Beyond the Illusion of Things
Is our first al-bum, see berkeley. Our next one, of course, is Isolation: you look so good to me I sing and play drums, happily.
After 30 it seems most people need to attach a financial number to how they use their time, unless they are relaxing in social life. But, another way to look at it is you make your money over here, by machine. You put that in the corner, and you go about the business of being Billionaire Mentality.
The standard of living of the top 10% of the people 100 years ago is now had by 90% of the people, but slowly and without much notice except for complaints about the way things are, as if existence was a given, even for us.
Billionaire mentality gives you 90% of the positive emotion that only 10% feel now, and even then, often for self-disappointing reasons.
Notice the entire universe is a factory for time machines (in the forward direction) that make other time machines, all from raw unassembled materials.
So, a money machine is made mathematically as the sum of the incomes that match in comfort and lifestyle, your emotions and multiple entries, as many as you want, from the book we write (I always teach myself by reading my books and watching my films) BOOK OF SKILLS THAT PAY $50–500 PER HOUR AND GIGS THAT PAY $500–2000 PER.
Our other book can be: BOOK OF CAUSES AND THEIR AGENCIES now, so it is not too much, the last entry can and should be: THE BOOK OF DEATHS an industry by industry account of the health hazards and death at the job. One of them is sitting down! Each industry has what they believe are “normal” numbers of workers that die, example construction.
Our book is about the numbers that die in “accidents” and up to what point do they say, “too many” and initiate a problem solving contest? We change the world, we bring in the mechanism of many thinkers in on the creation of new lines of reasoning. The human mind is amazing and we don’t use it individually much, in group cooperation less. Cuba was all about cooperatives, all over the place.
The people use emotion when they should use math, and math when they should be using emotion, quite often. The numbers do lie, and deceive us with illusion. Get this credit card at only 19% rate is false! Not simple rate, but compound rate.
Our minds must be disorganized, like a computer hard drive. Is there reason to this, a type of mathematical Chaos creating for us?
Yet, we exist in our dashboards, directing both actions and thoughts, mind as water, towards whatever targets we have, what we want to do and accomplish. And we all have glitches and blind spots, and operate with blinders and lenses. We need to select what we remember, since we see so much.