Underworld themes
Are we able to skew
probability and increase our chances for good fortune and luck? Perhaps. The
"mass mind" formed by the practitioners of Light Touch is a fantastic experiment; we
all feel we are part of something greater, is that something a mass-mind that
can solve most problems with its knowledge and emotional support? By its sheer Bayesian sum of numbers of thinkers?
Today, as a quick
exercise, I summarize the results and findings of Department of Good Ideas. With eidetic recall, this is a fun exercise, and an important one. I
remember my very first memory, and always will. I was 2.
In the past 3 years since 2016 I
have built up this organization. We are looking for about 15 passionate people
who are perhaps eclectic, perhaps prolific. Full of ideas and positive energy!
Yes, we are all a combination of bee and ant, getting pollen from many sources or sticking to script in humble, quiet manner (except for comedian).
But what to do, what
to do. Recently we have solved the mechanics of the origins of war. We need
your help in promotion of concepts, books, and videos. I am good at the
thinking, not so good at the errands.
The ideas came here
and there, the first one I remember having (before as school treasurer, I voted
we give the graduation black gowns money to the poor. After all, they are all
black, and who died? I was naïve and did not read the relationship between the
gown provider and the school: they fed his pocket, and did he need it more than
the poor?
They (meaning:
subconscious sum of the first primary 4 environments we encounter) say only 3%
are the “action people,” they move the pieces. The rest are either watchers,
ignorant of any connection to the action, or critics, and often moralist: they
know the law, but not the reason.
In my upcoming book, “The
Cuba I Remember” I use this fun ability again, eidetic recall, to tell you
about a Cuba you do not know
about. We are Spiritual people.
Me: I started DGI in
Jan 2016. I had discovered the secrets of life, its very components that could
be uplifted: Mind, Body, Wallet, Spirit, Social Life (good luck here), special
projects, like extra credit homework. Then you also have Time and Health do
deal with.
The idea that we have
projects, especially if we were extra-credit students in high school, and had
parallel studies (the only chance to gain the perspective on how to be free and
live your dreams), is a powerful mind changer. Each activity introduces you to
a new circle of people, and whether you know it or not, your social network
breaks down every 10 years.
We trace not the
chronological order of the development of ideas, but the ideas we have
developed over time. They come at their own pace, which in my case is frequent
(I can’t turn the thing off! Help! I am being held captive in a fortune cookie
Oh, yes, the actual
idea began as a seed when 9-11 came. I lived a simple life of reading, science,
3 sports, playing drums in a band, writing books (21 now), doing sales, inventions
development, helping others (finding out how easy it was, stay tuned for its
difficulties, the “along the ways” to our story”), chasing women.
I realized the playground
I played in was compromised! The toys were dangerous now, the slide dropped you
into an atomic bomb or mass terror attack on civilians. I had to take inventory
and tell others; we need to cooperate, I had learned this in school, obvious.
Many of the ideas here
are obvious. This is problem number one, the people’s ability to think has been
atrophied by what we call school! They are not told what there is to think
about. The social script with its subconscious indications and prompts of the
limits, the parameters of social environments reasoning, the obvious things to
do, were already in our heads.
From family, school,
friends, neighborhood, financial situation, and our own brain circuits to
interpret what comes in. At this time, those environments are programmed dumb,
and smart is not going to do it.
We develop in our
thesis the concept of intelligence being the consciousness of the sum of the
smart fields.
Smart fields are for
example your specialty: You can deposit connected or new information and read
from THE BOOK OF whatever that specialty is, math, physics, plumbing.
Now, you of course and
without a doubt should have been shown not only the concrete thinker approach,
the one way we are shown, but also the eclectic approach and the art approach,
and the businesses approach, OF COURSE.
Notice, you extra
credit students, notice that the list of MOODS (happy or sad, angry a type of
sad) and EMOTIONS are not given out, a
book with their uses and capabilities. I got lucky I was born in Cuba , since island people
are naturally happy for the most part, spiritual.
Emotion, energy of
motion, is how you get things done in this world. Enthusiasm makes a complete
difference in all of our work. We are not cave people, but rather box people. The
Quickly: we are coming
out of 12,000 years of barbarism and double parking. The world as we know was
started by those that knew farming and how to protect lands, and conquer other
lands, and hold them. These were the first 100 Billionaire families in the year
0. ( 100 BF 0).
Also, 95% of the trees
have been cut down. Presently we believe that when 1 trillion trees are newly
planted, we go in the right direction. This affects our minds and we don’t
realize it any more than a crazy person realizes they are crazy; aren’t we all?
Most gave up on their inner voices after college/high school.
The first thing I did
in 9-11 was sit there for about a week: I remember distinctly watching the news
to see what must surely exist I thought (still naïve after all these years):
The Scientific United Front. Silence.
