Time to increase Life

We are the sum of the forces. We fight against the forces of darkness, of ignorance. We try to save the world: the world yawns and turns the other way.

We should be excited about new ideas, they should be promoted loudly, on trucks that drive around. They would fall in the areas of improving our minds, bodies, and making money, plus improvements for the families and single persons. Creativity can usher in this new supplement to the general sameness we see in environments, at least me: coffee shop, eat this and talk about the service, drink this liquor and stand around smoking, buy this, sit down and watch this, tattoo parlor, massage shop, dinosaur bookstores. The world of creativity is missing in inaction, and where are the musicians? Where is the pamphleteer, the soap box thinker in the streets?

I had nearly expected the retired persons to be walking around giving the sums of what they have learned so far, surprising things they had seen  I had also expected the people in my neighborhood to return home and run businesses from their homes, be home more, after 5 years or so in industry. Become a consultant at double the rate type of thing. No, they are still at work at their jobs.

To buy one's freedom there have to be things you want to do in your heart of hearts. For me it is inventions and writing, film, for money. That money supplies my love of science, sports, and music. How I wish I would make money from music!

Many of us I suspect picked all these great things that do not make money; are we called the artists in the story? I was no corporate technologist, although I like to study math, physics, and brain research. They give me a buzz, and all the time to do it is around here somewhere unless I have misplaced it, I have all there is.

The billionaire mentality, for example, is just that, like a template you look at. Within this mentality is the concept that you can have from 3-120 businesses with careful management. In addition, it knows of how to assemble experts to get the job done. In the starting of organizations is also the skill of billionaires, just depends what. Me, I start football leagues and ink tanks.

Almost all our projects have 4 steps, and they take place in  some of the 11 environments that have made us:

11 environments program us:

The great  Outdoors
The others mostly unknown
The friends
The cave
The schools
The family
The inside of our Minds
The time envelope, the train you caught in the History express
The job or jobs
The relationships
The near environment to the cave

I can assure you that some of the programming in us depends on what is found outside of us in those 8 environments, and how we interpret, perceive, and comprehend the images. The inner person is quite important, do not disregard communications with yourself in the language of emotion.

Of course eating at home and riding the bike have given me like 20+ extra hours a week, so I can write this and still go for my own increases in income by writing, inventing, filming comedy, and sales. If I can sell my own stuff, the best most fun, if I have to get a sales job, well, then I ask you:

Is there really such a thing as "too much" life insurance? Can your family ever be "too protected?"

The humans are confused because there our actions are corresponding to about 5 Realities. I ask you for a moment to reflect inside your head, from that central core to you, on the fact that reality so far as you know has been "suggested" to you by others, and by looking around, sure enough, it appears that everybody is doing the same thing regarding most things. And this may be true.

But, when you and Time walk together and see somehow less excitement (if you seek it), from the non changing social environments, and your friends, little by little something changes. That something is everything including your emotions about things, how you feel about things, which is what drives you, from your heart of hearts.

Whose existence may be like the heaven beyond the one which we have heard about.

Now I know Gravity is listening to this and nodding. You know Gravity, shows up in all the right places:

V 1    Nature; we covered it up, it's under here somewhere, or we "cleared" the land

V 2    Ordinary reality, the veneer we share in common, common sense, the real one

V 3    The Super-Creative version adds new brand of Art solutions to V 2, opportunity, benefit

V 4     Pre-space Virtuality: here our hopes reside, we are to it like ants are to a freeway

V 5    Under study, V 5 is the nexus connector inside our heads to V 4, why we can't figure the brain               out  In part, our Minds may function with V 4 quantum-allowed structures

By natural consequences, if there really are multiverses, then all these realities and their particles are vibrating and in constant motion, ergo the confusion.

buy my inventions, I make you a deal. Buy into the Science Fiction story of the week and more! Club, or tell your reader friends, the topic reports are good. I am opening a small sausage factory, and will be sure to send you a link.

It does appear that we do not train ourselves generally to compare life experiences on the train of life, in some elements of giving ideas learned on the journey that may enlighten, that may help light up paths for the others.



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