The 10 Virtues and More
After an appetizer of anger, drink down a bottle of hate and wash it down with dislike.
Light can only emerge when the people are happy, creative, healthy, vibrant, sexual.
How you carry your burdens in life is as important as how heavy they are.
Aspire to the laughter of a clown in this serious world.
Campanile card
The economic problems are affecting everybody, now the Hell's Angels are on foot!
Have you heard about the man who has multiple personalities who is now in jail for holding himself ransom? Neither have I.
The speed of reflex is 200 mph.
We don't grow our own fruits and vegetables, but we do grow our ideas; why aren't the farmers working?
Alien Time machine
Transmutation is alive and well, representing the dynamics of change and the role of potential conversion.
They always speak of my drinking, but never of my thirst.
The future isn't what it used to be.
I am trying to manage my life so I don't have to be present.
I am a schizophrenic and so am I.
Most surprised man that the asteroid should hit
When ideas fail, words are very handy. -Goethe
Trust in Allah, but tie your camel.
The baby was so ugly, we had to tie a pork chop around his neck to get the dog to play with him.
There is a dwarf planet in the orbit between Mars and Jupiter, I thought I should be the one to tell you.
There is a planet the size of Mars inside the Earth and they are complaining about the noise.
Is there a dark subterranean world beneath the ice protective layer on Callisto?
Sculpture idea: shoes sticking out of a curtain.
Confusion is the natural state of the sub culture. When we shine the light of reason on our ignorance we order events and detect patterns we may or may not be able to use.
The dominant theme of perception is discontinuity, we always catch the show already in progress.
Another Cuban Sayings Card
Our eight dimensions go up against the inevitability of time.