Gain more self confidence with DGI

I completely understand we are not our jobs, that in fact they conceal us from the others. Mine is a writer-inventor cooperative, and we have solved many many problems, by using clever and super creativity (creativity everywhere, not just in our mechanical jobs) to see more clearly, and make improved plans of action. 

Sadly, the solutions indicated that the problem was the people. We all possess (by the way, long time ago I said the problems were in either communications or energy, and I was right, I have projects). 

The person is not the person. It is a programmed beast, a type of machine-animal programmed by LIGHTS, SOUNDS, AND TOUCHES. This creates the ILLUSIONS posted in a virtual space as mosaic fractional images, inches in front of your forehead. The power of SUGGESTION (a form of mind control hypnosis; why did I see that movie, it was horrible!). 

The programming is done in the family, early schools, neighborhoods, and the financial situation. Of course, also by the interpreting circuits in your head.

The acceptance of any programming code is by the circuits: they open and close based on what stimulus they gets, and its impressionable repetition. 

The point is I discovered That those first 4 programming environments are programmed "dumb" to leave out the best information.  We are the box people, not cave people. The point of view of the clever creative problem solvers, and the eclectic groups, should stand out more, a valuable second choice vs. job. 

I am finding out I am right, the steps to take are clear and do not require "money" but cooperation. Those first four environments are programmed by concrete thinkers; 15 % have creative problem solving in this group, but we have no contests and the voices are silent, as it they have Spiritual Laryngitis. Our minds are ultimately programmed by our emotions, and there is a power to habit and rote: hard to break. 

DGI is for those that want more out of life, and want to engage in business techniques to make their money in the corner somewhere, ,mostly by machine. The work of others is less: 20 hours a week, and the rest is yours, you have reclaimed your time IF YOU HAVE THINGS TO DO. If you do not, you may as well work. 

Some care, some have curiosity, if that is you, see you at DGI headquarters, see our new inventions and writings, get a card. 


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