Your machines should be working for you while you sleep
In Linked-in I represent the diaspora from job into multiple businesses. Now I bring you: your computer works for you while you sleep and is your "Exponential Money Multiplication machine," double or more. Feed it mail addresses, the computer sends it at night while you sleep.
This is actually one definition of how capital is made; the factory gets half the price of the product, the merchant the other half, for creating a spot on the shelf. Of course, you really have your computer doing this 24-7, and you get a second computer.
You go to sleep, and the computer keeps networking. You wake up to powerful information data and you see your checking account deposits for the sales amounts received by credit card or PayPal purchases of your WELL ADVERTISED websites.
Somehow these things are not explained to the American people in what is tragically called school, in fact specialized skills and job center. Does this have to do with emotions, some misperception of their use?
There are 240 countries, and 11,000 island-countries. We need all their information! And the Opportunity indices for all places, something we develop with you at Department Of Good Ideas (dot com, or just google it). I thought: My Goddess! The people were not shown business in grade 3,4,5,6! Now I know it is an emotion as real as the one that gives the traditional job worker their incentive; mine is freedom, and I suspect that for the 85% that feel better from "job" it is not much use if they do not feel a certain measure of comfort and safety. Also, the people on this site are not sales people. The best sales jobs are more like 15-20 hours a week and make thousands.
You do not know that you grew up, a flower of Nature that walks around and takes pictures which affect our emotions, in a world run by politicized concrete thinkers which seldom employ "heart" as a rightful tool. Simply said: creativity and heart have been marginalized; if they were front and center: DGI style thinking is more popular.
Think! Think for some small time here now: We all need a Complete World piture view of how things are in the 240 countries and 11,000 island countries. What are we, stupid that we have all these little screens (I miss the old days, you would start the computer, took a while, but somehow 5 minutes later your pants were down to your ankles! Ah, the Golden age of Computing.) and we do not use them to achieve Enlightement and Self-Realization abilities in a new Age of Spiritual Cooperation?
Recall: DGI is early to the party. Read my books, they have interesting subjects and a new style of writing inventions. These things of which I speak are more lived out in the stories. We are all story tellers and I show you how to write in 12 minutes, and how to invent in 3.
And, this would not be DGI if I did not point out the reason why the people are so attracted to the flickering screens: we have in us a circuit that survived that found water supplies by the shimmer of the sun on the water surface caustics. Who's your Data, baby?
This is an environment (about 4 categories of stimuli come in, 1 category interprets) which does not compare notes from the School, which is everything around you, the world and its contents, to stimulate your mind, to shake off the rust you feel.
One brain design accounts for 85% (respond in similar ways to the society pop behavior and interpretation scripts, the payoffs), the other 15% are the more unusual brains: they respond to their own thoughts and their own stimuli for the most part; they do not read the social script half the time, they interpret the world different. Artists? This is such a Dark Age...
But few like to sell. I say: get an assistant that does. This stuff in the future is automatic pretty much, but the persons are in a TRANCE. I saw the graduation people all in black, I say who died? I know for a fact they were not shown business, and also how to get a job. They were not shown how to make money from art, writing, inventions. The idea is to sum the incomes in other countries, here it is more "I am this job" then the title is said. In countries like Cuba, Italy, Spain, Brazil and many others the life is different: yes, they have a job, but more discovered is what they would do it they had money. Half the things are free, and the other half is mostly cooperation.
Not much of the important things are shown from what I see. I went to a number one high school and top ten university. The sins of omission are numerous, lucky me I discovered how to study better and speed read pop science books (there are only 3 ideas max, the rest is cannon fodder, look for them immediately, give the book away). For the harder books:
do one chapter per day, one homework problem per day, get a tutor to explain lines of reasoning to you. You do not have to spend $50,000 to learn the physics of 10 books; you need overviews. When you develop a project (that is the hard part, took me 200 years), your projects draw backwards and you get specialists to assist. You read the books for the part you need, creativity and being clever is the hard part.
We should all be giving World and Life reports to each other in our Idea Brochures. Our Good News pamphlets. America must return pamphleteering to the foreground of traditions; we all have something positive to say, and lots of it.
This is that free energy we are all looking for: the power of minds to share what they see in the world in a special format of mind which predisposes us to be of service to each other, simple: The Ideas Good News Brochures stimulate minds to thought, the IDEAS FACTORIES light up, product is created (thought ideas, simplification of problems). They are CONNECTED in series (team working on same problem) or parallel (independent research, both good).
