The Scientific United Front
Please realize the premise: On 9-11 I waited for the scientific united front to begin to explain the world to its people, to avoid disasters and move towards Utopia of the minds, which is our goal. There was no scientific united front. I had always liked studying, I went to work. The first obvious thing (and you can help) is COMPLETE WORLD PICTURE VIEW of all 240 countries of its OPPORTUNITY INDEX which is how close can one get there to BILLIONAIRE MENTALITY.
So I began a hopeful organization with the slogan: IMAGINE! and a nice logo.
I began looking for the world, the unexplained world. The design is writer inventor cooperative, I take writers and show them how to write in 12 minutes and how to invent in 3.
Apparently I arrived early to the new visions of what can be (there was good food), some of what must be if we are to prosper and fulfill our positive goals, which presently must oppose the groups or individuals with negative goals. I came to the party early because I heard they have good food. DGI asks all of the people for all of the answers to all of the questions, and for the questions too. We are the new thing.
We base our work on previously cited work that "two heads are better than one," presently distilled to: fire up the IDEA FACTORIES, have all of them review 15 information sites exactly like DGI, an AI question engine. Then we merge their minds' work into parallel (independent work) or series (thinking adds up), we look at it, we create a better world and have lots of fun doing it! I imagined a big parade, "Warren Peace saves world!" The confetti would fall from the sky!
Instead, I found out we are programmed from our first 4 environments: family, neighborhoods, perception of financial situation, and schools (where the teachers are prevented from showing business anywhere along the way, simple, I say in grade 5. 4 is for invention development.) Really 5 environments, our brain interpreting and processing circuitry is in there somewhere.
So, if the programming is wrong with regards to "seeing" what the world should look like if the pieces are arranged correctly, so the maximum benefits and opportunities are created for the individual or group not by smart concrete thinkers only, but also by clever super creative creative problem solvers cooperatives? We are one, need 14.
Problem is: the programming is too strong, the people also are denied the use of their full emotions, never presented to them. For me I escaped, I always had a parallel program of reading and studying going. More like a bee, going to different flowers and thinkers and getting pollen to make, apparently DGI.
3% are thinkers. I am able to get "pat on the back" academics, and spin in that wheel I suppose. I want to add my theme to the mix, the choices, by advertising promotion. Not be in a wheel somewhere, an abstracted live 3 D set. Who could even think?
Is there ever a call for the "thinker" or the "creative problem solver" well we are faced with the thought that smart is the new dumb, because of politicization faulty programming and...the envelope please.....
Our progenitors in their wisdom cut down 95% of the trees, and this domino effect makes us wake up in safe-mode, we are not getting the correct forest nutrients or molecules, and have no inventor of our world Help me make this
Despondent, I have taken to drinking large quantities of car brake fluid; don't worry, I can stop any time I want!
You can present themes, solutions, questions that are somewhat insightful or sheer in number (Bayesian mathematics; where are the math guys? trance?). Is the whole world in a type of trance, a time of magic has come and we did not notice because of the power of its trance, its illusion-generators? I sleep with a night light.
You can also bring up themes in discussion. I suspect the 7 above have some people that generated ideas, but we are early to this type of valuable formatting of intelligence in the individuals. As a result of Education Department meetings in New Hampshire in the late 40's, it was decide by concrete thinkers to "steer" the "program" of the students to job, trades or arts, not spend even two days or one good one showing how have multiple incomes and the emotions to do so!
Actually, you can make reports, film them, on that topic:
How have multiple incomes and the emotions to do so!
So there, you have your first assignment: go to the website, allow your 7 M brain and your 250 K year young Mind process, we need distribution in all 35 metros, I basically have the problems solved, it was easy with heart and imagination. It needs participants! We all sum our ideas in the only possible 8 bins, or categories, files. We use mathematics, at some point you know everything you need in that field, up to this, and beyond that it is just abstraction; the tools came first. Different ways to use them now.