The year is 2015, humans have been to the Moon
Grades 3-7: book writing, invention development, Business International system, how to make film, how to be of service to others...
If you love a professional career like medicine, law, scientist, professional Canasta player, Party Planner, great. Even then this is good to know, to grow your money and to help others do same, as a gesture from the heart.
If not, you may work for others for a while, but the opportunity is there to acquire skills, more than one, and make small part time fun family business, or for single persons, or with friends. I will post 50, there must be 10,000 SEND US SOME or let us see what is up: small business ideas where you make $50-100 an hour or per job. Put this way: the idea is continue to pare these money trees until you are making your $500-1000 per day and moving up. This is simple math, I suppose most people do not like math, so they are fooled in business? Well no more, buy my book "Stop Getting Ripped Off Now!" for only $699.99 (plus shipping and handling, hand delivery by a federal agent). This will happen to you no longer. With money and the opportunity to make more, we are destined to feel better inside, some part of us is very well aware of the money situation.
I was a better little kid than money guy, buy grow we must for the times they are a changing. The environments are rougher. The other day I was beaten, kicked, and robbed, and I hadn't even left the house!
The money is the chief substrate, the mineral we must have in our diets, if life is a party at some point we must get party supplies and hand over the card. Being broke is OK at 20, passable at 29.
So, if not high paid professional, it becomes standard to be working in someone else's business, but it is custom and culture clear we are all in Billionaire Mentality Diamond Consciousness: trying to get into 3-120 other businesses and also International eCommerce and the promotion of their multiple web sites. Get those streams going, or we are drowned like lobsters in slowly boiling water.
There are 11 science fiction environments, taking place in 11 dimensions, over 4 (that I know of, there probably are more) Realities V 1-4, and they are all working it simultaneously with Gravity, which is the gravy of the whole thing.
If 94% of the universe is invisible to us, we are the ghosts to the beings in the 94%. Do they have a 1% also? What about a 3%? what about the 86-14 split between similar model brain design and anomalous, based on cue responses to stimuli, ease of programming by emotion. and perception of the payoffs as being desirable.
Put me in the 14, the payoffs that were apparently so great for others were not so for me. Eating at fine restaurants, I just call it eating, I want to get back to doing something.
TIME MARCHES ON just like when Mighty Mouse had to go to the future to get something, and things were more machine like, more hectic, and you ate a pill for a meal. They have marched on and keep on moving on us all.
I became so I sick of people eating for two hours, then talking 24 minutes about the service, and how this and that was, it made me somewhat piqued, let us say.
NOW I cook at home, control my own hygiene and diet, and find 10 extra hours a week to write books, work on inventions, make some film, study, play sports, play drums some nights.
How can the band music have 3300 fans and make only $10? Because our loving fans like our songs, they just play them from the site directly. Why do so many good-looking women come to SpiriTech concerts?
We need inventories in every category, turns out they are a type of map and our brains connect maps to get solutions, by algebra, and if many minds are involved, that much closer to the probability of the solution cascade being correct by Bayes theorem of probability.
We can all pick the best stuff we like, and pursue them as what they call "hobbies" but the Department of Science, one of the world's top secret organizations (you can see it is not listed anywhere) calls "assignments." DGI receives it funding from Department of Science, whose top-secret existence presently cannot be denied.
Now that is not a trivial point. The larger the flow of persons giving the answer to a question, it does not matter if the answer is informed, guessed at, deliberately lied about, mistake made, it will "average out" By Bayes theorem which is important, will be posted.
As you can see I have no design or layout, I just speak. This is the behind the scenes for Department of Good
Last night, Saturday, I become somewhat despondent in the San Francisco streets over the repetition of choices for things to do, which is why I like to stay home and read: not because the environments have changed, but because they have not.
The same 5 things to me, I expect more, so it is archived and nothing new can bring a buzzz from the future to my brain, cannot excite the pins that store temporary (6 weeks) memory imprints.
And you who read this are so happy going out on Fridays and Saturdays! You feel there is so much to do! Now you understand brood a little, after about a decade, it becomes repetitious and boring, especially if you don't drink.
As I looked about, or stumbled, I became in shock: where was the world of ideas in all this? The surroundings should have tons of ideas and concepts from the visionary thinking community.
See if this makes sense: Our entire civilization and the others are powered by thought. Thought is free, so it must be one of the best things, the stuff you can buy is junk compared to Nature's gifts, which we apparently took back and got the cash for.
And yet this is exactly the right time for Department of Good Ideas. We are needed to be new voices of a new generation dedicated to sharing, up to toothbrush. Here we share ideas, and find they effect positive mental energy.
