New Horizon Coming Into View
Certainly we can prompt the audience, you can customize the knowledge we have. After all, the claim is to have information that you may need or find interesting, but you do not know about, do not know you do not know it.
Clearly this “opening the business again” seems to imply a national contest of ideas. In my idea, we all appear online in a virtual world that really, can’t be any more terrible than this one! We are given two or three websites by the American Computing Bastards (ACB), and google gives us free advertising for awhile. There, you like that one? This is Warren Peace, broadcasting right here right now.
So much is in the cooperation of ideas that we are not taught about at central programming (school, family, neighborhood), and having a passive-aggressor circuit built in to prevent acquiring full knowledge of how money is made, which is both by conventional, and by creative clever methods, both drawing from the same database. The database is international.
Interesting that this website is about physics, brain research, inventions, and writing, and yet this lifestyle design social engineering and its psychology appears to be low-hanging fruit in easy problems to solve. What came out of it is we are in some sort of trance. Then what came out of that is that that is exactly how we are programmed: we are programmed devices that operate by ILLUSION posted by our own yet-to-be-known about self hypnosis. There are literally about 18 illusion maps of reality in front of our eyes. Thankfully the energies all balance out, to our reckoning! Else we would just go about our business and ignore our greater selves, the service of the others, or the care of the planet!
The power of suggestion will be found to be 10,000,000,000 times more powerful than we suspect yet in this Dark Age, this Box people age. Suggestions are powerful now, but we do not realize it, and they reach into your very core. Think: grandmother heirloom.
One foot in barbarism, one foot stepping to a more Utopian* yet challenged age, The Age of SpiriTual Cooperation.
Find us people that want to develop one or more of these concerns: sales, business, humanitarian, of heart, optimize some quality of theirs, philosophers, writers, inventors, the ones that have dreams, and most of all the ones that do not derive their identity from their activities. I teach their children reading, also.
Prompt: I possess the knowledge and experience in buying all items from an estate including cars at 70–95% off retail in their special sales once a month. These things can be used or sold, can be profitable. This also includes boats and airplanes! There are things in front of my eyes that I do not hear about, and that surprises me, because they are there, in front of my eyes.
Another big surprise: Who was teaching only money after 30? The trip is science (mind, reading), sports (top physical fitness and fun), Money (businesses, ideally, skills), and Spirit (of which we know little). Social life (luck), whatever projects we can talk ourselves into.
Clearly show all students the emotion for multiple small businesses at 12! Easier then! We have the choices for them! But, we have to feel it (icon outside corresponds to activation of the same icon representation inside, they have to vibe)
Since connection is so important in nature, we gain from each business a new social circle, at least the others that are in that business, and the people they know, and the parties they throw, and that we can throw for them.