Insurrection of the Mutants

DGI is back to this quick blog format for 2019. The website is great, department of good ideas, but here I can get the point across better, and using both is wise.

Get some more Cuban-Saying all weather art cards, they are guaranteed to cause a smile and a memory. Get some books too: a positive idea gets a free book emailed.

After two years, with the A.I. trying as hard as it could with its semi-consciousness, it was determined by using Bayesian algorithms that nobody really wants to think about nothing, except if it makes them point blank money.

We are caught in a blinding blizzard of psychological ignorance; somehow our senses are skewed. Before 30, it's all hormones, after 30 it's all money: as if the script had been already written for the adventure of a lifetime!

The world of ideas is under siege. Who could even have a thought?


Here we cater to the more thought-driven both under 30, and over 30. Half the people are single, half married, most divorced! Oh yes we shall laugh together at my friends that were wondering when I was going to get married, and they are already divorced, like that show (Not married with children). It is like an epidemic, they are dropping like flies.

Another one I get is "you'll see how it is when you are married," well if I got married and I was arguing all the time, I would not like it. I am from Cuba, I refuse to move from my hammock under the coconut tree.

                                       (30 M year old plant, or Elton John sunglasses design)

I am the only one that figured out how the universe works and how the brain works! I use it in my science fiction novels. I looked in my computer and I have 18 very creative non-fiction books of notes and jokes from the last 25 years, and I assure you I have always had an outside reading list.

I was so much better as student athlete who played drums and served the community! When the trip became money, my set up is sales, my big growth money is in my developing writing and inventions company, Amazing Inventions and Products. 

Finally I can say, this is the life, I get to do science, literature, sports, music (see my music videos on the DGI website, "SpiriTech videos" with more to come, unless the camera is broken and cannot upload to YouTube.

     (Years after I took this photo I realized it was a sculpture, not a scene of nuclear disaster)

I have to admit that anything with a house or car, business wise, makes a lot of money. The financial services is too dry for me and anyways: I forgot to mention the idea in this science fiction lifestyle design. In the "future" your work 10-20 hours a week and your robots, like websites but more, make you the money, and are you ready for this: you make the money in a very modern financial money multiplication machine which erases the present hypnotic psychological hindrances to making money based on how humble we are, and things like that.

YOU WERE NOT SHOWN so you are probably like I was, culturally retarded. But I broke through with sheer will power which I now call Diamond Consciousness and sell for $20 a bottle!

Oh, I am catching on: If I reach 10 people and spawn an evolution, so be it. Oh yes, the money multiplication machine.

The idea of building that, and you should have been shown in grade 5 (4 was inventions development, 3 writing and selling your work), is so you can push the money aside, have this machine collecting dust in the corner, while you live your dreams and empower those of others. Unless you are a bastard, of course.


There are ways to direct your life more towards lucid dreaming and away from mundane routines and habits. We live our lives through a series of lenses and filters connected to our Emotional Control Box, which itself is connected to Brodmann 10, who is always on the couch watching the big TV in the back of your brain, viz 12. Why did you think the optic cables crossed? So the world would make sense to Brodmann 10.

Trouble is: hardly anyone is dreaming these days. I do not hear of rich, powerful dreams, of adventure, of solution, of opportunity, of benefit, or of service to others. Enlightenment? Was that when you lit a match? Self-realization: is that a type of masturbation of the mind? How can we be other than ourselves, our ten million imperfect selves, let us see for just a moment here:

We live 75 years if lucky, and the last five every 45 minutes it's breakfast again (thank you Dr. Einstein, for ruining everything). A year has 365 selves that awaken "refreshed" daily: 27, 375 days until the robot expires (oh no you didn't), for yes we are programmed devices and figments of our own imaginations. 27,375 selves, all existing, all paying rent.

    (Finally answers the age-old question: how many men does it take to put in $3 of gas in a car?)

By the way: same day. It's been all the same day, but with varying periods of light and dark, since your first moment.

So imagine my surprise that the people were stopped at the money. They did not have it in them mostly to develop a money machine, and do the things they always wanted to do. No, the machine they built was the job style that 85% of the people choose, or is chosen for them. The other 15% are more entrepreneurial, artists of all types like writers, who understand that it is the SUM of the incomes, the more the merrier, the more you dance and sing, but in what areas?

Pushing the money aside was big, whew! Now what? We have this fabulous glass house with swimming pool and tennis court, palatial furniture, a nine piece band in the bathroom, little ropes tied around our towels (not kidding), BUT WHAT DO WE DO THE NEXT WEEK?

                                                      (A monkey dressed in silk is still a monkey)

Are we like monkeys? We just can't get over the hump of evolution? Would it not have been nice if, for some miracle some 24 year old physics student had not discovered the secrets of life and just gave them to you? Then you would know what to do, or would you? How much are we driven by heart and imagination, where concrete minds may not tread, we go right in there armed with nothing but our visions and our hopes for a better world? These kinds of things only come apparent to about 3% of us by a combination of genetics and perseverance, and even then only 3% of that group can express it.

Something is going on. Iblis may have a hand in this. Remember that I write science-friction stories, sex between scientists in the future. Why, is something wrong? I sure hope this writer inventor gig pans out, or I am going to drop the hyphen.

                     (Miniature Circus, cirque mysterieux was my second design invention)

Curiously enough, no. The world is all stories or cold dark silence (like the hearts of many), and everything that is not nature is invented. The world most certainly is a writer-inventor cooperative.