I here posit that there is a sea of emotion, or of the cause of emotion we call Hyperspace, or Higgs Field, or V 4, version 4 of Reality. What we call Positive Mental Energy is generated there, and here is one mechanism:
You do something nice for somebody, they say thank you sincerely, they feel gratitude, you feel pride, the person watching feels uplifted. All three have benefited by one act initiated by one person, and the energies felt may transform in the others a near-done positive action in their lives, to one with sufficient energies to become accomplished, to get over the hump the way neither we nor the monkeys appear to be able to do.
There has been a sharp rise in the ruthless in the last 100 years, which mentality do they gravitate towards, of the ones below, send more if you can come up with them. They appear to be linked to our income or jobs, that gives the general impressions:
Academic Scientist
Captain of Industry
Retail Worker
Banking and financial services
Day trader of stocks
Police, Fire, EMT
Restaurant, taxi driver, bus driver
Newspaper and magazine worker
Sports player
Construction worker, housing involved worker
Car mechanic
Creative Problem solver
Film maker, TV, documentaries
Disabled by illness, chronic pain, mental anguish
Bureaucrats and managerial administrators
Hermits and abstractionists from urban social challenge
Pick up cardboard
Blow leaves around with some kind of amazing machine on your back
Hanger outers
Comedian, dramatists
People who make hot dogs, with relish
People who just read all the time
General business entrepreneur
Clean house $50
General trades, plumber, electrician, air conditioner repair
Caterer, food service
Cosmetologist, hair cut technician
Explorers of world extreme adventures
Is that about it? So, these kinds of both social and special minds are moving about the planet, with various tasks in mind.
They are scanners, and find themselves with some time to look about their area, and some for their world.
There has been no inventory of this world placed in front of these mentalities. No matter what the mood, this programmed by emotion and desire, sometimes fear and irrationality, persists until re programming.
Not good or bad, positive and negative energy effects are more the needed. Good and Bad is because we are cave-people, this came after "hu."
One concept: the ideas we give at DGI help someone, they are the questions and answers of a general audience, of all mentalities.
The mentalities all need a Complete world Picture View 196, which DGI is constructing why don't you help? Also, we are attempting an Opportunity Index: the attempt to see how the life of imagination can be fostered everywhere with practice and sharing of techniques. In other words, an inventory of where all those mentalities are going, how much food we have: 24 countries can feed the world one great fish meal daily if the modern techniques are used, some groups are championing this theme.
We lose 150,000 a day from not having food or proper sanitary conditions. Families having more children than they can support? Wow, now who has an answer to that vs. their freedom to choose: are we showing that if there is not enough food, until those members increase food and water supply, cannot have more children, like rationing the little infants?
Notice there are probably 15 geniuses and as many fine world artists in that group.
What do the people need? To share ideas like I am doing right here, to think: What is the inventory of the world and its contents? What are the top 100, 200 questions and answers to get from the world and DGI? How do I increase life of mind, body, and money, spirit, social, adventure, projects? How do I build more and more robotic eCommerce sites that work for me?
So as I walked around, I saw there were no ideas anywhere. You could go find them in silent volumes lying in wait in libraries and bookstores, which look more and more like dinosaurs.
Everything new is not always good, as the saying goes.
I will have a book of Cuban-inspired Aphorisms by spring, I imagine Springer-Verlagg publishers.
Sports 4 hours a day gives super endorphins, a perfect mood uplift found in your brain pharmacy, made custom just for you. Everything looks brighter, more beautiful, you feel it inside too, the natural high of the runner you get when you play basketball two hours or tennis 4 hours or flag football 3. Feel it, you want it, but you are going to need time and energy.
This is the Age of Power Generation
Your heart beats 100,000 times a day, you look around subconsciously 18 times a minute.
You have organs, connective tissues, need about 100 nutrients to keep going, some trace elements, some Omega -3 oil also.
Minerals are are often dissolved in the clay found in local waters for drinking. It all adds up, but the obvious is:
For your organs, bones, and connective tissue: I will soon generate a list of say 20 things for each one and present them all in one place, at DGI. This is very valuable for us all! Health is wealth.
These kinds of ideas should be in the constant search for. How can they not be? Why did the other 100 billion that came before leave us their marvelous legacy inside the very words we speak?
At every red light I should be getting ideas of how to get wealthy, to double my money in business here and internationally, we all should. Ideas on ideas and thinking, the Power of the Mind, the work of Harry Lorrayne, stories of the amazing men, women, artists, reminders for inspirations, and everywhere.
