Definitive DGI frequently asked questions
Get ready. What you will see below may drive you insane, but at least you won't have to walk. We fell asleep watching Jeopardy, so everything is in the form of a question, but you don't have to answer with a question.
Here are questions from what we don't know we don't know:
Are there secrets to life and living, connections to reality? Yes, we list them.
Are we composed, in parts, of a 7 M year old brain structure and a 250 K "processor/organizer" Mind? Yes.
In the Equator there are 100 types of foods, here only 29. Should the mother before conception perhaps switch to Equatorial foods? You tell me.
Does any peace group ask for solutions from the thinkers and the creative problem solver directly? Apparently not many. DGI does. DGI has idea contests about all the topics, including a million people dying from car accidents yearly.
What think-tank has published the Origins of War? DGI does: Being miffed > Frustration > Conflict > Violence > large scale directed violence (WAR) by this simple formula we see the need for a Department of pre-conflict, and all the people of the world are the contributors. it takes a world, or 15 good thinkers.
Does DGI have THE 16 FREEDOMS report, THE PRINCIPLES AND REMEDIES OF PEACE AND VIOLENCE report? Why yes, thank you for asking.
Do you offer a BILINGUAL POCKET OUIJA BOARD? Yes, its design is to communicate with positive spirits.
Does DGI feel that if as a community of world thinkers in cooperation we solve France and Chicago we just may start a new Utopia movement based on the powers of the positive Mind? yes, of course.
Should the mother be the child's first teacher in home schooling? Great learning when you can get it. It is pre and kindergarten, but better because it's your mom.
Has DGI designed an "emerging consciousness library" that your children discover is in your home for them, as they begin to read? Yes, another reason it's good to visit writer-inventor cooperatives
Is there a better schedule of supplemental learning for elementary school? Frankly yes. DGI brings you up to what is shown in Free Cuba, and you will be surprised.
In high school, is there the need to also show eclectic lifestyles, and business ways to everyone, directly from the Library of congress, in case not every single person wants to be a doctor, lawyer, or "software engineer?" What do you think? Connection: 80% live paycheck-to-paycheck, and another 10% wish they could! Teach them business truths, Mr. president.
Once diffusing into the society, are the people found in mostly 5 places: at home, in the social sphere, on their job mentality wheel, on vacation, or going to and fro back and forth for endless hours in those nauseating little boxes? Yes. Don't you think, or don't you?
Is one of the inventions by DGI a One-Way Spanish dictionary that gets you to your first 1000 words vocabulary and usage faster? Yes. It is for sale in the webstore.
Is there a method to learn to write books (must be on back burner to work) in 12 minutes, and use then 3 minutes to explain invention development? Of course! DGI has all this stuff, it's just there's so much of it, soon better organized.
Is there a dot com that proposes having buses and transit trains become schools for skills to make money to be learned and for community-written methods of dealing with other people? Yes, took this to the mayor's office
Really, you have a New General and Special Theory of Personal Economics, and it shows how to have multiple incomes with the emotional support? Yes, this a triumph of the DGI powers of observation. Goes beyond the "generic ice cream store."
If we all lit up our idea factories and plugged them in on the net to DGI, then lined them up in series, parallel, or both, could we then solve almost every problem with this MASS MIND? Mais oui.
Could we also solve the problems we do not even know we have? Most likely. The scanning capability of such a network is not a 6x6 matrix as it is for most individuals. It is up to genius (genie-in-all-of-us mind you) factors: 6x6x6 = 256, so more detail is impressed, eidetic ability often turned on, and intelligence matures as the sum of the smarts and the scope of the reach of the powers of mind.
Has DGI written the shortest fiction and science fiction story? Yes, around here somewhere.
Do people spend most of the time mostly talking about other people and things instead of championing causes or discussing topics? Otherwise talking about their job? Hang on, let me ask my sister.
Does it seem that learning stops when school is done for most except those that kept studying? Yes. There is Spiritual Laringitis instead of a move to Utopia*, the asterisk because nature takes all the roads so even in Utopia odd things would happen. Read my book, "The Living and the Dead"
Are the pieces in this game of Life perhaps merely set up wrong, and it takes a collective of minds in purpose, concert, to make a better world and have a fun time doing it, moving mountains with mind (go under)? We at the Department of Good Ideas sure think so, and we have many examples on the website.