Why are we so reserved? Because of the rusting of the thinking and idea creation (by fractal collages playing in viz 12, being observed by Brodmann 10. (B 10, for all we know, is the Master Cylinder).
That, by the way, is the way Alcoa started: it is called MASTER MIND PRINCIPLE. You get the specialists to focus on the assignment, and you organize the enterprise.
What of the world and its contents, or the brain and its contents, of our fears and worries and their contents? We are one big filing cabinet with a TV in the back. Out of our eyes look 7 sets of eyes, also a constant scanning of our 14-18 "maps of reality" that we check 18 times a minute without noticing. Our eyes engage in saccades.
Do you notice that we are like musical instruments, that our instrument is us and the notes our emotions? Our smile is like the piano's which can be happy or sad.
Do you read what I write on this silly place (writing on Linked-in, hello guys). Of course people want to work 20 hours a week, the rest of the income by robot and automatic websites, arts, for me it was always Eclectic, something I could see for myself fit the style of thought I had since 2 years old, when I was born, the first time I could retrieve memory and form a collage for analysis. I looked to the right and down, as I still remember (Eidetic Recall, fun). In colors, my inner self informed me that there was an outside of the camera, and an inside of the camera, and that second scenario defined ME. Consciousness as a point of view, a somewhat uninteresting house guest that gets its mail from the Emotional Control Box, the work in progress review (Brodmann 10).
I thought everyone would like to have robots cook for them while they sleep (crock pot), and robot salesmen going everywhere in the world to talk to clients. I am getting frustrated even now as I write this because who would not want freedom! Who would not use these machines to make their money, push the Money Monster and go about your business! Ah well, it is possible that this opens up for me because I do have many things to do from my eclectic interests. Our writer inventor cooperative shows you how to write in 12 minutes and how to invent in 3. Those things have to be on the back burner, then DGI can power them up. 500 years ago the thought was that only the sons of some noblemen could read and write. Then, the methods of reading and writing were develop;ed and transmitted. Same situation today to those in 2519: they have re defined art and have found the way to transmit thought, creative thought instruction on how to build mental collages from ideas in ideation form: we riff and make new ideas from that, like a pool shot. We need to develop these art methods to instruct in the very process of creation, or, evolvivity. We have many more miraculous powers within, but they are powered up, if circuits are built and not atrophied, by emotion: Energy of Motion. This precious gold is used in Motivation, motor activation by energy of motion. You also would have needed, by necessity of commodity, my TV TRAVEL invention which takes you all over the world's cities and neighborhoods, and you learn from them (their department embassy is a branch of their department of commerce, among the 8 humans possessions we need to uplift: Mind, Body, Money, Spirit, Social Life (?), Special Projects (for the 3% that are extra credit students). Also there is TIME and EMOTION of which we know little. Uplift those with efficiency of use and positivity.
God of War or God of Peace? Both onto universe? Or is it more hidden.
The world was easy, the people hard: 95% of the trees cut down, and we act like middle century peasants with better lighting. If a monster from space came and said, "I will give you a fun way of getting around, but you must give me 23 M people every year," we would be aghast! (whatever that means); Henry Ford did it and he is a genius! We can uplift all our dimensions but we must have the business owner mentality. The other mentality I suppose fits right in place, and at least should have the knowledge about business (1000 skills that pay $40-400 per hour, gigs that pay $500-1500. In Cuba we know these things, big surprise that the cooperative system of work and information sharing is not really shown here. Or how to be eclectic. This money thing is a big headache, if you have your emotions for this, you of course do it: TRADE SHOWS for industries in city convention halls: the booth costs 15 K, but you make 1-3 fortunes, you work 5 weeks a year. Same thing dealer network: in a store, we walk down the aisles; why are we not on the other side,where we put products on the shelves? Why do not the stores create a spot on the shelf for the products of their workers, so they get started in multiple businesses. 100 dealers for you in a metro X 100$ per store per month = more money than you can shake a stick at! So something is wrong if I cannot just speak this and not get hundreds of people to try it: emotions, that's it. I forgot my list, and the user application manual, I must have misplaced it. Will you send me yours? What's that, you don't have one either. That's funny, I thought we went to school! Send us ideas, read DGI, comment and please do not ask us to do things only a contortionist can do; we are not circus affiliated.
