Finding your inner Activist Champion of Causes
Bear achieves consciousness when the light is on and the add-on memory is active
News from the End of the World: WE MUST have an inventors contest to get rid of all this car pollution, it is killing us, it is killing our planet. Fresh air, clean skies, the animals returning when we turn down this oil molecule. Some kind of big vacuum cleaner in every block? We want it like this, see the difference these days in just 2 months since I went outside. Only electric vehicles allowed, and we work on the electricity factory pollution with many inventors. The oil molecule does not come out from the lower lungs.
See you lungs and heart! They are so beautiful in color, looks like some kind of wearable heart lung system that looks like radical art, or perhaps an alien.
Join us in our efforts to borrow the positive elements of other cultures in the 240 countries, and use them. We are free to borrow ideas from each other, but I have not yet finished my COMPLETE WORLD PICTURE VIEW. So I will complete it in my stories.
If US and England, Scandinavia are this “first world” and there is a “third world” where is the second world so I can visit. Is it Cuba? When we were free, we had American technology and values, but our lifestyle was work 6 hours. Now, the country has been in ruin for 58 years. it truly was paradise, and the mafia influence would have been much better than a murderous dictator. Ironically, one of our own people. This I write in my upcoming book after I do this one I’m doing and the next 6! Gonna be a good year, I write one book per month and show you how in 12 minutes, I guess I have to say, free. Of course, I sell your books in 20 places you do not have to wait for agent or anything.
Do not think for one moment I am not suffering. I have not served a pre-1960 Chardonnay in what seems like weeks!
I suspect we do not see inventors contests because there is “money” involved, whereas for the inventor first comes the solution, any payoff comes later. You win your Nobel Personal Prize when you make the discovery.
How to start the broadcasting of your valuable issues, how to come alive in a way you have not been alive before, with superior positive emotion. Incorrect! Positive emotions stand alone, they cannot be inferior or superior, they add to the tapestry we weave together, even when we are alone and isolated. This judgement thing, this more valuable than another thing: Life is the big things and the little things, I assure.
This is my attempt to be well meaning, to say these words I think are answers to questions that we are not asking that I am sure we should be asking.
Look, I guess I got lucky to some degree. Things came fairly easy to me, I always had enjoyment in most activities except working with Ricky Shuman at the Greybar warehouse. What a depressing place! We were 16, now seems young to me, but, at that time as always, it was just the right age to be for the young robot (the more I push the button “I am not a robot” the more I realize I am one!). When Ricky laid down and said, “Look, it’s not so bad, we can do whatever we want, nobody’s really watching.” That was so good! It brought up the morale of the troops for our summer job. It was odd, the pleasure the boy got when asked to use the Tow Motor.
Another one was F. Bellucci, our supervisor. For some reason Ricky decided that the name “Baluchi” sounded funny. He would just say it sometimes. Then, we went to the restaurant! Oh yes, Rick asked the waitress if they had any “baluchis,” just saying the word excited the boy. When in all seriousness she said, yes, we do, Rick almost passed out with riotous laughter. He even asked her another question about it, saying the word, and when she answered, even using the word again, Rick went crazy. Eventually, we settled down and ate some pie. In those days, we were in the National Eating Tour, since we could both pack a plate if you know what I mean. I remember I could do 4 plates, so I could leave room for a complete pie. Rick, on the other hand, could handle the 5,6 plate event, and later eat a pie from a place we had found that sold us a whole pie for 25 cents.
But the best was yet to come. We eat or pies, happily, not knowing of what will the uncertain future bring. We both notice an attractive waitress with very large bosom. We eat our pie. She goes behind a counter not too far from us that covers up to her waist. She bends down, disappears from our eager teenage eyes. Next thing you know, smoke comes out from behind that counter, and I remark: My God Rick, they’re on fire! We both crack up big time, uncontrollably. And if there is one thing you do not want to do after putting on an eating, it is to crack up uncontrollably.
I quickly learned from direct experience what projectile vomiting was, and how powerful its force, and why the cartoons are so exaggerated. We left quickly.
Of course, the problem is that we are not trained correctly in those first 13 years, to be humanitarian, we are just led on the road to some education, but the learning is mostly absent since the intent was to turn us into routined workers for other people, who do not produce hero efforts or often spot the opportunity to serve. But, some 10% of us do. From this group also come the silent, the ones who do not want to rock some boat they have (not noticing a storm has come already and swept away our caring, our very wills). We look around to see what the others are doing.
This is OK, but you should also look to your own independent ways of thinking, of being clever, of solving problems with creativity. Again, so far about 10% If this goes to 20%, then everybody knows about it.
That notices the obvious from all this: 80% of the Americans, who also pay 80% of the taxes paid, are flat out broke. This is not that hard to remedy, but America has lost the ability to solve problems like we do in school; their solutions are tainted with politics and some kind of subconscious “obvious knowledge” about money.
Myself, blind to that kind of knowledge,since I believe we are approaching it wrong and we can solve the obvious problem better. Then we have more well-off and they can help the poor in a variety of creative ways. Remember: creativity is not what we are led to believe it is not.
The view is much different when you add the other 240 countries. BUSINESS IS AN EMOTION, I am working but need second writer researcher (know somebody?) to write BOOK OF SKILLS THAT PAY 40-$40–500 PER HOUR AND GIGS THAT PAY $500–2000 PER. And the emotion to get the OK from ourselves, family, friends support system.
These books I take door to door in all 40 metroplexes (3 M +), and place in the National Library of Freed Publications.
Need Ideas on me starting an activist group for this. Or was that enough? I noticed when there was an activist group, there were no thinkers, no clear thoughts of actions to take.
My first activist group is to write all the members of governors, senators, house members about this. It is a part of a larger TRANCE which is incorrectly formatted, does not create hero humanitarians who can think in school, who care about themselves, others, and the planet, who think the process of thought and the respect of the power of the word are valuable. The schools I went to were apparently all about job and money,and they were the best schools!
Do you see that this 80% being broke was a problem? I also call for national contest. Do you know how to broadcast these ideas? You hear me on the radio now, but I just don’t know. To me this is the point. The virus was a faster spreading type of flu. What is also coming out is that conditions at retirement homes are unhygienic to begin with.
Why is nobody talking about these things? Make phone calls to the state assemblymen and mayors also.
Thanks, I think I have the problem solved.
6 times for advertising effectiveness, these people I contact:
HAND OUT LEAFLETS: The return of the American pamphleteer
This may an answer for most activism efforts. Includes: seek out the rich and influential, take almost any promotional chance, each person is a network of networks