The bee crisis
Subscribe to TED talks if you like speakers on various topics of the sciences, the studies. The actual job may be in one area, but the projects are in whatever area chosen, and it is the results and the fun doing them that matter, you learn from failure, Diamond Consciousness is what gets you through the constant failures on the road to success. Tenacity of Will and Imagination. Like a muscle, it can be improved with resolute practice, and can help in doing the things we like. The speaker tells us that bees are involved in 1/3 of the pollination, and the bees are suffering from 3 different types of problems, temporarily controlled with pesticides. Why does the speaker not suggest that the problem be quantified and given qualities by the research teams as working with a technical writer who can translate, the way Isaac Asimov did with science, to the masses. Now we would have 320 million people in on this (we get the babies to problem solve), with a BEE BINGO card, and ...