It seems we find our mentality cliques and form our own Empires  Love Sex Cadillac and Shadow Government  The Arabian Nights     When Love Returns

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SpiriTech: Technology of Spirit

This idea business is rough. Apparently the importance of continuing to think, its perceived strength in us, does not overwhelm the "make money" main theme of lives, so after 30 or so we become ingrained in a type of business machinery: all companies sell products and services; yours too. 

The point of the obelisk is that if you are close, they are stairs to the sky

I discovered Billionaire Mentality, which is what is left over when the billion is gone or taken away: the ability to sell, the desire to be project-driven, the ability to start organizations. I have done this, and find it great which is why I share this with the others on the big ship heading towards the Great Attractor (of course, my sci fi book is Beyond the Great Attractor

I thought for a long time that everyone wanted to be excited about so many exciting things in this world, found out otherwise. I was high energy and eclectic, most did not find these traits in them, and most are quite content with the traits they do have, their action patterns.

So we follow the dictates of the action patterns and sensitivities within us, our interests may be varied, as are mine, or one thing, like about 85% of the people. 

But people are people! Some go back and forth between the conventional offering, which is livable especially if you find high pay jobs, and the non-conventional. You can also create new categories of action for yourself.

Artist-types make another choice, not harder in any way, just different emotions and the ability to support and discipline yourself to do them on time, or have them done for you if you can delegate.

 To me it is important to have both versions, to be aware of them in case we can give a good idea to someone. I have configured myself this way by will power, about 3% have.

A natural file opens and they want to be of service to others. This blog is about creative ideas and how they apply to observation of what we see in our lives and our world. How do we come up with clever solutions? One way is as a team of visionary people, but so far, few. 

There is more. There is the question of heart and heartlessness

Heart is that which allows for spirit to flow into our actions, our thoughts and desires. 

When animals are given consciousness...

That day my dog, or dogtor, will have some words with me about being parked outside while I go inside. He just looks and looks at that door. 

We too are outside a door, and when we go in it will be the Age of Spirituality, a time when cooperation becomes more common in large groups of thinkers, like DGI which is the first of this nature. We will find clever problem solvers and whiz kids among our group, and we can all contribute: build up the themes into projects, and become champions of positive themes, broadcast important topics to speak about at the dinner table: awaken the intellect. 

It cannot be that the most interested in the world of ideas are those few, those select few, that take on the title philosopher, philologist, economist, physicist, brain researcher, nobel laureates, informed writers, and others that have even the chance to lift the veil of ignorance and see other patterns. 

We can use a time machine, but that would be cheating

And for what purpose? To "write a book" to "make a movie" soon forgotten for 20 years is like a century, history, beyond that mythology. It might be 10. 

So you see, dear friends of department of good ideas, forever is a pretty long time!

Your clique, or course, supports you, or seems to. The claim is they "got your back," yet sometimes we wonder: do they really? 

cover: Crisis on Callisto

Of course, if you choose from the comm bar "writer-inventor" you can then do almost whatever from the list, the only list we all have which is our living possessions. Whether we have activated circuits to gain any experience in those areas is another thing, I suspect it is the conflict between our 7 M year old "natural" self, and the 250 K new cortex organizer with a 100 post-it notes but victim to the pluses and minuses of "civilization," the process of becoming civil. it perhaps has gone too far, and the studies become too "narrow" as well. Is there a devil, Iblis, or Say-tan? There are many devils. 

Notice Mme. Chrysanthemum emerging through the S-Wave portal

If not devils, substantive minions. Or zeroes, the super-content who care about very little, or less: do not live your life by the others, find your group, your clique. I tell you this I was once in all the groups, being international it was easier to attend their functions, and many were at odds with other groups. I could see this, but ultimately I was alone to start my own organizations like football leagues, tennis tournaments, rock bands and film studios. I learned a lot and am very surprised that most, after 30, are caught in a type of action-restriction (no time) net. I share here and in the website what I have learned, but it perhaps finds audience in the 15% that are more into art and sports, so for them it is an "of course."

So my cliques are in science, literature, philosophy, independent thought, being of service to others, playing sports (I am surprised that few do, or make time for it; vital to health), playing music, writing, and inventions development. 

Notice this all distills, or condenses, from what there is to do in the first place, the areas of human endeavor. Oh, the main drivers are still sex and money, those refrigerator lights are always "on," but they all emerge as filtered through our emotional senses, from these connections:

  Social Life
    Special projects

These are the fields within us that have to establish an energy connection with what we see outside our senses. We establish an energetic correspondence with what we see, like in the movies. 

