I go to your schools, show me the money!
Where you go is a specialized skills training center, not universal city. I came out different: I misunderstood the instruction to just do one thing; my one thing was life! It was the sum of all the positive experiences I wanted to continue doing. For me it was literature, science, sports, make money, play drums; I saw it clearly that way. My concept for the money was different than the concept for the other areas of interest. History does not catch up to us until we are 50, then you begin to notice more patterns, and if lucky, the pattern of patterns. Berkeley is a public school, Ivy league shows you how to own the company with both knowledge and contacts. In a public school you learn mostly how to work for another person. If being in your own multiple businesses, as the head of the company, interests you, it must be on your back burner to succeed. It must become one of your four or five most important themes, maybe 6. At this Dark Age we do not yet understand em...