Since I had watched
every James Bond movie twice, many with regretfully imposters as the agent that
overcomes seemingly insurmountable obstacles with clever and creative problem
solving at the nick of time. I knew exactly what to do. I had been training for
this my whole life. Save the world (now I know: the world yawns and turns the
other way; what will I know next week?)
Well, this was the
nick of time. I had always loved learning, and never stopped! Mostly when the
people got a job, they just did that one thing. In Cuba we have too many
fruits and vegetables to not transcend the choices given and create a better
business choice: multiple businesses paying $40-$400 per hour, a list of, and
gigs paying $500-1500+. Not everyone is given wealth or does law or medicine.
Some don’t like to argue or be around sick people. They do: sales (which is
business), writing, inventions, the arts. In the new ways, the more profit
ways. For everyone.
I went to work. I had
always been a clever, creative problem solver, and now an entire world needed me!
I had the Secrets of
Life and Emotion in my possession, and one question I would ask the now 20,000
people that have visited my one slogan question:
DGI asks ALL of the people
for ALL of the answers to ALL of the questions, and we ask you for ALL of the
questions too!
We are a visionary
writer inventor cooperative. We show the below chronology as it applies to the
life of the individual, we uplift their dimensions (see above 8).
was a symptom of poor thinking, and poor programming of the potential thinkers,
and the de-gassing of the people: they are not getting sufficient forest
molecules of air from the air itself, the plant molecules, the forest creature
molecules (their feces, in molecules, may be necessary for our biochemical mood
regulation hormones too).
WORLD PICTURE VIEW which is accomplished with your help. We all stitch it
together with hope.
OPPORTUNITY INDEX for the countries, 240 of them. How are the chances of being
a generic millionaire, opportunity, benefits, services available? Of getting
settled in so you can find your groove, your new society, get published, make
inventions, perform your arts or sell them.
RE-DEFINITION OF ART not as “artifact, that which was left behind” but,
emerging as if a Shakespearean actor from the wings, ART now becomes legacy and
evolution both in The Synthetic Alliance of science, thinking, inventions,
and engineering with fine arts, writing, film making and music.
TO WRITE IN 12 MINUTES AND INVENT IN 3 we show you how on the website.
THE ORIGINS OF WAR AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT Miffed --- Frustrated (if miffed enough,
energy tips over)--- conflict--- violence --- large scale violence = War Our
paper on the website: Principles and Remedies of Peace and Violence.
IS: HAVE A HEART, WILL YOU? The concept of heart and service go very well with
a nice order of happy and satisfied; a nice Chianti perhaps?
NINTH CONCEPT The programming effects of SUGGESTION will be found to be 1000 times more than we realize, can picture. We are posting ILLUSIONS in front of our minds, which is OK, that is how it works. These illusions are brought about by HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION based on what we see, hear, and touch, and their repetition. Beware your thoughts; they may not be your own. The world of appearances casts many shadows.
TENTH CONCEPT: Paper: The 16 Freedoms.
We are easily impressionable by continuous repetitive deformations, especially when the E8 crystal is relatively new, through 20 years of age, and some after that until about 30.
Some cannot bear to carry the ghost of intellectual pursuits which could have been one of the thousands things we could have done in this life, another being dance all night. We choose eclectic because it makes us feel more alive, we get more juice. We are entertainers and scientists alike, new ways being brought about.
We suspect a deep
connection, as with Nature herself, not yet understood and here is why: they work well together. This is especially
true of music, which affects almost all parts of your minds simultaneously.
Each concern you have is like a little mind made up of circuits that dress in
costume and go out on stage when energized by emotion, energy of motion.
Much of this then
begins with how I noticed that I had been to what were called the best schools
(top 10 U, number 1 High School), and not much had been said about much of
I realized this as I
lived in California , where anything is
possible, although the existing formats are not made to make people happy and
amazed, but more quiet and facing difficulty, some hardship.
All these things add
up; we are the sum of the forces. With memories, as time goes on the sac of
memories gets bigger, and of course they are plus and minus, because the
universe, nature, takes all the roads. And builds all the roads too.
So: I can make dreams
come true very quickly by reverse engineering the knowledge I have.
I had a high enough IQ
(I am attempting to seduce a girl that has an IQ 25 points higher, in the hope
the sex increases confusion and dims her high intelligence; or is this her
brilliant trick to get mine to go down?) to know it is all EQ, your emotional susceptibility
to the values, contexts, and circumstances painted by the others in the story,
your story.
For example: I have
asked many if they like sales. Trick question, since all businesses sell their
products and services, just to see. They say no. I then ask if the image of a
used car salesman had popped into their mind. Yes. Too pushy, hard to deal with
Notice from the
website you should have learned all about business by grade 5, have all the
information. You would know: if you don’t like sales, get someone on the team
that does. Also, use your “silent salesman” 24-7, computer, never takes a day
off; coincidence? Opportunity !
Continuing your story
and the DGI contributions: you are inside your mother. She has eaten the
special diets of the women of the Equator, more variety of foods (100 vs 29),
and of trace materials we need, and so has her mother hopefully.