We see the event in the first level of perception: the general look. The up-close look reveals components within the object, and consequently the connections with other objects in the world. The detailed look does the same, but at closer scale. The far-away look detects the components and context within other knowledge, other objects. 

One useful tool is the structure-property model which is mathematics. 


Is this fair to say: The human race has a gift which embodies thought, reason, and understanding, a highly developed brain. 

But the human race has stopped developing it, it struggles for petty comfort and false security, making no time for thought or even considering it important (except in relatively small circles) . Soon, then, no time for reason, and we will lose sight of the common truths. Frustration will surround the thinker, while the others resemble the devices they cherish more and more, while still driven operationally by sex and money.

This is what is happening with the machines that command us to pay much attention to their flickering lights, to their compelling allure, and it will get worse. There is no "saving yourself," there is "form your own kingdom and insure your fleeting wealth," meaning to be well-off and healthy, and continue your personal culture. 

San Francisco, city of wonders!

Organic? That's what we call in Cuba the way it should be grown from the start!

In quick report fashion we give some fun actions to take in the various fields we have to connect. Remember that for the eclectic in approach, the various fields cross-connect their contents: one might be found over here, the other unexpectedly over there. 

"Everything happens in life, but we don't know where or in what order" was a surprise to emerge from this: as we note the 8 fields, we find what we expect, but also surprising contents inside each field, a type of "non-linear" effect. There are mathematical laws deeply ingrained into the fabric of realities, one of the them is called Chaos: Nature is of such depth and such breadth that we shall never quite understand it, but still, we try. There is much, yet there is never enough...

We are cameras on an ambulatory pattern-analyses unit


Subject Overviews
In-depth studies
How the brain-mind works
Knowledge of Eclecticism
Creativity and Cleverness


Correct foods and what to avoid
Rest, stress reduction (tired feels like sick for a reason)
Exercise 2-4 hours a day if high energy
Timely medical exams
Common sense (not so common; Voltaire)


Order my book from the website:
New General and Special theory of Personal Economics: 
How to build your exponential money multiplication machine (hint: sum of the incomes, like making pancakes)


You know it if you have it
Can be cleaned up, especially by helping others unselfishly 
Turns on heart, which turns on Imagination
Enthusiasm does make the difference!
Community Action Groups form to help those that cannot help themselves
In the Sea of Emotion we have 
The Power of Positive Mental visualizations


Green Machines in busy streets give money ideas and social ideas
Buses and Trains become schools for money and dealing with others, as written by the community. 
Positive influence everywhere possible
Pamphleteers abound!
Empowered Soap-box speakers hand out
GOOD NEWS brochures in all social areas
Speak out loud on the themes you champion, discuss valuable topics


This is for extra credit students which form the backbone of Billionaire Mentality, why it is not taught, why we are not trying to create heroes is beyond imagination, product of concrete thinkers: See which mind chips are there in the person which enable deeper and broader vision, grow the person as a hero billionaire who is highly motivated (as if paid 1 M dollars) to improve things around here on the big ship.


"The moving component of Space" still working on it


Notice in this area we are middle centuries yokels, we do not discuss them, or how to solve problems in spiritual concerts.  We were never given a list of emotions and their use, in case we ever needed them.

We were not shown how to be in our own multiple businesses in grade 5. The four simple steps of invention development were not shown in grade 4, which is about 9 years of age. I had my first invention at 5, so I know this can be shown. Calculus in grade 1? Working on it. How to be of service to others, the direct methods never shown. Love and madness is the way, along the Milky Way....

Emotion: energy of motion, S-Wave interaction with space (the movement of time creates acceleration, always has a discontinuous component, and this "clumps up" into matter. 
Motivation: Motor Activation by energy of motion.
Google "motors in the human body" and you will be amazed.

I am writing science fiction books and working on my inventions, which fund my interests in science and design, of playing tennis and football, and of doing the music below. We do 18 songs, and have another 11 we only play for ourselves right now. This is all by lifestyle designs, what attracted me I kept doing and reverse-engineered the money. DGI motto is: Imagine

Good Luck on your Adventures! 

Disclaimer: this is all for the high energy lifestyle. Many want to be left alone and we respect their wishes, and if they have any Good Ideas for DGI, send them to us even anonymously. The world is an idea, we are a writer-inventor cooperative.  Love Sex Cadillac and Shadow Government  The Arabian Nights     When Love Returns


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