
"Gold," and "the money" is only one aspect of 8 that are connected to each human. The schools fail, the knowledge technicals of the family learning fail because the story is usually 30 years late, and of course have psychology attachments.

What will not fail the information and technique repositories of memory? Information added up mathematically from all 240 countries, an inventory of the ship, a DEPARTMENTOFGOODIDEAS.COM cannot fail because it adds up the points of view mathematically, not psychologically, or politically.

We are ahead of the game, we showed up early because we heard they have good food. 

Our scientists have discovered that Mexican food is all the same, but different tortilla!

We sum the silent information in each person and give it to all others, we ask questions, and the growing community answers. This is mathematical: where are the mathematicians? They too are silent.

We do not dismiss the obvious: there is a world here, and we are all disconnected from interaction, which is the free energy DGI discovered: it's what's in here. We are like middle centuries people, we do not sum up our GOOD IDEAS and show them to EVERYBODY.

By the consequence of the connection to reality, we seek to all think, like a BINGO card of problems we all solve, either by ourselves, or in cooperation both.

Get us some thinkers or people that have good lifestyle designs, where the dreams are lived first, and 1A is the empowerment of others; the pieces are set up wrong in this game, join us with ideas

Get us some thinkers, the engine grows stronger, like adding fuel to the idea of thought itself being forgotten inside our routines.


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