Some Observations

Conquer what you will, but your insides belong to you. There will you find sensation, and emotion, works in progress, habits and routines to fulfill. 

Go to for the rest of the story. We now blend Good News with the good ideas as they happen, we need yours today.

I am finding out slowly that only philosophers and artists want their time, for them to create and think. So what is the point of showing that in business, you can find all relief of people taking all your slack, and money through multiple incomes. 

Here comes the rub: I like sales, an am well aware that all businesses sell a product, service, or multiplicity of. 

                                 Warren Peace drumset

Now I was born selling, if you read "The Cuba I Remember" the first coherent words at 3 that my parents heard, the action, was: me running up to my father, grabbing two theater tickets from his hand, and asking both my mother and my father, "Who wants to buy these tickets?"  I asked twice and saw: these two people are not going to buy these tickets, ah, my uncle outside will!

S-Wave transmission on sidewalk concrete

Well, for some odd reason the door to go outside had a lip, I tripped, landed on my two front teeth and they turned black. 

For two weeks I had black teeth, absolute night black. Fortunately, they were baby teeth and the new ones matched the others. 

Now I find out that most people hate sales. In, for that the remedy is get someone who likes sales from family, friends, or trusted acquaintance (for this project, with safeguards in place). Being kind of a writer-inventor philosopher-salesman, this seems the way to go, fortunes are made in Trade Shows and not that hard to do, something is wrong.

Coit Tower San Francisco, one of 50 sights

Your business model has 3,4 players: administration paperwork, continuity manager, and sales. All business sells product and services. 

Night Cuban-saying card series

The people by large and by most just do not want to "force" anything on others, do not relish (or mustard) the thought of negotiations, which I recommend on the site always be win win not compromise compromise; let's get creative people! Fun to do thousands of dollars business with large commissions, you will not hate it after your first check!

What if you tried sales "if they paid you a million dollars" attitude? Could you do it? What if other payoffs that you like were thrown in, would you then like it or would it be very much forcing yourself?  Love Sex Cadillac and Shadow Government  The Arabian Nights     When Love Returns

Well, my friends, times they are a-changing, as the song America!  suggests

You were not even shown the power of the creative senses to collage solutions from products of mind, or how business really work. I will make a claim, and stake 6% of my reputation on this: 

The reason the people hate sales is because when they were impressionable, like a sponge, they did not get many many repetitions of seeing the power of sales in action. All they have is that dumb lemonade stand. Just kidding! It should bring a short story with every glass, written by the local kid writers and artists, musicians. 

Cuban card: Roboticus, a top seller!

Beauty can, at best, inspire you. compared to the action adventures that do not require super large blown up tits and two giant guns in either hand. One giant gun would have sufficed, thank you very much. 

Oh, and that is not creativity yet, the pictures that have been put in your head about it in no way tell you that this is all our legacy, that you can study all day but if you are not creative you will get some dumb job like they they were trying to get me. I, who have been compared to Tom Einstein! to go live in Boise and join the search for improving super conductors. Hello, I already live much better than that and I am 21.

Notice that the idea of an obelisk is a path to the stars 

I always thought physics is something you do on your own, and in teams, not a "job" but I then did not know about the great acquiescence to the fact our parents did not tell us: in life we pay for ALL the goods and services, even the land we sleep on and the water we drink. 

This is why I say: show everyone how to do multiple businesses in grade 5, when things are still fun and open, you are positively impressionable to that nasty word, SALES and NEGOTIATIONS. 

Believe you me, you can get your booth at the various trade shows for the various industries, maybe 70, that you serve and make one to three fortunes per show. 

Notice this church, on Church street San Francisco, has puppet strings for marionette control on top, like the wood x's the puppeteer has! Haunting, but nice design. 

Yes, I understand more now. For about 85% they are more than happy to give their time to the job, and think not about working less, say 20 hours, but instead show up diligently and do a great job. 

I would still say they should have our business library of ideas, which also brings the need for emotion and emotional support, hands-on support (only about $40). 

Oh, and again I guess most people are not artists, they were not shown. We show you at the website department of good ideas, how to master the secrets of instant writing if it is on your back burner, great results so far, it works, activates the writer mechanism (connected series of circuits) in all of us, right next to language, and across the chasm from mathematics, same circuits are used, Nature does not re-invent everything.

