Will Somebody Tell Me What an Economy is, please

(Written in invisible ink, highlight it to read) The most ridiculous thing to come out of this pandemic, my first by the way, is to not notice that 80% of the people are broke no savings. Nobody cares, media does not give answers, there is a spiritual laringitis. One answer: The community is asked for the answer by way of contests.

The next one is that we have lost the ability to ask large numbers of people for the answers to problems. Using large numbers of brains can average out to the answers. New lines of reasoning are always needed.

The below is a design to change the numbers from 20% well off or rich and 80%, broke or poor, to 80% well off and 20% poor. Then, it would be easier to have these larger numbers help a smaller number of poor. Some of the poor are just broke: they could get a job or create a business if shown and supported. IDEA SHARING will become that free energy we are all looking for. From Cuba: the best things in life cannot be bought or stolen, they are nature's gifts. 

As a dramatic aside: since 2008 "The economy! The economy!" and nobody has defined what an economy is! How do we really know if we should be concerned? My definition: "An economy is a type of cloud consisting of marketplaces that individuals (corpus) and corporations enter from 3-120 times for the purpose of extracting profits and creating profit centers. The first dollar of profit comes when you have paid all the bills to be in business, and know you are going to make a second dollar."

"How do we open up business again?" should be a national contest, departmentofgoodideas.com   I came up with new creative ideas, and I am one person. Where is the country's suggestion box? We open up online and the "computer industry" gives everybody 2 websites, Facebook free ads, Instagram free ads. Get your own designer. 

I believe I can answer your question. 
May I offer that the "right" answer is the sum of about 15 answers? Also, I am very good looking and if I were not so busy, I would go out with myself!

By way of keywords I am writer-inventor, but I see it more as science, sports, make money, play drums. 

I have been watching this very situation. Education does not mean learning, it is related more to accreditation for the purpose of getting a job. Some learning, but, the overall complete world picture view perhaps can only be revealed to the more eclectic, creative problem solving person. 

There is no job title "thinker" or "creative problem solver," but about 3% develop these skills by having their own parallel study program, which keeps general thoughts more "alive," and the enthusiasm flowing.  

Now, to give the ones who set up the society, the more concrete thinkers, an out, they were concrete thinkers more concerned with politics and money. They did not have the benefit of thinkers and creative problem solvers who may also have heart to power their imagination. The machine as it is set up is one of routine, and to the creative persons who want the world to do well, of disappointment. I distribute the information and the emotion, and tell you that what we have been taught is largely incorrect and passe

It works for 20%, but leaves the 80% stuck in financial molasses. Forget investment, it is all money multiplication by an exponent or factor. 

As an aside I do write this into my science fiction and creative problem solving books, at departmentofgoodideas.com

Notice our first 5 environments by the age of 13 when we still have all the enthusiasm: Family (gets the story 30 years late), neighborhoods (mostly selling things; no hints there is superior learning that should be posted), financial situation (easily solved! See below: we are not thinking), school:  now I meet the teachers and they tell me they were prevented by fear of losing job, politics of job, from giving organized creative business ideas to the students. Environment 5 is your own circuits, their ability to understand what the other 4 environments show. 

As part of their job, the teachers are prevented from giving us the information about the choices in businesses and the emotion to do business. Business schools in general do not teach business! They teach how to work for somebody else who is in business!

My ideas remedy the family problem (national family ideas written by families), the environment problem (I turn buses and light rail into schools for money ideas and social dealings ideas, written by community. The police also give out GOOD NEWS written by the community writers who care). 

Neighborhoods become a continuing learning system. We grow heroes, optimized performers with knowledge and support, whose IDEA FACTORIES are not turned off, or pointed in one direction only. A second option is given, and supported by business ideas involving computers and the basic fundamental principles of business. 

Integrity is so important, that it is always the first thing you have to learn how to fake. 

There is a world, a complete world, that having only one type of knowledge to some degree prevents the overall vision. The  sum of both are needed. We need the single minded and the eclectics to generate new lines of reasoning. We can do whatever we can talk ourselves into, whatever melts our butter. 

We have come out of the cave persons age, but are now in the box people age, not knowing our brains, our emotions, or the world below that I write into my science fiction. The science fiction of today is the common sense of tomorrow. 

Those first 5 environments should have much more, they contain elementary school! We should learn from the other countries, watch this one:

Grade 1: reading, writing, basic calculus concepts
Grade 2: new language
Grade 3: writing books, stories, and articles for profit 
Grade 4: The 4 steps to invention development and sales
Grade 5: International business with computer and buy/sell methods
Grade 6: Film and documentary for profit, being of service to others methods
Grade 7: Optimum health and Nutrition
Grade 8: Ice cream, vanilla, one scoop, one cherry, 2-3 peanuts, you've earned it!

So you see, right there we get the knowledge out in books like this one below, maybe you can help me write or research or find a collaborator, we change America and the world with simple information of a dramatically new type, we modernize the American Business System and everybody wins, crime goes down, happiness goes up, Utopia*, here we come

America is 40 metroplexes (3 M+ people), we take BOOK OF SKILLS THAT PAY $40-500 PER HOUR AND GIGS THAT PAY $500-2000 PER door to door in those 40 metros, and also finally get the psychologists to chip in how to get the emotional OK and support from family, friends in your projects. The book creates a project-driven family and personal alternative to job. It shows how emotion, energy of motion, has a key role in motivation, motor activation by energy of motion.


Job is worked for 5 years or so, as a setup unless you just love it. Then, either way, you develop a MONEY MULTIPLICATION MACHINE, exponential in nature, but truncated over time. Products and services also have life cycles. You learn things to IDEA SHARE also. 

The high school doors were: art, trades, job/STEM path. ALL should have learned the business path! 

80% of the people should not suffer when the information is there to be distributed and even place this book in the National Bookstore of free publications: let us change what your questions ask, you now know the answer:

1 world set up by concrete thinkers; art is not art! it is completely misunderstood
2 First 5 environments fail to convey the true picture of the world, skills options, eclecticism
3 Role of Emotions is not understood by the Box people
4 The specialized skills training centers are great for education, but we still need learning!
5 The heart powers imagination and intelligence. Intelligence creates abundance. Is smart the new dumb?
6 Because perhaps thoughts are seen as diamonds, not many have much to say.
7 We have not given the ability to think, or what there is to think about, to most people
8 DepartmentOfGoodIdeas.com is a central bank that asks all the people for all the answers
9 The books of skills, and the emotions to engage, should be championed
10 Celebrities walk door to door in impoverished cities handing out these books, national support line


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