When We are Quiet, We are Not Here
Perhaps we vanish for some time, then reappear, like a great magician trick.
Action feelings seem to come in the same varieties as taste, and are connected: astringent, bitter, pungent, salty, sour, sweet, umami.
Mostly our apologies are for our spiritual malfeasance, our passive aggressive denial of help, and our many issuances of "what can you do's?" Other than that you are doing a good job of making the best of the circumstances, surviving the opinions of others, establishing contexts related to your personal values.
The beatings will continue, however, until the morale improves.
Cuban Card
We should consider returning the American tradition of pamphleteer versions of our Good News personal brochures door to door. Put a flyer in every door and mailbox. Add to the positive energies, we all need to.
Our knowledge of architecture, design, superior insights, can all contribute to a lifestyle design that is rich in both taste and luxury, in design to inspire. And all at 90% off retail if you go to estate sales auctions! And fun too, things you would never buy, but go to the ones on the websites.
Chrysalis, essay
Power of ideas is: P = E x P x T emotion, projection over space, time
Get yourself a premium algorithm today.
In propaganda, the truth is suppressed in order to invent it. Make film! They give impressions of the world: script / select actors / arrange equipment and set / shoot edit release meet new people
Working people are seldom portrayed in interesting ways in cinema.
Hollywood is controlled by their financiers, the banks and Wall Street.
When you develop a workable good positive idea, contact:
Mayors of town
Talk show hosts
Ex presidents
Think Tanks
Hand our pamphlets
A dark energy cloud chamber? Preposterous!
You gain much by the value of your health.
"Now" is about 3 seconds long.
How to get the emotional support you need for your projects from others? Sadly, money, about $40 for one hour. Family cooperative business sounds good from here.
How a billionaire thinks, Billionaire Mentality, which is what you have left over when you lose your billions.
Network of contacts
Ability to do sales and negotiations
Ability to start organizations
Effective sales person or knows value of getting one
Effective communicator
We are really 35 connected metros in America, we can find business accounts there, and have fun.
We want to show the future world explorers there were answers, but, like in the NFL, we just ran out of time...
You must fight for your ideals, as if everyday is like a prize fight, if you truly have passion for something. Motivation should be as if you are being paid 1 M dollars, or still confused about the benefits of the action. Do not worry in the least that most people deny them, never heard of their importance.
We have solved problems here that had been unsolved for 1000 years: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (The pre-Chicken), Why did the chicken cross the road? (other than it was the Turkey's day off, because he felt like it. Emotion, energy of motion).
Extra credit student question: How could, the Little Engine? (He had self-esteem!)
To feel something is the lens of comprehension. Comprehension is no more a given than existence is. We may be figments of our own imaginations, report coming.
To say someone is "weird" is to actually mean they come between magic and ordinary things of a recurring nature. Our brains are partly here, partly in space somewhere with our minds.
There are many great reports on the DGI website, department of good ideas.
We are not of birth from our pencil point only, we are all from the entire world, the whole thing. A point on a balloon is on the entire balloon.
We are informed to make it on our own, yet the truly successful at all that wealth and fortune network. Good Luck, on your adventures, get some cards from the site, fun original books
Action feelings seem to come in the same varieties as taste, and are connected: astringent, bitter, pungent, salty, sour, sweet, umami.
Mostly our apologies are for our spiritual malfeasance, our passive aggressive denial of help, and our many issuances of "what can you do's?" Other than that you are doing a good job of making the best of the circumstances, surviving the opinions of others, establishing contexts related to your personal values.
The beatings will continue, however, until the morale improves.
Cuban Card
We should consider returning the American tradition of pamphleteer versions of our Good News personal brochures door to door. Put a flyer in every door and mailbox. Add to the positive energies, we all need to.
Our knowledge of architecture, design, superior insights, can all contribute to a lifestyle design that is rich in both taste and luxury, in design to inspire. And all at 90% off retail if you go to estate sales auctions! And fun too, things you would never buy, but go to the ones on the websites.
Chrysalis, essay
Power of ideas is: P = E x P x T emotion, projection over space, time
Get yourself a premium algorithm today.
In propaganda, the truth is suppressed in order to invent it. Make film! They give impressions of the world: script / select actors / arrange equipment and set / shoot edit release meet new people
Working people are seldom portrayed in interesting ways in cinema.
Hollywood is controlled by their financiers, the banks and Wall Street.
When you develop a workable good positive idea, contact:
Mayors of town
Talk show hosts
Ex presidents
Think Tanks
Hand our pamphlets
A dark energy cloud chamber? Preposterous!
You gain much by the value of your health.
"Now" is about 3 seconds long.
How to get the emotional support you need for your projects from others? Sadly, money, about $40 for one hour. Family cooperative business sounds good from here.
How a billionaire thinks, Billionaire Mentality, which is what you have left over when you lose your billions.
Network of contacts
Ability to do sales and negotiations
Ability to start organizations
Effective sales person or knows value of getting one
Effective communicator
We are really 35 connected metros in America, we can find business accounts there, and have fun.
We want to show the future world explorers there were answers, but, like in the NFL, we just ran out of time...
You must fight for your ideals, as if everyday is like a prize fight, if you truly have passion for something. Motivation should be as if you are being paid 1 M dollars, or still confused about the benefits of the action. Do not worry in the least that most people deny them, never heard of their importance.
We have solved problems here that had been unsolved for 1000 years: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (The pre-Chicken), Why did the chicken cross the road? (other than it was the Turkey's day off, because he felt like it. Emotion, energy of motion).
Extra credit student question: How could, the Little Engine? (He had self-esteem!)
To feel something is the lens of comprehension. Comprehension is no more a given than existence is. We may be figments of our own imaginations, report coming.
To say someone is "weird" is to actually mean they come between magic and ordinary things of a recurring nature. Our brains are partly here, partly in space somewhere with our minds.
There are many great reports on the DGI website, department of good ideas.
We are not of birth from our pencil point only, we are all from the entire world, the whole thing. A point on a balloon is on the entire balloon.
We are informed to make it on our own, yet the truly successful at all that wealth and fortune network. Good Luck, on your adventures, get some cards from the site, fun original books