Clarifications as simple as possible
We do many things Shawn, and presently I am writing a blockbuster for an agency, Science fiction.
My other one was The Earth and its Tyrants which I am trying to sell.
Not because I care so much about money; it seems far away from my concerns, and at 21, in front of the library I remember all of a sudden shouting, "Who needs money for anything?"
Of course over the years I realized that money did figure in somewhere, but I had found 156 ways to work 2 hours a day and 2 days a week, and my apartment on Haight St. was $100 a month. I figured, since I had done it by just looking, I thought everyone could do this too. The curtain falls...
I was sharper, I could see. Sight alone does not cure blindness, and I could see that: the people that throughout the years I has seen as heroes, giants in science, ready to help governance.
But, 9-11 changed all that. I sat for what seemed like a week waiting, waiting for my people, for some kind of Scientific United Front to form, for the scientists to come together and say enough is enough. It was an of course to me, had we not been told we were the best and brightest, did they not pat us on the back?
Nothing. I sobered up. I had been trained to be a top problem solver, and I was. I shook the dust off my mind: enough of these poor thinkers! I went to work.
I created Department of Good Ideas, but then realized they people could not really think, they had not been taught a definition, what there is to think about, how to fire up their idea factories and share, Idea share all the public content to the central idea data bank. Yes, of course! That was the free energy we always speak about and never seem to find: The energy of our thoughts, our ideas, our creative problem solving! Why, quickly I would have hundreds of ideas, and their sum would power up the network. The AI began to give the emotional support for the people, how to do this.
What I thought the psychologists would do, what the philosopher MUST do (instead of writing books about dead philosophers), what the economists (think man: we are running around the economy, the economy, the economy, and no one but me has given a definition! Google it: have we been told like below what an economy is?
"An economy is a type of cloud into which corporations enter from 3-120 times for the purpose of extracting profit. Profit is defined as the first dollar you make after you pay the expenses to keep your MONEY MULTIPLICATION MACHINE going." We are corporations, corpus.
Quite frankly I hope you are well. I got lucky, the good things pumped me up, the negative things in my life were dampened and I recovered always.
Our parents did not know; the parents get the story 30 years late, and there are no open community banks except DGI, of ideas. People liked it, but still did not get it.
And the money so you can push it aside, have your money $500-10,000 a day from the sum of your businesses. They give you more time! You finally control your time! It is like I discovered a big secret. Why would the others not tell us?
I had gone to the number 1 high school, and top 10 university: why was I not shown what I know now, making fortunes in TRADE SHOWS (1-3 fortunes 5 times a year in industry shows; why did my family not have this)
And miracles of miracles, at the trade show you meet DEALER NETWORKS, another thing our parents did not know. I could see: there was basic information about pushing the buttons in American and World business, and we had neither been shown the buttons or the EMOTION, energy of motion, for our motivation, motor activation.
You should see these motors, they are all over our bodies, and look amazing. We were getting a department information lecture for the physics department. Sadly, the physicists are not trained in World, they are trained in physics. And, apparently, hearts to power imagination are in only 3% of the people, and many don't use their gift.
Me I always had my own study program and I thought everyone else did too. Nope. l had kept studying and the others had stopped as soon as common sense had settled, a type of death for curiosity and enthusiasm.
It was too easy to fix the problems, something more was up. The people have spiritual laryngitis and only speak about other people when not at work! And at work, we are very serious, are we not? We talk shop.
I had a coup! I would promote positive good ideas and give them away free to everyone! Then they would get ideas, and before you know it, we are optimizing our most valuable possessions: Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, Social, Special projects both humanitarian and fun. This way, we would deal with the Money Monster together in knowledge and emotional support from ourselves and others. After all, the Money Monster is the Straw Man for the Time and Health monsters.
Along the way I realized the people were in a trance. In fact, that we work by trances (about 18) that are placed in front of our virtual eyes. Happily, we are a form of programmed device. But, we do not yet know how to IDEA SHARE and line their ideas up in parallel and in series. Where is the physicist, the mathematician? All spinning placidly in one of 66 mentality wheels.
We are programmed by LIGHT, SOUND, AND TOUCH. Our brain is an impressionable medium! When the elasticity goes, the water, from the brain, our memories dim.
Problem is, there are no leaders, and they do not realize the role of the brain in consciousness, in fact it is nearly impossible to find anyone that likes more than 0 interests, or make the ones that like 1 thing want to get an overview of the world and its contents.
So it goes, smart is you read "From the BOOK OF xxx" and figure there is not enough to go around, or you somehow become intelligent (sum of the smart fields in management). Intelligence multiplies abundance.
We take it door to door! We show it on buses, trains, everywhere, and we place it in the National bookstore. By the way, books make about $30,000 and you may find that you can write one once a month like I did, then you are off to the races!
Of course by now you guess that I am eclectic, prolific, and know how to get things done. Call me by text with purpose; do you see the value of having everyone have this book? The AI figured out the Emotional OK and how to get support, the only problem is the TRANCE which now possesses the people: it obviously is better to do your thing for money and be left alone to think, if you are thinker. "Culture" possesses blinders and lenses, which are removed by DGI, if the people can access their Diamond Consciousness. The obdurate tenacity of Will and Imagination, which can access your buttons in the EMOTIONAL CONTROL BOX, by which our routine and spontaneous functions are stored, and their energy allowance.
Yes, we can write fabulous books and produce wonderful nearly magical inventions (we are a writer-inventor cooperative, and know formulas like 100 accounts in the 40 metroplexes (3 M + people) x $100 per month = more money than you can shake a stick at, and the high school guy, or our kids and their friends, run the machine and feed renewals. I used to do that. Another good formula is 20 accounts x $20 a day per account = 400 a day.
You begin to catch on: not only were we not taught these things, but few can clarify the situation like I can. I am more like a bee, which also possesses ant function; most are ants and their wills were guided by others, their instructions are in your Emotional Control Box.
Please contact me, would like to speak. Do you see a different world now? We can work on inventions, fun