DGI speaks to Linked-in
Department of good ideas has the new information for you: We awaken those we can from the TRANCE they seem to be under. Our emotions are only taken, for the most part, for the labor of making our money, and of course or it would be silly, to not make the owner of the company 5 times what they pay us.
The vision and tactics from the 240 countries is what we are growing on the site, ideas based on their merit, not source of origin. An inventory of ideas, adventures, opportunities, benefits in other countries, all of them.
There are 11,000 island countries that are going slowly underwater, the glacier rate of melting is now double. Did you hear about this?
Notice why: the media is one of the billionaire strongholds, as is Tobacco, Oil, weapons manufacture, and probably another obvious one. Are movies the counter? Hardly, all they show us is killing people, even in previews.
Notice the people so soft when they are guided into the every day activities, as if it is OK to show all the gory deaths and no sex.
We can all go to the supermarket and buy whatever we want, except sex, which is as basic and the products on the shelf.
We are not in the least made aware of the miracle powers within us, if we can power up and make the time. The idea of working for yourself in 3-120 simultaneous businesses is what we do in Cuba; what do the other 238 countries do?
You are not surprised you have not been shown this inventory of the 240 countries, their OPPORTUNITY INDEX which we need you to help put together.
We do many wonderful things for everyone, and we know the heroes in the story are the families and singler people of heart. DGI has the imagination.
Please help us. We are a bank of positive ideas to help everyone, but the people don't have too many: brush twice a day, exercise every day, that's about it.
The power of thought has been taken away! in the process of subconscious animal domestication, we are routined out and give up our ability to ignite our IDEA FACTORIES, whose products would be reported in parallel (doing your own projects) or in series (cooperative project).
We are ignoring the richest by far source of free energy, but because we are box people, we are being ignorant of the power of thought. DGI is not, but it does take emotion, energy of motion, to even think, much less take action. Especially working 50-60 hours. DGI shows you how to start a new business every day at lunchtime. Everything takes emotion, hopefully positive, and so does the idea that we all sum up our good ideas for the individual and group, and give it: now we both have it, and we give them to the others; all win, nobody loses. Send us a good idea at the site and get a free book selection, thanks. We are a writer-inventor cooperative, and wonder why our emotions were never quite explained to us, yet we are steered by them; where is my list?