This is the King, in the chess set of San Francisco ask us how

About 15% get into sport, after while once twice a week is still good. Live like you are in front of a Gigantic Connection Machine that can only create machines that make other machines from raw materials. A push-button reality

Reminds me of the joke that humans are like radios and when the radio breaks we put the parts in the trash. Before, it was that we put the parts back on the shelf. 

Do not believe for more that 5.7 seconds that we have found ourselves in a Twilight Zone type of episode. We create thought and ideas for a world that could care less, such is the dilemma. There is some kind of psychological programming, the people's computers are not set up right, like a more heartfelt effort from the future at turning on super creativity (which I am starting now at libraries and coffee shops, special meetings), so problem solving really catches on, creativity is re-defined so we can all do it, the problem sets are given to people (we warm up with poverty, killing, war, and disease, by taking inventory, inventory for Goddess' sake!

Ocean World

You can see why I would be upset: we need to take this ship into port and load up on mathematics, physics, mathematical physics, the brain, the mind, the other three brains. 

THAT is our actual subject here! Take your classes from MIT or Princeton online, they are free! Any field any subject, put in on your to-do list to make 15 minutes a day to start, jump into your favorite subjects, that is a big part of your brain, to study, not look at your moronizer all day. 

We get you this schedule: 
Errands along the gradient 
Write books and articles with DGI formulas
Invent! Take a free shot at a large economy
Work out like a crazy person
Study your overviews, your fields, tutors, texts
Make film and put on YouTube; Santo Domingo does
Work on your open mike comedy: $2000 for 30 minutes, Vegas
Play your instrument in a show band: fun, meet new circles 

Which is still not quite to the point: I thought I could wake up people, as if they just needed some buttons pushed, like I had mine 9-11: I discovered that the little world was under a large force attack, so I woke up, made DGI, and am taking inventory of the world, big surprise I was not handed one: A Complete World Picture View of the 240 countries in one place. 

DGI home world

And, from each embassy (a branch of the department of commerce for each country)  set up international import-export exchanges:who wants to sell here, how can I get a pizza shop going in Sri-Lanka?

World Communicator will put people in phone conversation in other countries; presently being used in kill and destroy games on Xbox. 

Portable markets take people of good intent to poor places, the people enter, we sponsor them in exchange for recipes, ideas, likenesses, other creative barters, arts

 Who is "they" if not the sum of the environments we absorbed! They made an impression on you, in part somewhat factual, in part passive-aggressive. The families did not have up to date complete information on the principal 8 human endeavors, so little is thought of the actual ideals and ideas that are championed, in word only or we would have many more national contests on many things.

One contest would be: how would you stop a million people a year from dying in car accidents?  Wait, have I made an error here? One million? I remember missing a tennis shot once, but, I was sick and playing my mother. 

Observe: 50,000 die, 250,000 become disabled, they each affect on the average 3 people: Some part of all of them has died, even if their lives go on. We need contests. Another is home environmental tests, we should have those going soon: what is in our home environments floating around so small we cannot see them? What of the oil molecule in our environments if we have balconies to the street? We need inventors at DGI. Refrigerator, stove, home environmental station is our product at Amazing Inventions and Products which is powered, of course, by DGI.

Those first environments, where information of various kinds is presented, but never quite in buffet format, but carefully orchestrated "teachings" are: family, neighborhood, schools, financial situation. In the neighborhood are found your friends, who are perfect in acting as mirrors for what is supposed to be "all that is known socially, about people, and about money."

I have to make the Valentine's day cards and put them on the website: 

This is the inside of the Valentine Card

This is the outside: two hearts, then become one

Thank you for reminding me. Yes, it is a point well taken that people know inside they do not like sales or negotiations, or "hassling" people. for me, I take the card and try to establish 100 dealers that (hopefully) each makes my "firm" $100 so from the card project I can make $10,000 a month.

Are you beginning to catch on that I am not a science fiction writer. I write science fiction, and am the first writer to also show you, the readers, how to write and make money, and have fun in life, because: before you know it, it is breakfast every 45 minutes. 

In high school, I worked for a guy that sold music books to musicians. My job was to take the labels and put the correct music book inside. Do you see what was going on here?

The man had an inventory of music. There are 35 metros. He took out 2,3 ads in their newspapers when there were newspapers. They send him their check, he prints their label, or they have sent a self-addressed envelope, and the Cuban kid puts the order in the envelope, he makes his money in this business.

Now was that so painful? And you I have 156 in my book New General and Special Theory of how to build your personal business machine. 