This is actually one definition of how capital is made; the factory gets half the price of the product, the merchant the other half, for creating a spot on the shelf. Of course, you really have your computer doing this 24-7, and you get a second computer.
You go to sleep, and the computer keeps networking. You wake up to powerful information data and you see your checking account deposits for the sales amounts received by credit card or PayPal purchases of your WELL ADVERTISED websites.
Somehow these things are not explained to the American people in what is tragically called school, in fact specialized skills and job center. Does this have to do with emotions, some misperception of their use?
There are 240 countries, and 11,000 island-countries. We need all their information! And the Opportunity indices for all places, something we develop with you at Department Of Good Ideas (dot com, or just google it). I thought: My Goddess! The people were not shown business in grade 3,4,5,6! Now I know it is an emotion as real as the one that gives the traditional job worker their incentive; mine is freedom, and I suspect that for the 85% that feel better from "job" it is not much use if they do not feel a certain measure of comfort and safety. Also, the people on this site are not sales people. The best sales jobs are more like 15-20 hours a week and make thousands.
You do not know that you grew up, a flower of Nature that walks around and takes pictures which affect our emotions, in a world run by politicized concrete thinkers which seldom employ "heart" as a rightful tool. Simply said: creativity and heart have been marginalized; if they were front and center: DGI style thinking is more popular.
Think! Think for some small time here now: We all need a Complete World piture view of how things are in the 240 countries and 11,000 island countries. What are we, stupid that we have all these little screens (I miss the old days, you would start the computer, took a while, but somehow 5 minutes later your pants were down to your ankles! Ah, the Golden age of Computing.) and we do not use them to achieve Enlightement and Self-Realization abilities in a new Age of Spiritual Cooperation?
Recall: DGI is early to the party. Read my books, they have interesting subjects and a new style of writing inventions. These things of which I speak are more lived out in the stories. We are all story tellers and I show you how to write in 12 minutes, and how to invent in 3.
And, this would not be DGI if I did not point out the reason why the people are so attracted to the flickering screens: we have in us a circuit that survived that found water supplies by the shimmer of the sun on the water surface caustics. Who's your Data, baby?
This is an environment (about 4 categories of stimuli come in, 1 category interprets) which does not compare notes from the School, which is everything around you, the world and its contents, to stimulate your mind, to shake off the rust you feel.
One brain design accounts for 85% (respond in similar ways to the society pop behavior and interpretation scripts, the payoffs), the other 15% are the more unusual brains: they respond to their own thoughts and their own stimuli for the most part; they do not read the social script half the time, they interpret the world different. Artists? This is such a Dark Age...
But few like to sell. I say: get an assistant that does. This stuff in the future is automatic pretty much, but the persons are in a TRANCE. I saw the graduation people all in black, I say who died? I know for a fact they were not shown business, and also how to get a job. They were not shown how to make money from art, writing, inventions. The idea is to sum the incomes in other countries, here it is more "I am this job" then the title is said. In countries like Cuba, Italy, Spain, Brazil and many others the life is different: yes, they have a job, but more discovered is what they would do it they had money. Half the things are free, and the other half is mostly cooperation.
Not much of the important things are shown from what I see. I went to a number one high school and top ten university. The sins of omission are numerous, lucky me I discovered how to study better and speed read pop science books (there are only 3 ideas max, the rest is cannon fodder, look for them immediately, give the book away). For the harder books:
do one chapter per day, one homework problem per day, get a tutor to explain lines of reasoning to you. You do not have to spend $50,000 to learn the physics of 10 books; you need overviews. When you develop a project (that is the hard part, took me 200 years), your projects draw backwards and you get specialists to assist. You read the books for the part you need, creativity and being clever is the hard part.
We should all be giving World and Life reports to each other in our Idea Brochures. Our Good News pamphlets. America must return pamphleteering to the foreground of traditions; we all have something positive to say, and lots of it.
This is that free energy we are all looking for: the power of minds to share what they see in the world in a special format of mind which predisposes us to be of service to each other, simple: The Ideas Good News Brochures stimulate minds to thought, the IDEAS FACTORIES light up, product is created (thought ideas, simplification of problems). They are CONNECTED in series (team working on same problem) or parallel (independent research, both good).
