
Showing posts from July, 2015

The bee crisis

Subscribe to TED talks if you like speakers on various topics of the sciences, the studies. The actual job may be in one area, but the projects are in whatever area chosen, and it is the results and the fun doing them that matter, you learn from failure, Diamond Consciousness is what gets you through the constant failures on the road to success. Tenacity of Will and Imagination. Like a muscle, it can be improved with resolute practice, and can help in doing the things we like. The speaker tells us that bees are involved in 1/3 of the pollination, and the bees are suffering from 3 different types of problems, temporarily controlled with pesticides. Why does the speaker not suggest that the problem be quantified and given qualities by the research teams as working with a technical writer who can translate, the  way Isaac Asimov did with science, to the masses. Now we would have 320 million people in on this (we get the babies to problem solve), with a BEE BINGO card, and ...

The Synthetic Alliance

Emotion, collaborations, connectivity, memory and consciousness will power: Engineering, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Architecture, and Art (new definition), also Materials Science, Social Science, Medicine and Biology into a new MENTAL SCIENCE which pays attention to Nanotechnology, Quantum technology, IT, Neuroscience and Biotech MENTAL SCIENCE is the use of all of the sciences to solve all of the problems, by a special blend of their problem solving techniques. It exploits the open questions of science for creative problem solving. These new tools ( Encyclopedia of Mechanisms ) will be used to combat the problems we face today WAR POVERTY MEDICAL VIOLENCE WAR ENVIRONMENT APATHY IGNORANCE COLLABORATION is an alert to curiosity, concern, desire. Order from the Menu of Life, the coin of purchase is passion, but you can run out with the check! Complete world picture views 196 reports, better Mind, better body, more money, time, health, emo...

What projects or dreams do you have?

The usual reason as to why action is not taken is no money and no time. Except in extreme cases, we learned in sales school, people have money and time for the things they really want.                                         The website has more ideas and maps, plus the inventions catalog, the science fiction story club (great gift for a reader), and the 31-Metroplex Creatives listings.                                    Creatives listings: The machine of all the minds of the artists combined together reading the same question, like bingo, to solve problems, to answer the questions people/audiences may have. We the music people are also a type of conduit for...

The Machinery of Thought

Thought is this:  the past manipulated by present forces, algorithms built and pre-set, biochemically mooded, in order to create, or evolve, for the future, a particular plan of action and to bring about a desired series of circumstances. Good idea if you have the  International Menu of Life options and Lifestyle designs, help me write it.  Other factors are what your plans are, what is in your queue, back burner, what you put in front of your senses.  How can it be that vision and auditory use in the brain is 70% of its function. Are you going to "back up your brain" with a laptop, will take forever. Just how smart are we, and how can we tap directly into our subconscious genie?  Recall we redefine Art to more, we have returned its power to its proper generation: we see more, the screens come quicker and with more template information. We can use a new machine definition: a linked series of mechanisms A mechanism is: A solid volume which obeys the...

America! the song

Image  our band is SpiriTech: technology of Spirit   listen to America! live and in concert, this was a very early did not come out quite right edition on the website.   write to us there, we like you already.  We are called SpiriTech because as we enter the studio, all is silent and the amps don't play, the drums don't sound (sometimes the snares are vibrating to something). And then: by use of the amplification of spirit with amps, drums, and vocal mikes, we project our spirits to the multiverse in hopeful fashion.  Recall that my body is nearly 100% tattooed since I am a drummer. They are flesh colored, so you cannot notice at the shows, but the pain and payment was real.  How did everyone get thousands of dollars for tattoos? How do the homeless young people get those dogs?  The ones we like: Love and Madness, Water Falls (voted best mood song of all time), Shadow Government, Love Sex Cadill...

The year is 2015, humans have been to the Moon

Grades 3-7: book writing, invention development,  Business International system, how to make film, how to be of service to others... DEPARTMENTOFGOODIDEAS.COM    is changing again...  If you love a professional career like medicine, law, scientist, professional Canasta player, Party Planner, great. Even then this is good to know, to grow your money and to help others do same, as a gesture from the heart.  If not, you may work for others for  a while, but the opportunity is there to acquire skills, more than one, and make small part time fun family business, or for single persons, or with friends. I will post 50, there must be 10,000 SEND US SOME or let us see what is up: small business ideas where you make $50-100 an hour or per job. Put this way: the idea is continue to pare these money trees until you are making your $500-1000 per day and moving up. This is simple math, I suppose most people do not like math, so they are fooled in business? Well...

Getting closer to the self-ticketing car

Image    DepartmentOfGoodIdeas@Gmail                                                         20-Million year old plant, they look Send ideas and questions, receive free inventions and information booklets, state a problem to be solved that is general enough. Amaze us. Happy? My dog can be happy, I want to be in awe of what I see before my eyes  DGI:  open to collaborate on inventions and you get the booklet free now if you ask for it: 27 ways to market your inventions and small businesses.    How to buy things at 90% off retail in auctions, how to reduce your bills by 50%. What do I lose? Nothing,  The money, I always thought, was so we could do those things we want to do and empower others too. Times have changed, you are doubling it or you are falling behind on money and probably he...