The New Consultancy
At about the time you start to hate your job, you have developed enough skills to become a consultant, not a bed of roses either: You have to know what to do with yourself!
I gave a ride one night after a party to a celebrity from California. He had been a tennis player, and played in some big tournaments, but, did not make it to TV pro.
He is practicing at the park, some Japanese film makers were there, he looked right to them, off to making commercials for big money he went.
I took him home and as we neared Menlo Park California, he said to me that here were big homes with tennis courts, pools, luxury.
I immediately knew what to ask: What do they do the next week after they get all this stuff?
So too with my new consultancy at United States Robots and Mechanical Persons.
It is fun, modern office, just the right kinds of distractions (sadly, cell phones), but clean. I hope to develop a new line of robot with new types of functionalities, and the working environment is 10 blocks from my apartment-home, Morningwood.
Again: the world is s stranger that beckons from afar. Live your dreams as of right now. Me, I have to get that glass house like Courtney Cox has: fabulous, its design features inspire me, but, I can soon afford to rent one of those, ownership of a 20-40 M dollar mansion is out of my grasp. Right now I can be their servant and enjoy the luxuries when they are at work 80 hours a week: is that a good compromise?
I tell you, the more energy you put out there with your skills and abilities, the more the world and multi verse rewards you. Think: rent your mini mansion, you don't have to buy! Or be their servant on an "is all good," basis is good too for awhile.
You are in the movie of your life, start writing a better part and ambiance for yourself: what surrounds you is key for your imagination. I have this 1800's painting I got for $20 at an auction because of two small holes in it. Of course, to repair is like $250 plus tip, so with the little holes it remains.
Big surprise to me that the others in bulk can only handle zero or one interest, plus errands, hobby, and social life.
If you want to know more things come here, but right there I see a site like this can only appeal to about 16% at most.
I am off to write my books and sell them in more earnest to get big checks, as the inventions grow. How will my new line of robots look? Stay tuned, you will be surprised.
I gave a ride one night after a party to a celebrity from California. He had been a tennis player, and played in some big tournaments, but, did not make it to TV pro.
He is practicing at the park, some Japanese film makers were there, he looked right to them, off to making commercials for big money he went.
I took him home and as we neared Menlo Park California, he said to me that here were big homes with tennis courts, pools, luxury.
I immediately knew what to ask: What do they do the next week after they get all this stuff?
So too with my new consultancy at United States Robots and Mechanical Persons.
It is fun, modern office, just the right kinds of distractions (sadly, cell phones), but clean. I hope to develop a new line of robot with new types of functionalities, and the working environment is 10 blocks from my apartment-home, Morningwood.
Again: the world is s stranger that beckons from afar. Live your dreams as of right now. Me, I have to get that glass house like Courtney Cox has: fabulous, its design features inspire me, but, I can soon afford to rent one of those, ownership of a 20-40 M dollar mansion is out of my grasp. Right now I can be their servant and enjoy the luxuries when they are at work 80 hours a week: is that a good compromise?
I tell you, the more energy you put out there with your skills and abilities, the more the world and multi verse rewards you. Think: rent your mini mansion, you don't have to buy! Or be their servant on an "is all good," basis is good too for awhile.
You are in the movie of your life, start writing a better part and ambiance for yourself: what surrounds you is key for your imagination. I have this 1800's painting I got for $20 at an auction because of two small holes in it. Of course, to repair is like $250 plus tip, so with the little holes it remains.
Big surprise to me that the others in bulk can only handle zero or one interest, plus errands, hobby, and social life.
If you want to know more things come here, but right there I see a site like this can only appeal to about 16% at most.
I am off to write my books and sell them in more earnest to get big checks, as the inventions grow. How will my new line of robots look? Stay tuned, you will be surprised.