We will arrange the fonts into boxes soon, but we need more card sales of fine Cuban saying cards, bilingual cards. The original books are nice too.
Can inventors and writers change the world for the much better? Yes, with the help from rich celebrities and sports super stars helping too. We believe we can solve France with knowledge alone, and the power delivered by their fries.
Does DGI see the obvious? Yes. Born at the age of two when first discovered consciousness (an in front and a behind the camera, or its emotional language equivalent).
Does DGI still feel Cuban after these years? Yes, the spirit of Cuba and of ideals can never leave me until I myself go. I truly lived in a Paradise for 10 years, no crime, no poverty, clean, intelligent, creative people of good intention. Cuba has a truly Spiritual aura of land and people. We are natural creative problem solvers, clever and resourceful. Our slogan is: we are the flame in the candle, meaning we are the motivators of the world, now imprisoned without any charge.
Are there 56 M millionaires in the US? Yes, and what are they doing to take inventories, request community questions and answers, and form cooperative special projects?
Is there a chance that much of our programming comes before the age of about 13, from family, neighborhood, schools, and financial situations? Yes, and we can fix that with the dissemination of positive information. Science shows a better prepared environment can create a more positive mental outlook and circumstance, better health and hygiene. It does not take money, takes mental science of thought, heart, and creativity applications, tools.
Why did DGI redefine Art to be The Synthetic Alliance of Science, Thought, Engineering, and Invention with fine arts, writing, music, and film? Just happy to be here. It takes all the sciences to solve all the problems, and each of these groups can cross-pollinate their insights. We are mentally armed, in concert, and ready to film The Search for Intelligent LIfe on Earth with a panel of members from those groups.
Does DGI in some sense notice that cutting down 95% of the trees maybe was not such a good idea, that it perhaps leads to a condition known in Cuba as loco del coco? Our personal biography wakes up skewed, not oceanic, restricted in some way from full flame: on! enthusiasm. The living-by-the-beach makes you happy is true; island people in general are happier from having the water at mind's eye.
Is IDEA SHARING a fine thing to do, indicating the true powers of soul and spirit? Yes, but if reincarnated less than a minimum number of times, you probably don't feel it Or: read my story The Martian House
Is Idea sharing a joy to behold? Or course. It returns the Power of the Word. We lose nothing by using this clever invention to multiply our seeds of good intention and good fortune for all. We can go from 20% doing great financially and 80% suffering financially to 20% suffering and 80% well off, with some good inventions and a little cooperation; why did we go to school, to get stupider?
Can DGI unify East and West by means of the North and South? Most definitively. The world is bi-polar, and moments after we heard there is no such thing as perpetual motion we found out Gravity wants to dispute that claim. There is no contradiction between having spirutuality and having a fat wallet.
Did DGI really solve the age-old question which came first the chicken or the egg? We pointed out there was Godel indeterminacy in the question: The answer is the pre-chicken. Now we sleep better at night, usually in a giant zip lock bag to wake up fresh and unspoiled. Why did the chicken cross the road? He felt like it; emotion, energy of motion.
How could, the little engine? He had self-esteem!
As you know, DGI is a conductor for the local philharmonic. One day, a semi-conductor was at the podium and I had to ask him to leave. He left, eyes downcast, giving little or no resistance
First cannibal: I hate my mother-in-law
Second cannibal: Just eat your vegetables!
Does DGI believe Emotion is important? Yes, to even think you have to feel like thinking. The eyes are not the organ of vision, they are the instrument; the organ of perception is our bioelectrical emotional net. Why do you think you did not receive a compete list of your emotions, in case you ever needed them. At least a "break glass in case of fire" for if you did manual? Because we are jacked around by our Hippocampus, which shuttles our memories from short term to long and also to "forget about it.".
Yes, I know; little did you guess that those adorable creatures studied much of anything much less that had a campus.
There is more, much more, but there is never enough.