Key Department of Good Ideas developments

A more extensive list is on the pages of the website,  a service organization, a foundation of hope and light for all. Our chief tenets are several, actually.

             It is as if we are inside a Chinese Puzzle Box

We start with "we cut down all the trees" or so, and that this may be affecting us mentally and environmentally. We needed forest molecules for our design bodies and minds, as a sort of biochemical mood regulator. 

Then, as the child enters this space, like a little angel I might say, the open mind of the curious begins to take in the first years of impressions on their memory from family, neighborhood, financial situation, and schools. 

                         Architects should not drink on the job

When a baby enters the room, we should all take note and congratulate the parents. Extra credit students might wish to say, "I did not know that angels flew so low," the point being a super-star has just entered the room, and we should all notice and give respect, we are the welcome party. 

                                                 Red Mars

Babies and dogs appear to be the ones keeping it real. 

Continue with the leaving out of 50% of elementary school information, see the web for the suggested supplements which all children should have. Like your first real food list, where the actual food that feeds the organs are found. What aren't you eating enough of? What don't you ever eat?

We all need a type of user's manual for our bodies, and the full knowledge added up from people such as me, that are communicative and share ideas: if I have an idea and I give it to you, now we both have the idea. Nobody loses anything, there are no secrets here, nobody is going to steal your song or great invention. I tell you the inventor is one in a million, but you do not have to be an inventor to do what the inventor does: turn on the light. 

Who can live without the taste of the Cuban and Hawaiian islands on their plates once a week? Get this book on the website now! 

key Ideas from the Department of Good Ones 

Families' national newsletter so all families get great information for their families and friends, like being raised knowing what other families are doing, a big help.

What Creativity really means: Art is not art! It is the Synthetic Alliance of thought, invention, science, and engineering with fine arts, writing, film making and music by the sheer necessity of the times. The toys are getting way dangerous and the people much angrier. 

Read my science fiction; I cannot change the forces by fiat, they are what they are, and are experienced as they are interpreted, but I can write phenomenal science fiction and show a more positive world. 

                                Valentine's card from DGI

Connection Theory: the dominant theme of Realities is connection, more formalized here.

The 8 Dimensions of the human reality: mind, body, wallet, spirit, social, projects, time, and emotion. These are your possessions, if you can do not let them go fallow. 

Access to the super-conscious: this is how you find the genie-in-us, by direct transmission to your conscious mind of collage-like assemblies in your imagination. 

Mental Science: see the DGI version on the website

Positive Mental Visualization: we can develop this new science together online at DGI, a sea of emotions positive, negative, and neutral. But we have rules and need more by the reader. We are trying to get readers to think or contribute what they have thought about already. Start with a good recipe for tuna salad. 

We need to seek out the clever, creative problem solving community; we are much too silent, as if we have Spiritual Laryngitis.

We need now apply all the sciences to the common social problems. We are dropping the ball on this, but DGI is earnest in seeking fresh new solution ideas, and reporting on them as we have in the Good News on TV. 

We are marginalizing scientific minds when we do not ask the students of universities, say the physics students, to solve problems: where is the suggestion box? Where is the Problem Box for the students to solve and get money or merit or both? 

How is it that we forget all our scholarship and study when we get to the illusion we know as the "real world?" Now I know some of you can think, and not too differently. You notice the errors, how the pieces are not set up right. Send us your valuable comments, non political, of course, because

Why should we care that much about 602 people and 20,000 mayors when we ourselves should be asking what we can do for our country? There are 330 M of us! 

DGI uplifts the money division for all, because if not for you you can pass it on in your metro: book of skills that pay $40-400 an hour and gigs that pay $500-1500 per. Also, a Book of Causes and their agencies: what groups are doing what to help. We should all have these. And I have other ones in the making. 

                     My second invention, miniature circus

Portable Markets: take the bazaar flea market of ideas, stories, and appearances to remote areas so they can make some money from an international well-meaning audience remotely. 

Idea Sharing: put what you learn from family, studies, your own thoughts, what you came across by accident in a type of Personal Good News Brochure and have it handed out. Assemble one from your family and friends. In this life you are lucky if you have two friends. 

TV TRAVEL we invented it, arrive before you leave technology is finally here in 2019, a big thrill around the office; what's next a hand-held dream programmer?

Form many more cooperatives we can all join, in all areas, like books clubs with different books and interests. 

Complete World Picture View: why should we not be able to see all the countries on our TV (TV Travel, our invention) and use world communicator to speak with the people from there, and be hooked up by their embassy with their business people with import-export ideas? Of course! Do you not see this is the future and you can join the organization bringing it to you! Act now, operators are standing by. Can there every be, really, such a thing as "too much" life insurance my friends?

Over time a man(?) appears on a cutting board: S-Wave transmission

Inventory the world, its opportunities, benefits, services. I shall contact World Almanac on this one, but you can write about it. 
This is an S-Wave transmission, a hippie appears on my cutting board

Advanced data base acquisition: not just a or b, on or off, black or white, the nuances of a sophisticated search; another glass of sherry, Alexander?

How to go from job to business. See the website, many more ideas there! Look for the lists on the first two, three pages. 

We have found the missing link between sub-humans and truly civilized humans, and that missing link is us!

These are still the Dark Ages; they rage until we know the mind and develop more heart and imagination, fresh cleverness.

Do not misunderstand the works of historical Jesus: Yes, he asked for separate checks, but is also one of the few that can get 12 people to sit on the same side of the table, like a college thing. 

                                    Join the club tonight!

There is a more up to date list on the website, in two places, in the first few pages. 

He came from nowhere, and back to nowhere he returned. 


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