Questions DGI answers
I am in Berkeley, California. needs 15 thinkers to work very casually on enormous projects, based on our discoveries of what we don't know we don't know.
People ask me how I am doing. I look perplexed and reply, "that's an odd question; how would I know, even in principle, what forces are in the process of amplification and heading in my direction?" Otherwise fine, of course. We have solved so many problems now, waiting for those 15 people that want to help make a better world and have a fun time doing it. Of course, we get you "well off" with formulas, opportunities, and adventures you did not know about.
From the new DGI: Once again I am forced to write way too many important books I do not have time for but so be it, I am committed to adventure (and the idea that we are robots): List of 100,000 / 10,000 / 1000 Member Organizations you never heard about
Please go to DGI and find us thinkers, if they have heart the better, but it does not grow in most until 30, then you must face the tiger and make a decision: do you step up for your planet and its positive causes, or do you freeze and allow routine to press you beneath the wheel.
Find us whiz kids, hyper people who can't stop talking, people of ideas, heart, imagination. they have some free creative problem solving books coming, and books on how to make money in business.
Here are the exact questions from what we don't know we don't know:
Are there secrets to life and living, connections to reality? Yes, we list them.
Are we composed, in parts, of a 7 M year old brain structure and a 250 K "processor/organizer" Mind? Yes.
In the Equator there are 100 types of foods, here only 29. Should the mother before conception switch to Equatorial foods? You tell me.
Should the mother be the child's first teacher in home schooling? Great learning when you can get it. It is pre and kindergarten, but better because it's your mom.
Is there a better schedule of supplemental learning for elementary school? Frankly yes. DGI brings you up to what is shown in Free Cuba, and you will be surprised.
In high school, is there the need to also show eclectic lifestyles, and business ways to everyone, directly from the Library of congress, in case not every single person wants to be a doctor, lawyer, or "software engineer?" What do you think? Connection: 80% live paycheck-to-paycheck, and another 10% wish they could! Teach them business truths, Mr. president.
Once diffusing into the society, are the people found in mostly 5 places: at home, in the social sphere, on their job mentality wheel, on vacation, or going to and fro back and forth for endless hours in those nauseating little boxes? Yes. Don't you think, or don't you?
Is there a method to learn to write books (must be on back burner to work) in 12 minutes, and use then 3 minutes to explain invention development? Of course! DGI has all this stuff, it's just there's so much of it, soon better organized.
If we all lit up our idea factories and plugged them in on the net to DGI, then lined them up in series, parallel, or both, could we then solve almost every problem with this MASS MIND? Mais oui.
Could we also solve the problems we do not even know we have? Most likely. The scanning capability of such a network is not a 6x6 matrix as it is for most individuals. It is up to genius (genie-in-all-of-us mind you) factors: 6x6x6 = 256, so more detail is impressed, eidetic ability often turned on, and intelligence matures as the sum of the smarts and the scope of the reach of the powers of mind.
Do people spend most of the time mostly talking about other people and things instead of championing causes or discussing topics? Otherwise talking about their job? Hang on, let me ask my sister.
Does it seem that learning stops when school is done for most except those that kept studying? Yes. There is Spiritual Laringitis instead of a move to Utopia*, the asterisk because nature takes all the roads so even in Utopia odd things would happen. Read my book, "The Living and the Dead"
Are the pieces in this game of Life perhaps merely set up wrong, and it takes a collective of minds in purpose, concert, to make a better world and have a fun time doing it, moving mountains with mind (go under). We at the Department of Good Ideas sure think so, and we have many examples on the website. We will arrange the fonts into boxes soon, but we need more card sales of fine Cuban saying cards, bilingual cards. The original books are nice too.
Here are the exact questions from what we don't know we don't know:
Are there secrets to life and living, connections to reality? Yes, we list them.
Are we composed, in parts, of a 7 M year old brain structure and a 250 K "processor/organizer" Mind? Yes.
In the Equator there are 100 types of foods, here only 29. Should the mother before conception switch to Equatorial foods? You tell me.
Should the mother be the child's first teacher in home schooling? Great learning when you can get it. It is pre and kindergarten, but better because it's your mom.
Is there a better schedule of supplemental learning for elementary school? Frankly yes. DGI brings you up to what is shown in Free Cuba, and you will be surprised.
In high school, is there the need to also show eclectic lifestyles, and business ways to everyone, directly from the Library of congress, in case not every single person wants to be a doctor, lawyer, or "software engineer?" What do you think? Connection: 80% live paycheck-to-paycheck, and another 10% wish they could! Teach them business truths, Mr. president.
Once diffusing into the society, are the people found in mostly 5 places: at home, in the social sphere, on their job mentality wheel, on vacation, or going to and fro back and forth for endless hours in those nauseating little boxes? Yes. Don't you think, or don't you?
Is there a method to learn to write books (must be on back burner to work) in 12 minutes, and use then 3 minutes to explain invention development? Of course! DGI has all this stuff, it's just there's so much of it, soon better organized.
If we all lit up our idea factories and plugged them in on the net to DGI, then lined them up in series, parallel, or both, could we then solve almost every problem with this MASS MIND? Mais oui.
Could we also solve the problems we do not even know we have? Most likely. The scanning capability of such a network is not a 6x6 matrix as it is for most individuals. It is up to genius (genie-in-all-of-us mind you) factors: 6x6x6 = 256, so more detail is impressed, eidetic ability often turned on, and intelligence matures as the sum of the smarts and the scope of the reach of the powers of mind.
Do people spend most of the time mostly talking about other people and things instead of championing causes or discussing topics? Otherwise talking about their job? Hang on, let me ask my sister.
Does it seem that learning stops when school is done for most except those that kept studying? Yes. There is Spiritual Laringitis instead of a move to Utopia*, the asterisk because nature takes all the roads so even in Utopia odd things would happen. Read my book, "The Living and the Dead"
Are the pieces in this game of Life perhaps merely set up wrong, and it takes a collective of minds in purpose, concert, to make a better world and have a fun time doing it, moving mountains with mind (go under). We at the Department of Good Ideas sure think so, and we have many examples on the website. We will arrange the fonts into boxes soon, but we need more card sales of fine Cuban saying cards, bilingual cards. The original books are nice too.