I am quite suspect of the net as being the repository of knowledge:
Where is the reference department? The department of Questions to ask?
If you love a professional career like medicine, law, scientist, professional Canasta player, Party Planner, great. Even then this is good to know, to grow your money and to help others do same, as a gesture from the heart.
If not, you may work for others for a while, but the opportunity is there to acquire skills, more than one, and make small part time fun family business, or for single persons, or with friends. I will post 50, there must be 10,000 SEND US SOME or let us see what is up: small business ideas where you make $50-100 an hour or per job. Put this way: the idea is continue to pare these money trees until you are making your $500-1000 per day and moving up. This is simple math, I suppose most people do not like math, so they are fooled in business? Well no more, buy my book "Stop Getting Ripped Off Now!" for only $699.99 (plus shipping and handling, hand delivery by a federal agent). This will happen to you no longer. With money and the opportunity to make more, we are destined to feel better inside, some part of us is very well aware of the money situation.
I was a better little kid than money guy, buy grow we must for the times they are a changing. The environments are rougher. The other day I was beaten, kicked, and robbed, and I hadn't even left the house!
The money is the chief substrate, the mineral we must have in our diets, if life is a party at some point we must get party supplies and hand over the card. Being broke is OK at 20, passable at 29.
So, if not high paid professional, it becomes standard to be working in someone else's business, but it is custom and culture clear we are all in Billionaire Mentality Diamond Consciousness: trying to get into 3-120 other businesses and also International eCommerce and the promotion of their multiple web sites. Get those streams going, or we are drowned like lobsters in slowly boiling water.
There are 11 science fiction environments, taking place in 11 dimensions, over 4 (that I know of, there probably are more) Realities V 1-4, and they are all working it simultaneously with Gravity, which is the gravy of the whole thing.
If 94% of the universe is invisible to us, we are the ghosts to the beings in the 94%. Do they have a 1% also? What about a 3%? what about the 86-14 split between similar model brain design and anomalous, based on cue responses to stimuli, ease of programming by emotion. and perception of the payoffs as being desirable.
Put me in the 14, the payoffs that were apparently so great for others were not so for me. Eating at fine restaurants, I just call it eating, I want to get back to doing something.
TIME MARCHES ON just like when Mighty Mouse had to go to the future to get something, and things were more machine like, more hectic, and you ate a pill for a meal. They have marched on and keep on moving on us all.
I became so I sick of people eating for two hours, then talking 24 minutes about the service, and how this and that was, it made me somewhat piqued, let us say.
NOW I cook at home, control my own hygiene and diet, and find 10 extra hours a week to write books, work on inventions, make some film, study, play sports, play drums some nights.
How can the band music have 3300 fans and make only $10? Because our loving fans like our songs, they just play them from the site directly. Why do so many good-looking women come to SpiriTech concerts?
We need inventories in every category, turns out they are a type of map and our brains connect maps to get solutions, by algebra, and if many minds are involved, that much closer to the probability of the solution cascade being correct by Bayes theorem of probability.
We can all pick the best stuff we like, and pursue them as what they call "hobbies" but the Department of Science, one of the world's top secret organizations (you can see it is not listed anywhere) calls "assignments." DGI receives it funding from Department of Science, whose top-secret existence presently cannot be denied.
Now that is not a trivial point. The larger the flow of persons giving the answer to a question, it does not matter if the answer is informed, guessed at, deliberately lied about, mistake made, it will "average out" By Bayes theorem which is important, will be posted.
As you can see I have no design or layout, I just speak. This is the behind the scenes for Department of Good
Last night, Saturday, I become somewhat despondent in the San Francisco streets over the repetition of choices for things to do, which is why I like to stay home and read: not because the environments have changed, but because they have not.
The same 5 things to me, I expect more, so it is archived and nothing new can bring a buzzz from the future to my brain, cannot excite the pins that store temporary (6 weeks) memory imprints.
And you who read this are so happy going out on Fridays and Saturdays! You feel there is so much to do! Now you understand brood a little, after about a decade, it becomes repetitious and boring, especially if you don't drink.
As I looked about, or stumbled, I became in shock: where was the world of ideas in all this? The surroundings should have tons of ideas and concepts from the visionary thinking community.
See if this makes sense: Our entire civilization and the others are powered by thought. Thought is free, so it must be one of the best things, the stuff you can buy is junk compared to Nature's gifts, which we apparently took back and got the cash for.
And yet this is exactly the right time for Department of Good Ideas. We are needed to be new voices of a new generation dedicated to sharing, up to toothbrush. Here we share ideas, and find they effect positive mental energy.