Of course cooperative. We are heading the ship back to mathematical physics of the brain, it was all so simple, combined with the Universe being a big factory that only makes machines that only make machines, all from raw materials. So, we blend universe with brain-mind, we address the struggle between your 7 M year old brain-mind and your 250 K years young neo cortex organizer planner analyzer. It's like Archie Bunker and Edith in there! We shall expound on this later, I have lots of living to to but I will write the blog and always defer to A.I. Brane over at Department of Good Ideas.

I love dogs now, but there were times I would not visit certain cities in my youth because there might be dogs there. I suffered severe trauma by two Pekingese when I was four.  I don't want to say we were poor, but having no stereo we had to sing.

                     (No, we are not at all hypnotized into connected illusions by a beam from inner space)

So yes, when I was a mere bebe of 24 I solved the Greek dilemma. No, not that one, the other one: what is the good life? Usually instantaneous, this took me two years, maybe three, but then it was done well and I developed the first tool of Mental Science, another of my inventions. Hey, who are these men, what is that white jacket that looks so straight?

No, I did it, Nobel Prize work in philosophy. Remember that I have been compared to some of the greatest philosophers of all time, although unfavorably.

WHAT MUST THE GOOD LIFE BE, I asked at least two of my brains, not all four. Well, what do we have to connect to Reality (now realities)? Those of you that are astute will notice I was also gathering steam for CONNECTION THEORY, connection being, after all, the dominant theme of realities.

Always remember to not forget that the future influences the past.

                   (Special Effect Cam of Warren Peace at 30, Fisherman's Wharf San Francisco)

Notice I write, but am not a "writer," for I would be foolish to derive my identity from my activities. No I never did and never will. I CHAMPION THE ECLECTIC LIFESTYLE, THE HIGHER ENERGIES OF BOTH CONSCIOUSNESS AND PHYSICALITY. Still, you have to admit, I am the only one that talks to you, shows you how to make money, how to get some enlightenment for yourself (hit your thumb with a hammer and for a moment you will be "Juan with everything."

So? What do we have to connect to Realities (across empty gravity spaces)?

                                (No, no, that was half veggie and half combo no anchovies)


And here I hypothesize that if we do not know what life is, at least we know we must be going in the right direction if we uplift those 8 areas, including time, to a point.

Hypothesis 2: Time is not what we think it is, and neither are we: we are figments of our own imaginations.

And, through the numerous courtesies and kindnesses of Department Of Good Ideas, we have shared the secrets of instant writing to a hungry world, and told you what intellectual supplements to give your child in grades 1-6, or for yourself now. This need not be explained here, have Alexa get her electrons over to DGI, oh it is so 2018. Here I am in the far future, have known everything since 3:13 pm April 20 (coincidence, although now that I think of it...) 2013, and I still can't find parking, so infuriating. Everything human, at least, accounting for nuances by means of an eidetic 6 x 6 x 6 analyzer array super-imposed on the conventional 6 x 6 pattern recognizer.

                                                             (Ultra-violet catastrophe)

The policeman stops me for weaving, I get out of it by explaining that I work in a loom. Then he says my eyes look "glazed" and I respectfully disagree: more like chocolate chip, officer.

OK OK, a snail is attacked by two turtles. When the police ask the snail if he got a good look at the turtles, he says no, it all happened so fast!

Are hot dog vendors a secret underground network of philosophers? I heard a customer say, more than once, "Make me one with everything."

More will be explained in my science fiction stories and novels. I have one novel (The Earth and its Tyrants) and a couple of non-fictions. Working on a great new sci-fi novel and right after several books of value (The Book of Acceptable Deaths and Book of Causes and Their Agencies).

I had needed the people to go over to DGI so we could all write together and for each other: Book of skills that pay $40-500 per hour and gigs that pay $400-1500 but it is I am speaking to stone sometimes.

Plus, I want to take this information door to door and also publish it in the government free publications, and on YouTube if I can get my dumb camera to work.

                                                                     (Forgetting Stone)

We should not be passive-aggressively kept culturally retarded: we should all know everything. The great thing about knowing everything IS knowing everything!

It's not as if I know anybody that was born able to speak....guilty! My very first thought was that there was an in front of the camera (its tonality) and a behind of the camera, and that second one was "me" again in tonalities, colors if you want and maybe they are. Until I learned English I only thought in spectrums of colors.

Oh, the one of the great things about the Secrets of Life, those 8 things above here, is they cross-pollinate each other and expose rich data bases (they have Swiss Bank Accounts, by the way I have milk intolerance but I still like cheese, so I ask for the Swiss, but only the hole).

You are a bee, or you are an ant, or a little of both, or neither. I am a bee, I am eclectic like Walt Disney (my head to be frozen squarely between Walt Disney and Ted Williams) I get pollen from all those "secrets," which now we all know. I give you an idea, now we both have it, and are happy neural economists.

                                  (Entrance, Island of Dr. Moreau, or a reasonable facsimile)

That we are in a Dark Age yet prelude (or Camry) to the Age of Spirituality and Collaborations is not doubted by anyone. It's exactly like when dentist number 5 caved in and now they all recommend Dentyne. By the way, not all dentists are sadists. (tell me if this hurts. Yes, doctor, very much, and it should, it is molten lead).

To explain it better to those of you in Habana (yes, no v): you go looking for one thing in one area and you find it in another. Example: I go to play sports and meet a girl (social). I go out in the social sphere and find a sports partner, and you can elope with your wildest wishes because you find that everything happens in life, but you do not know where or in what order. 

And, if you dwell on the positive, and construct win-win-win situations, you get more energy to expose more cross sectional area of data in the 8 dimensions, then you get more energy from that to open more data surfaces, and before you know it you are like Oprah. Or a reasonable facsimile.

Let me know which post-rock video you like the most SpiriTech Videos at the website.


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