Double sided receipts with ideas

When the cashier gives me a receipt I turn it over and say, "This one has nothing written on the other side." Are you not surprised that this grand opportunity to give ideas out to the people, all of them, is wasted? I know double printing exists, imagine each day a different idea provided from problem solvers and fun people.

Is this the state of ideas in the modern time? I am constantly in search of them, they are fun to find. They apply to all of our interests, even new ones. There are ideas out there, but I cannot tell you we are a people, in the general social contexts, of ideas.

Why are we not constantly bombarded with ideas! Great ideas about everything! You should ask for your free copy of a science fiction story from the sci-fi club at:

visit the website by that name. New inventions coming out in weeks, there has been some delay, as always. Once this one is done, and the Dream Programmer is not always on, but it may be "on" by accident, I already invented it, and we are all in a consensual dream: things don't appear so real anymore, they shift about, don't they, a little more hazy, unsure. We need to wake up before the other half of the world falls asleep, or then the whole world is asleep. This is our film on YouTube premieres next month by mid August.

The excitement for me was real, I was the kid that liked to study, to laugh, to read. I bought into the Ideals as powerful sources of energy, but somewhere along the line, the "growing up" thing happened and I can tell you it is overrated: A giant surprise for me was that the people I shared the journey with are not more intent on sharing the events, what they saw, how it happened, their opinions, their questions, their events. It is as if they are on automatic, let's do this or that, but all part of a grander scheme of automated living.

Not Warren Peace. As I wrote that I began thinking go down play basketball, and now I am playing the drums in my head. It's like playing football: you don't get it all in one down, you have to hang in there and not make the blunder.

I assure you the first 50 years went by pretty quick, I am taking my time these next 50. It takes 50 years around that hot sun to figure things out.?

About 20 new inventions coming out, starting with this new one. You saw the dream programmer 1.0, very chancy stuff. How I got into the Dream Programming industry, which I invented, is that a man asked me to make his dream come true: He wanted to get together with a certain actress or singer, but really he did not know her or anyone that knows her, And, he wanted really a lot to do with her, so I told him forget this reality but how about we program you a nice dream?

You know, the usual stuff, the late night pizza, the incidental look, the angle at which you view something or how quickly you fail to capture the whole scene. Help me, sad to report that Igor has not been heard of for invention assistant, probably got a higher offer with that name.

There's like a wall you see. Imagine that I am handing out large checks for having fun! I don't have enough hands, and with a little help in Berkeley - S.F. area we could really help ourselves and others.

At least I am not depressed about it because that could make me invent a car system that gives you the ticket for speeding, running red light, reckless driving.  I will speak my truths perhaps not to change the world, but so that the world will not change me, because I am really surprised at the "ordinariness" of things. San Francisco very pretty, but where are the voices, the pamphleteer? Disobey your devices now! Oh, wait, I got a text.

Available now from: and
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