Re Awaken your True Inner Powers

They are dimmed by the unfortunate bright lights of societal ignorance. When you got here, this was the movie playing. What do you make of it? Take an inventory: positive, negative elements. Good and Bad is mostly addressing the programming of the new cortex to interpret societal rules of social behavior and deference to social standings, restraints on the herd. These are psychological affectations, mostly.

                                  Abandoned train tunnel

Humanity is in concert at all times, and all ages.

Contentment appears to be an illness, like old age, so watch out, stay inside and don't go out until it goes away and is replaced by curiosity and enthusiastic learning. "Education" fails, is anything but, because there is little learning there, just mechanical job training for a world set up by concrete thinkers who do not know that the heart powers imagination, imagination powers vision including humanitarianism. Notice about 3% of the rich celebrities are doing something; being humanitarians should have been hammered into us at the specialized skills training centers.

Not much can be"hammered" in there, the impressionable crystal can only take so much. There is the icon we see, are exposed to, and the corresponding emotion for that icon in us, in our memories, and the connection of the icon to other icons and images. It happens automatically, why we cry at movies. 

 Service to others by dedicated steps, is truly service to ourselves. Only those with a parallel study personal path can gain the perspectives to see this? Those who have access to various learnings and can choose more freely the things in life? Vision alone does not cure blindness. To "see" requires the emotion of all 7 smart fields, the emotional energy contained in the memories we can recall, and an intelligence which can access the 7 smart fields, dampening and amplifying their intensities in concert.

 Which sounds wonderful. Our here in California we have Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and Mormon/Christ scientist. We have a big problem. None of these groups have a Department of Good Ideas, they are not unified in community creation of positive ideas, thought and purpose: to make life better for ourselves, others, and the planet. Few are thinking after 30, and then mostly about money only, and how to avoid the family life(!) they have.

Of course, we are planning an interfaith softball tournament, and the winner is the number one religion for the year!

We are not producing ideas for the numbers of people we have: they are simply not trained in original ideas, the process of ideation and montage of partial imaging, and it does not come naturally to perhaps 85% or 97% of the people. 

Problem is education versus actual learning. The people, reasonably enough, think they are being taught something in schools, they seem well meaning enough. Sadly I went to number 1 high school top 10 school, and there was very little learning because since 1947 the teachers, under penalty of job censure or loss, were not allowed to speak on the ways to make money. Why? 80% of the people here and other places have no savings or comfortable money situation: with the correct principles taught by teachers, all can have the knowledge, and the emotion can be trained once the possibilities are more clear. 

I have met the teachers, and found this to be so, big surprise.  The world cities were started by those who could gain power and hold it, who could grow food and sell it. Now, the creative person who can use their mind to create, sees something else: If all, say in a congregation, were asked: What positive ideas do you have to uplift others in Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, and Social life? What adventures and humanitarian projects do you suggest? 

What questions of the general population do you have? This way, we all learn from each others. Free, which means it is one of the best things in nature: the best things in this life are free, they are nature's gifts and you cannot buy them or steal them. Do you see the immense value of each of us sharing the contents of our public minds? 

I broke the ice at DEPARTMENTOFGOODIDEAS.COM  with a structure and its properties, new observations. I am writer inventor and this department is a writer inventor cooperative that claims we are under the wrong kind of trance: It causes self neglect, neglect of others, neglect of planet. Do you like these ideas? Write to me at, get me thinkers, show them this work. We must return the power of the word!  After doing this a couple of years, I realize the people are not trained in self-amazement or service to each other. We can change this around with the ideas in the bible.

My Utopian direction methods were designed to be interpreted by an eager, cooperative, enlightened group of people, hopefully in search of self-realization. The finding of all their parts. We are distracted and dissuaded from thoughts about such things, and I see it is a biochemical setting in our 21 circuits in the control box of emotions. 

In radio interviews, I keep pointing out that the number 1 thing we lack is the learning program for all of us to be in businesses, so that 80% of the people are not caught in a pandemic with zero savings. This is an easily remedied national disgrace, but it includes the emotions. The need to reset the emotions of habit, sex, and money, the primal drivers, is number one agenda for the box people. The trance (we operate by about 18 trances we constantly check) needs to be altered to be in realistic correspondence with the lives we lead, half in shadow of ignorance, half in the light of the positive emotions we can feel. I'm on the case. Is our shadow the body of our soul?


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