Why are we so reserved? Because of the rusting of the thinking and idea creation (by fractal collages playing in viz 12, being observed by Brodmann 10. (B 10, for all we know, is the Master Cylinder).
That, by the way, is the way Alcoa started: it is called MASTER MIND PRINCIPLE. You get the specialists to focus on the assignment, and you organize the enterprise.
What of the world and its contents, or the brain and its contents, of our fears and worries and their contents? We are one big filing cabinet with a TV in the back. Out of our eyes look 7 sets of eyes, also a constant scanning of our 14-18 "maps of reality" that we check 18 times a minute without noticing. Our eyes engage in saccades.
Do you notice that we are like musical instruments, that our instrument is us and the notes our emotions? Our smile is like the piano's which can be happy or sad.
Do you read what I write on this silly place (writing on Linked-in, hello guys). Of course people want to work 20 hours a week, the rest of the income by robot and automatic websites, arts, for me it was always Eclectic, something I could see for myself fit the style of thought I had since 2 years old, when I was born, the first time I could retrieve memory and form a collage for analysis. I looked to the right and down, as I still remember (Eidetic Recall, fun). In colors, my inner self informed me that there was an outside of the camera, and an inside of the camera, and that second scenario defined ME. Consciousness as a point of view, a somewhat uninteresting house guest that gets its mail from the Emotional Control Box, the work in progress review (Brodmann 10).
I thought everyone would like to have robots cook for them while they sleep (crock pot), and robot salesmen going everywhere in the world to talk to clients. I am getting frustrated even now as I write this because who would not want freedom! Who would not use these machines to make their money, push the Money Monster and go about your business! Ah well, it is possible that this opens up for me because I do have many things to do from my eclectic interests. Our writer inventor cooperative shows you how to write in 12 minutes and how to invent in 3. Those things have to be on the back burner, then DGI can power them up. 500 years ago the thought was that only the sons of some noblemen could read and write. Then, the methods of reading and writing were develop;ed and transmitted. Same situation today to those in 2519: they have re defined art and have found the way to transmit thought, creative thought instruction on how to build mental collages from ideas in ideation form: we riff and make new ideas from that, like a pool shot. We need to develop these art methods to instruct in the very process of creation, or, evolvivity. We have many more miraculous powers within, but they are powered up, if circuits are built and not atrophied, by emotion: Energy of Motion. This precious gold is used in Motivation, motor activation by energy of motion. You also would have needed, by necessity of commodity, my TV TRAVEL invention which takes you all over the world's cities and neighborhoods, and you learn from them (their department embassy is a branch of their department of commerce, among the 8 humans possessions we need to uplift: Mind, Body, Money, Spirit, Social Life (?), Special Projects (for the 3% that are extra credit students). Also there is TIME and EMOTION of which we know little. Uplift those with efficiency of use and positivity.
God of War or God of Peace? Both onto universe? Or is it more hidden.
The world was easy, the people hard: 95% of the trees cut down, and we act like middle century peasants with better lighting. If a monster from space came and said, "I will give you a fun way of getting around, but you must give me 23 M people every year," we would be aghast! (whatever that means); Henry Ford did it and he is a genius! We can uplift all our dimensions but we must have the business owner mentality. The other mentality I suppose fits right in place, and at least should have the knowledge about business (1000 skills that pay $40-400 per hour, gigs that pay $500-1500. In Cuba we know these things, big surprise that the cooperative system of work and information sharing is not really shown here. Or how to be eclectic. This money thing is a big headache, if you have your emotions for this, you of course do it: TRADE SHOWS for industries in city convention halls: the booth costs 15 K, but you make 1-3 fortunes, you work 5 weeks a year. Same thing dealer network: in a store, we walk down the aisles; why are we not on the other side,where we put products on the shelves? Why do not the stores create a spot on the shelf for the products of their workers, so they get started in multiple businesses. 100 dealers for you in a metro X 100$ per store per month = more money than you can shake a stick at! So something is wrong if I cannot just speak this and not get hundreds of people to try it: emotions, that's it. I forgot my list, and the user application manual, I must have misplaced it. Will you send me yours? What's that, you don't have one either. That's funny, I thought we went to school! Send us ideas, read DGI, comment and please do not ask us to do things only a contortionist can do; we are not circus affiliated.