Wine Cellar

My sense is both there is something I do not understand, and this kind of idea is for those that already in their mind want to do business. I know I have met some families that are all about business, but the overwhelming majority is all about job, I thought they just needed to hear about this. 

No, we are programmed, and the repetitive imprints are so strong that is how we are and cannot change. I have seen this wholesale in San Francisco, city of wonders.

Sheet from home, Satin 

So again we are Night City for Creatives to get some new ideas, the people each need to find a "clique" because ultimately that is what everyone is doing, including families, making their own group. Cannot change but a few, give them some positive ideas. We must make our own lives in our own castles and do our own projects. I tell you for inventors: you are one in a million,  artists keep up the good work, but there is more out here that needs creativity and heart, like an S-Wave that hits you and won't let go: you do well and you want others to do well, but you are frustrated: the people in this Dark Age are not recognizing the importance of the first four environments in programming a programmable device, the conditioning that is going on leaving out creativity's ability to be the glue that connects science, intellect, art, and story telling. 

Soon, there will come soft rains

The Age of Spirituality will be built on the shoulders of all this concrete thinking: that got us going, but now, coming out of 12,000 years of barbarism, we emerge into the light and install in us a clearer heart and a deeper imagination that finally recognizes that we have left behind our Ideals, and that they are more true now than before, now, by the time the humans can use them in cooperative thought, we cannot think!

We must integrate a bee-like eclectic search for mental pollen, and our ability to be diligent in our work, like ant. 

San Francisco during the Hollow Days

You will be in your various cliques, and in your projects, if you are project driven. Billionaire mentality is an around the corner effect for you: the ability to sell or find those that can, ability to start organizations, ability to be project-driven and have to negotiate your way in deals. 

By the time the world says "jump,"around 18 (Cuba 24) you are usually woefully unprepared for life, you have not been shown what it is to be eclectic in selection of life experience from the buffet menu in the front of the Gigantic Connection Machine in front of your senses, though much is hidden. 

Yes, I see it now. There are many of us that grow up "culturally retarded" because simply we were not shown by the adults, or there was an information denial. 

Well, maybe now it's too late, but DGI has the discoveries if they can fit the emotions and comfort level of the reader. 

In my defense, we were taught in sales school which is the only business school, that everyone could do sales. One important aspect of sales business school is how to turn a negative into a positive, and it can easily be done, but can it be emotionally absorbed, and set gears into motion? 

Yes, if the circuits in the person that make up the mechanisms of perception are set up properly, or at all. The first part is why I do some brain research, way fun and you can email about your interest, or write a report for DGI that all can see. If I have an idea and give it to you, now we both have it and I lost nothing, a bit too logical. Finally I caught on that the message is the medium, what we see on TV is not as accurate or all inclusive as it might seem, as if the very words they use have not been yet well defined, and so what is assumed is that the words heard are meant more for a middle centuries peasant mentality, not the modern person we have been painted to be in ads.

We were too easy to fool, too trusting that the others knew the story from all kinds of points of views, that we would be introduced to important accessible themes and valuable topics, as if on a buffet table but no: no money, no true art that includes making film in grade 7, being an inventor in grade 4, a writer in grade 3.

Young Bozo considers a career in show biz, or egg

So how to overcome the psychological hindrances,  the passive aggressive information denial attacks, the trust betrayals, for perhaps there were many, such as "there is no Santa Claus," and yet I ride my new bike every day...

Are you trained by the trainers to consume and make money off others? Is there some reason you were not handed a book with the skills that pay $40-400 an hour, and gigs that pay $500-1500 per? 

We alert community action groups to think and contribute ideas at the websites. We must return the power of the word like it is an overdue book two weeks late.

We are perhaps in the midst of a weary funk of economic uncertainty: you are not doctor, lawyer, "software engineer," or party planner, yet you do not have the book above. It is because I have not written it yet, and if you write it, give me a copy!

An Irishman walks OUT of a bar!

The inventor is one that accesses the future and views an alien artifact. 

Simply because orientation begins self-assembly, the roads and channels were formed, then the effects in a big bang. The dimensions huddled, unfurled and moved much faster than light...the fastest yet was Time, and it kept moving and creating more roads and channels, and it still moves taking us with it. 

Time, like a sprinter, was much faster than its dimension siblings, and still runs far ahead into the unknown. If it could speak it would say: I am the way. 

End of poverty?


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