I here posit that there is a sea of emotion, or of the cause of emotion we call Hyperspace, or Higgs Field, or V 4, version 4 of Reality. What we call Positive Mental Energy is generated there, and here is one mechanism:
You do something nice for somebody, they say thank you sincerely, they feel gratitude, you feel pride, the person watching feels uplifted. All three have benefited by one act initiated by one person, and the energies felt may transform in the others a near-done positive action in their lives, to one with sufficient energies to become accomplished, to get over the hump the way neither we nor the monkeys appear to be able to do.
There has been a sharp rise in the ruthless in the last 100 years, which mentality do they gravitate towards, of the ones below, send more if you can come up with them. They appear to be linked to our income or jobs, that gives the general impressions:
Academic Scientist
Captain of Industry
Retail Worker
Banking and financial services
Day trader of stocks
Police, Fire, EMT
Restaurant, taxi driver, bus driver
Newspaper and magazine worker
Sports player
Construction worker, housing involved worker
Car mechanic
Creative Problem solver
Film maker, TV, documentaries
Disabled by illness, chronic pain, mental anguish
Bureaucrats and managerial administrators
Hermits and abstractionists from urban social challenge
Pick up cardboard
Blow leaves around with some kind of amazing machine on your back
Hanger outers
Comedian, dramatists
People who make hot dogs, with relish
People who just read all the time
General business entrepreneur
Clean house $50
General trades, plumber, electrician, air conditioner repair
Caterer, food service
Cosmetologist, hair cut technician
Explorers of world extreme adventures
Is that about it? So, these kinds of both social and special minds are moving about the planet, with various tasks in mind.
They are scanners, and find themselves with some time to look about their area, and some for their world.
There has been no inventory of this world placed in front of these mentalities. No matter what the mood, this programmed by emotion and desire, sometimes fear and irrationality, persists until re programming.
Not good or bad, positive and negative energy effects are more the needed. Good and Bad is because we are cave-people, this came after "hu."
One concept: the ideas we give at DGI help someone, they are the questions and answers of a general audience, of all mentalities.
The mentalities all need a Complete world Picture View 196, which DGI is constructing why don't you help? Also, we are attempting an Opportunity Index: the attempt to see how the life of imagination can be fostered everywhere with practice and sharing of techniques. In other words, an inventory of where all those mentalities are going, how much food we have: 24 countries can feed the world one great fish meal daily if the modern techniques are used, some groups are championing this theme.
We lose 150,000 a day from not having food or proper sanitary conditions. Families having more children than they can support? Wow, now who has an answer to that vs. their freedom to choose: are we showing that if there is not enough food, until those members increase food and water supply, cannot have more children, like rationing the little infants?
Notice there are probably 15 geniuses and as many fine world artists in that group.
What do the people need? To share ideas like I am doing right here, to think: What is the inventory of the world and its contents? What are the top 100, 200 questions and answers to get from the world and DGI? How do I increase life of mind, body, and money, spirit, social, adventure, projects? How do I build more and more robotic eCommerce sites that work for me?
So as I walked around, I saw there were no ideas anywhere. You could go find them in silent volumes lying in wait in libraries and bookstores, which look more and more like dinosaurs.
Everything new is not always good, as the saying goes.
I will have a book of Cuban-inspired Aphorisms by spring, I imagine Springer-Verlagg publishers.
Sports 4 hours a day gives super endorphins, a perfect mood uplift found in your brain pharmacy, made custom just for you. Everything looks brighter, more beautiful, you feel it inside too, the natural high of the runner you get when you play basketball two hours or tennis 4 hours or flag football 3. Feel it, you want it, but you are going to need time and energy.
This is the Age of Power Generation
Your heart beats 100,000 times a day, you look around subconsciously 18 times a minute.
You have organs, connective tissues, need about 100 nutrients to keep going, some trace elements, some Omega -3 oil also.
Minerals are are often dissolved in the clay found in local waters for drinking. It all adds up, but the obvious is:
For your organs, bones, and connective tissue: I will soon generate a list of say 20 things for each one and present them all in one place, at DGI. This is very valuable for us all! Health is wealth.
These kinds of ideas should be in the constant search for. How can they not be? Why did the other 100 billion that came before leave us their marvelous legacy inside the very words we speak?
At every red light I should be getting ideas of how to get wealthy, to double my money in business here and internationally, we all should. Ideas on ideas and thinking, the Power of the Mind, the work of Harry Lorrayne, stories of the amazing men, women, artists, reminders for inspirations, and everywhere.
I am quite suspect of the net as being the repository of knowledge:
Where is the reference department? The department of Questions to ask?