Grandmother too, has
eaten as close to perfect as possible, from primal foods. This is a DGI
observation, and I need promotion to nutrition scientists for research.
Now you are born.
Music is played for you. You have an “Emerging Consciousness Library” at home,
awaiting your discovery. It is a list of books and videos to introduce a mind
to the world in a fun, great way. A conscientious, intelligent, creative person
with heart may emerge as a result.
If possible the mother
is at home in such a way you are home schooled for 2, 3 years. This bond and
practice is super for the child, way ahead when entering schools with others,
they already know.
For the suggestions on
the curriculum in grades 1-8, please see Department Of Good ideas website, also
there is the emerging consciousness library.
In high school, grade
9, must begin lifestyle design choices, job being a very valuable one if there
is one. Also as important is the choice of business, multiple businesses, and
of being eclectic, a type that draws energy from different sources. The business
idea is so you then can build up your mind, body, more wallet, spirit, service
to others, projects. This makes the complete service and fun life too, with an
exponential money multiplication machine built by you by design.
Some eclectics are
also prolific within their prolificity. Good Luck with that one! Importance of
Billionaire Mentality (what you would have if they took your billions away left
over) is stressed, see website.
Now you get to
college, but you have been exposed to making your own money since grade 4
hopefully, by inventions, and business in grade 5, American International
Win-Win business concepts (mostly sales, which is an emotional state denied to
most; why?).
Sadly, in college, you
are broke and not given these items:
1 Book
on making all the money you want by setting up small companies that make big
money, many automatic or by proxy, or 5 weeks a year.
2. How to be as
healthy as possible, fit, so you can last the haul and serve yourself and
others. You also feel better all the
time, more sparked for longer, see: emotions: where are they now? The emotional
mechanism changes over time, dims. The experiences become more archived, less stimulating.
3. The open questions
of Science and Society
3A If there is an emergency or general question
in your field or that can use your ability to think in terms of Fluid
Intelligence, using thought process and analysis machinery already in
there. Example: Fires in northern California that did not contact
ALL the universities with the relevant facts by which the students, say
physics, can come up with creative cooperative solutions.
Then we get out of
college. We are ready to serve. If we need a job and we like, we plan on 5
years then maybe 20 hours a week and do the personal businesses, like go 5
weeks a year to TRADE SHOWS for the industry you serve. There, you will make
1-3 FORTUNES each show.
Also, you develop the
projects and life you want at the same time. If eclectic, you are like a bee,
flying above (level 4 perception, like the old philosophers can see from “above”
it is like a sense developed from a point of view.
To bring all this
about, and immortality too, our first advice is look FOUR ways before crossing
the street.
Inventions we have 40
working on two today and selling 6. In books DGI writes science friction
(scientists having sex in the future), and creative problem solving, which is
this believe it or not.
We show you how to
push the Money Monster aside with the necessary EMOTION for business, and
emotional and hands on support, so then you can build a better world, become a
well defined positive force, at least in your mind. The more we have, the
closer we are to Utopia, to winning the tug of war with those that for whatever
reason have chosen to add negative energy to the world content.
Notice Earth and the
universe add pluses and minuses. As I write this about 3 big asteroids are
passing Earth at a distance about twice the distance from here to the Moon. We
are buying tickets in the lottery: will the Earth be destroyed? We are always
buying tickets in lotteries.
Immortality: stick
around 25 more years, they stop the aging process; 25 more, they reverse it.
There are two precursors to Telomere juice, Telomerase, already know, for
general cell replication. Water retention is in there somewhere, you can be
sure. Getting older is like all your muscles dry up and your face crumples like
paper in its desiccation. Stick around we’ll go to Mars and be like children
INVENTION by internet we take a flea market bazaar to all the poor places and
we pay for stories, recipes, likenesses, ideas for inventions.
SHARING of course, first we need to turn on atrophying or poorly built by
school system IDEA FACTORIES in our brains. We then link them in series
(project collaborators) and in parallel (fun too to do our own research
We then have PERSONAL
GOOD NEWS brochures based on our LIFE REPORT of what we learned in school, from
family, from reading, from traveling, from something, to make the life of
others better by adding what we know from experience, to add positive to the
spin. When we get home everyday we have like 20 brochures, we get smarter.
By sharing a positive
idea with someone, then that person can give it to others, so one. And
eventually someone makes a deposit at DGI.
Open 24-7, free
deposit and checking, interest rates of over 2000% are not uncommon.
For visionaries: the
road ahead is hard. You are early to the party that’s all. You came because you
heard they had good hors d’oeuvres. Expect delays, some assembly required, and batteries
not included.
accounts, perhaps in all 35 Metroplexes (3 M +), and if they make you 100, then
100 x 100 = more money than you can shake
a stick at, and we are not yet talking international. Get a high school person
to be the fulfillment manager; I was that person, how I learned mail order.