financial situation programs us incorrectly: in fact money is easy to make in business; problem is we do not yet transmit this emotion to the people, the methods from grades 3,4,5,6.  

Elementary schools are really elementary in other places! Cuba you are shown much more, with more heart and service, intelligence and creativity.  Family, neighborhood, "schools" (I speak with the old teachers and they were prevented from showing people business, the real one, where you start 3-120 simultaneously).

 The emotion is mostly taken from the people in programming them, a biochemical governor is installed.  Oh, not just if you look around, after all the people are all the same of course. But inside, what is there? Have they been trained in heart, service, being in their own business. 

They are tame domesticates, we speak of the 3% that can take actual action in most groups. The rest are bystanders and critics. Of course, element 5 in our programming is the set up of our brain circuits, about half we get from family: they have to interpret what the cameras see.  Political imprisonment. I write why wars start: anger is a precursor to violence; calculated group anger is a prelude to war. Passive-aggressive information denial and mental illness by 2% of the  governances, plus lack of cooperatives of thought and action.   

Do you see what I am doing? Each country (of which there are none! Those lines are not on the Earth, we are one people with variance in isolated pool genetics, which helps. has millions of people grown with those brains: 

In WORLD COMMUNICATOR I put the people in the world in communication with each other, so they can each read the DGI lists of questions, and the answers, and add to them. They can then learn more and answer, or simplify, other questions on the site. 

Horrors of horrors, it did not take money half the time, and the other half what it took mostly was cooperation and information sharing. 

Department of Good Ideas is a central bank of the contents of our PERSONAL BROCHURES, the IDEA SHARING of the GOOD NEWS we have for others within us. Presently, if you notice, the streets are either library silent, or the excitement has mostly to do with drinking and eating (what I put out there for my domesticated animals).  

All business sites like Linked In part should be how to escape job and go into multiple businesses thereby leaving more "job" for the people who need them before they engage in the emotion of business.  The idea of the EXPONENTIAL MONEY MULTIPLICATION "machine" that we we all supposed to be building, just like we all need a "car" and a "place to live," we all need a financial money multiplication machine. Why? There were 100 Billionaire families in the year 0. They were in agriculture and military defense; they got the commodities industry going, late came custom products (In 1888 John Brown from wall street created "they buy what we sell them.") Since we all need goods and services, and a place to hang our hats, we need to make money, but how? Not the way our primary programming environments, in their passive-aggressive silence, reveal.  In my science fiction all these concepts come into play in the social scripts. Right now the scripts are set up by concrete thinkers who mechanically take out heart, desire to be of service. Smart is the new dumb, because its idea is there is not enough to go around. Intelligence, the sum of the smart fields in our brain, multiplies abundance.  The idea itself of a central bank of ideas: we believe the one bank is 15 banks, not one. This is a cooperative website: writer inventor site.  My concept of IDEA SHARING leads to the re-ignition of the IDEA FACTORIES which are in us; they appear to rust after 30, and are hormone driven before.  I can see all this because I got lucky! I always had my own reading program and for play I made inventions and started little businesses. I want to give this emotion to the others. Those that do more than what the "school" tells them.  For any group, an inventory of all the questions are given to all of the people: DGI asks all of the people for all of the answers to all of the questions: this unison of minds in thought and reference to their memories, what they have seen, forms the basis of a MASS MIND which can globally do much good.  DGI is a good ideas factory, but cannot penetrate the social script without a celebrity or giant billboards. I use 11.99 a month only to save the world.  Once the idea factories are back on, and everyone is reading all the questions and answers, we all become much brighter! The ideas are lined up in PARALLEL (we all do our own projects and report) and in SERIES (we collaborate on problem solving from our own unique perspectives).  Again, none of this is done until I make my movie I suppose. The sense is the people do not care about most things, especially human uplift in all areas, from the poor education in their first 5 environments.  We are coming out of 12,000 years of barbarism but: where is the thinker, the mathematician, the new leaders and teachers, the philosopher, (the economist is a fool, they do not create for the individual), the religious person: 

Since the cutting down of 95% of the trees  we are de-gassed of forest molecules and forest food. We wake up in safe mode and are driven from studies.  Politics: not so. politics is the study of power and power relationships. What I see in these countries is lack of integration with the ideas that help all people. There are dictators and poor thinkers both.  The people of the countries have ALL THE OTHER countries for help. Thinking is free, but we do not value at this time (in my books, of course; the people are better) of it. 

I will find some thinkers and creative problem solvers. See the website: the problems are solved! The people have lost the power of cooperative thought and how to create for each other opportunity, benefit, or service.  If you can get us some thinkers, some creative problem solvers,champions of themes, those that would discuss valuable themes. We only need 14. Check out DGI see some of the thoughts: The world was easy, the people hard.


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