Essence of Mouse
DGI needs thinkers, at least 15. We have solved many of the great problems in history (chicken or the egg, chicken crossing road) and have been compared to some of the top think tanks, although unfavorably. We figured out how to go from job to business, and so I ask you: Is there really such a thing as too much life insurance for your family and the children? How quickly they forget we are the children; don't you recognize us? Such is the world, and at DGI headquarters we dismiss much of what is exposed in the public face and media, or even in hearsay (which is going down and down), as a poor and cumbersome magic. We have amazing abilities within, and when we form a concert in IDEA SHARING thank you very much, I expect a call from the people in Switzerland at 4 AM (I have been practicing my swiss-french) but no, I discover the people run simple routines after 30, even if that routine may be something interesting like math, physics, or wildlife g...