The Return of the Power of the Word

We begin our assault on the senses, but first, walk with me. How many years I thought another would speak those words, the inventor of a television tele-travel technology; well, that was me.

Later, this will be on film, but I do want to show you, illustrate, the power of the word in expression, not in lying, and even then….Bayesian algorithms dispel your non-truths.

Let us walk, side by side, into many of the shops and stores,  restaurants, in Berkeley. This is duplicable anywhere business is being done, including your head.

We come to the first store, a McDonald’s. I cannot influence corporate policy from here, as a matter of factoid, they are met in a Trade Show, where you get a cross-section of all the industry leaders, they come to your booth, and you get 200-300 cards per show, and you call them back and each deal makes you $1000-10,000 and you realize: they are just numbers, we can ALL tune into the channel where the numbers are bigger.

For their workers I tell them: You know, this company should be giving all of you a book they write for their employees, how to get into business and what this means in 2017: What it always meant, the sum of the incomes adding up to your financial business multiplication machine, from which you make, by definition $500 plus as soon as possible, until you make $2000-20,000 a day as vendor to a retail corporation chain. Of course, I bring up having a well advertised website for a great series of products, some imported from their home countries: can they bring us voices from their lands? 

Of course, their sum is exactly like the group wave velocity of quantum energy packets, but this is for extra physics credit.

I tell them: “Money tree technology defines business: 100-200-400-800-1600-3200-6400-12,800à $25,600, you buy or create items that you are able to sell for double: this is what all factories do, or they are out of business! This is an 8-jump money tree. You can go ahead to any part of it and start there. We all play this and the ones that don’t are the homeless and poor: they are the losers in this grand unified pyramid scheme.

I further tell these workers, I torture them with: your company should hand you the book “Book of Skills that pay $40-400 per hour and gigs that pay $500-1000 per.”  Of course we should all have this, and I am writing it with your help, and delivering it door to door: you say you don’t need this, that you are OK; you should add this information because it is good, and keep it on the shelf bringing it down often to be of service to others: your idea apothecary can do great business.

Coffee shop. We go to a coffee shop, and I say when paying, “You know, you should have (I really don’t fool around anymore, or try any psychology, at least this week) an IDEA jar,” and I gesture a much taller jar, and they just don’t get it. I mention casually where is their company book, and if they have a PayPal website: they never do, and I tell them 15% of us do, maybe they can do this, of course, and every day: “Bank of America has deposited xxxx dollars in your bank account,” nothing makes you happier that that (unless, of course, a drone delivers a barrel of monkeys to you. To see those colorful creative creatures mimic your gestures, run around, play the accordion, well nothing beats these guys.

I tell them (we are still in the coffee shop, I just space out sometimes) where are your products on these shelves? There is plenty of room, and it would show you business: to be on the other side, behind the shelves. We all shop, we all need to be on both sides, so we can build our exponential money multiplication machine system.

Now we go to a small retail business, where the owners are there: I tell them their windows could have greater impact statements to attract more customers, I tell them about separating themselves from their competition. Why don’t they play and sell the music of the regional artists? Can they put my wheel of fortune there, as people pay, they spin and get: film maker invitation, artist free lesson, a writer short story, great things that multiply 10 X what they spent. How to make money, for example, hundreds of ideas and supports. Why don’t they get emails from their clients, and always stay in their consciousness with mass-emails, with contests, with promotion of writers and artists.

In book stores and music stores you see me tell them: What if you had a writer or musician in residence, always demonstrating the fun and the field? Have a writer right here in the bookstore, writing. I offer to do speed-comprehension, and to bring them speakers (the restaurants get speakers too), have an artist, a scientist: show all the fields and excite your readers into submitting their interest to these activities, and satisfy through service those that want to do it, and need assistance, versus those that don’t at this time. They’ll come around. I also ask them where is the section with local authors, not just the publisher-approved.

I go to the public library (this is where I do my best work in the telling others what to do, a gift, really). There should be posters regarding the life uplifts themselves, a continuous subject and written by the patrons.  There would be two posters on easels with 8 categories:   MIND                          BODY
                       MONEY                      SPIRIT
                       SOCIAL LIFE             PROJECTS
                       TIME                           NATURE AND SCIENCE

The reference  department: OK, get me started: Why don’t you PROMPT the reader so they know what questions others have asked, a compendium log of, before. What valuable books do you keep back there, locked: maybe I can creatively riff off them?

Where are the library patron logs? The medical illness sufferer log? Questions frequently asked log?

 At the physics office: Why don’t you post the fields of physics on your website?

Why don’t you play movies on walls with projectors on weekend nights, promoting film makers?

I have to go back to work now. I am attempting to get Maxwell’s equations out of my integration of the brain and vacuum, a matter-time-space connector. So far, all I get is Maxwell’s nose hair, but it’s early still in the game. Notice I have my own non-Abelian gauge theory (Connection Theory) and I do not know Abelian theory. 


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