
Showing posts from April, 2020

I go to your schools, show me the money!

Where you go is a specialized skills training center, not universal city. I came out different: I misunderstood the instruction to just do one thing; my one thing was life! It was the sum of all the positive experiences I wanted to continue doing. For me it was literature, science, sports, make money, play drums; I saw it clearly that way. My concept for the money was different than the concept for the other areas of interest. History does not catch up to us until we are 50, then you begin to notice more patterns, and if lucky, the pattern of patterns. Berkeley is a public school, Ivy league shows you how to own the company with both knowledge and contacts. In a public school you learn mostly how to work for another person. If being in your own multiple businesses, as the head of the company, interests you, it must be on your back burner to succeed. It must become one of your four or five most important themes, maybe 6.  At this Dark Age we do not yet understand em...

Will Somebody Tell Me What an Economy is, please

(Written in invisible ink, highlight it to read) The most ridiculous thing to come out of this pandemic, my first by the way, is to not notice that 80% of the people are broke no savings. Nobody cares, media does not give answers, there is a spiritual  laringitis . One answer: The community is asked for the answer by way of  contests . The next one is that we have lost the ability to ask large numbers of people for the answers to problems. Using large numbers of brains can average out to the answers. New lines of reasoning are always needed. The below is a design to change the numbers from 20% well off or rich and 80%, broke or poor, to 80% well off and 20% poor. Then, it would be easier to have these larger numbers help a smaller number of poor. Some of the poor are just broke: they could get a job or create a business if shown and supported. IDEA SHARING will become that free energy we are all looking for. From Cuba : the best things in life cannot b...

New Horizon Coming Into View

Certainly we can prompt the audience, you can customize the knowledge we have. After all, the claim is to have information that you may need or find interesting, but you do not know about, do not know you do not know it. Clearly this “opening the business again” seems to imply a national contest of ideas. In my idea, we all appear online in a virtual world that really, can’t be any more terrible than this one! We are given two or three websites by the American Computing Bastards (ACB), and google gives us free advertising for awhile. There, you like that one? This is Warren Peace, broadcasting right here right now. So much is in the cooperation of ideas that we are not taught about at central programming (school, family, neighborhood), and having a passive-aggressor circuit built in to prevent acquiring full knowledge of how money is made, which is both by conventional, and by creative clever methods, both drawing from the same database. The database is international. ...

Towards a Brief History of Humanity

We are coming out of 12,000 years of barbarism. For 3000 years we thought the voices in our heads were gods, now we know it was my mother-in-law!  Is the Human a type of machine-animal? Is a machine a connected series of mechanisms, with a mechanism being an input output device? We are told the cell is like a machine, the body is like a machine, the brain is like a machine. Very well, then we ourselves perhaps are like a machine, one that is programmed by the repetitive suggestions, hypnosi of light, sound, and touch, over time. We have an impressionable crystal there, a powerful pattern-analyzer.  We are like an observatory that walks around with two telescopes and also has a biochemical post-quantum pattern analyzer, our brains. The neocortex  Our psyches are subject to both what is presented, and what is denied. Each object or idea (interior object) is an icon, and each icon may have a series of emotional associations with memories of other similar c...

Post America

Will finally be that information evolution.       Join our Science Fiction stor y of the week club today! Simple web sign up, first two stories free What is going to be different is the influence of the thinker and the creative problem solver, and the promotions of the positive ideas, and we need your help in your area, to promote the search for voices, for writers, for inventors, and those that make visionary film with cheap equipment, comparatively, a type of censorship. The script and acting are 75% of the impact.   The world of ideas is an untapped resource which the media does not seek much. The reports are either droll, political, or boring, sensationalistic: where is their GOOD NEWS, which is our program: what else is going on that is of a positive, empowering tone? The GOOD NEWS reports it by reading newspapers and scientific magazines. Being from Cuba, I am tourist-journalist-analyst in my approach to the world. I notice many...