More Department Of Good

Thank you for tuning in. The Department is growing, like a kangaroo farm, by leaps and bounds. (I got out of the rabbit business, it was a hare-raising experience). Not too many emails with ideas to deposit and share, mostly the good job emails, thank you for those, but find us some ideas. Send a positive idea and get a free invention of your choice with some exceptions (limited time offer) Also, become a dealer for any of the inventions and designs in your metro.

Ask for a list, soon to be onsite, of titles for the Science Fiction stories, or themes you like to see in print.

The Department is a Central Bank of Ideas on the subjects that we try to find connections to inside this gigantic connection machine called Reality, so far only suggested to us. We connect what we have to the world, and the rest is taken care of: Connection is the dominant theme of Reality, that's how it works.

What it appears that we have to connect is Mind, Body, Money, Spirit, Social, and Special projects (if any, like a hobby or one time book or film making). These are "machines" we can turn on in our Minds with will and imagination, which when learned more about become Diamond Consciousness, the tenacity of Will and Imagination, takes some fun training. Do the Special projects with the kids. Ideally, we maximize all their beneficial features and minimize the negative ones, last them through with courage and luck.

At some level it is the expanded ability to see with improved metaphors, be well aware of Positive Mental Energy systems (in two weeks a report), and to then perceive and comprehend with as close to the possible 216-field scan and not only the usual 36-field scans with focus. Believe you me, the central core is always looking. The very awareness of the other knowledge promotes intelligence, the sum of the smarts, and the hope of fluid intelligence  problem solving,  more non-specific and creative. When studying, the scans are of the worlds you perceive there, and comprehend, but it may turn out to be wise: what else is going on? What is the status of the ship and its inventory? We are all agents of positive change in this world, if we choose to be, allow ourselves to be, are trained to be.

As a drummer in a fairly popular band, I see we have 3300 fans, we need them to assume their place on the problem solving for the world arena, not just our music: our little world needs us, we are the new messengers of ideas and hope for all. Again: your little world needs you.

When we wake up, the first thing that wakes up is our senses. They then tune in the self, the personal biography, into our consciousness, we always wake up ourselves except in some movies. Then, the big routines of the day load ( go to work), then the supporting sub-routines (brush teeth, shower, eat breakfast, walk to garage, drive car). Our dashboard begins to light up as we get that coffee in us.

We will explore what is on that dashboard of consciousness, the settings of our human control box. Remember we are the cave people, in the future they know the brain much better. Already, a cat's dream can be projected on the wall, we begin to be able to study and image a live brain. Soon we can find the settings on this thing we walk around in. The Big Mystery of the brain is because perhaps of our physics: we do not understand virtual space and its properties yet, and our brain works in part by connecting to that Higgs field, virtual space (not those game helmets). Draw it, send a picture.

Science Fiction Story of the Week and More! requires no sign up, send email and request the two free stories, they will come with a catalog of more. Our hope is to turn on your Super Creativity with new ideas presented from around the world, exposure to the Creative Artists in your area who write, make music, fine art, comedy, and film, metro by metro listings. Easier to do if you have always read books and already are imaginative, but everyone can try it and have fun with it,surprise yourself today. New, you like it,send comments to :

Through the central bank we can begin to compile and transmit the methods by which creativity, then super creativity can be enhanced and applied in simple fun ways, to provide more benefits to ourselves and others by having more arrows in our quivers, more ideas in our heads, neatly stored in mental chest of drawers for when you need them, not the feared buzz of bees.        

Innovative reports on the 6 human dimensions gotten from 11 environments found in about 5 "realities" all taking place in 11 physical dimensions somehow mediated by Gravity, and still doing our laundry.

The purpose of the Department is ideas to innovate, stimulate, refresh, laugh at, and most important: riff off, make something up that goes with positive improvements in our Minds and learning, a cool site you found and some ideas you get. If in one place thousands of persons deposit one idea each for the world, and take a look at the growing ideas, we grow exponentially in our abilities. We give new expression to the human dimensions so we can see more, do more, be most efficient, best of outocomes and energies

DGI re-defines Art to include not only theatre, writing, art, music, dance, film, but also science, thought, engineering, inventions, and creative problem solving. The tools are more ample now, as we enter spaces, we see more. We add more skills not only of perception, but of comprehending what we are seeing. The expansion gives more legacy to the works of the 100 billion people that came before, some of it is in the word construction we use today, other in the potential increase of mind, body, and money. Spirit, Social, and whatever projects also merit paying attention, but it does seem they are primed by the first three, plus our interpretations and influences of our 11 environments.

Send your ideas, we need them. If this is not a world of ideas, we have lost everything. A world of money only means the  ruthless win, a world for destruction means negative energies win, a world of ignorance and apathy: I do not know, and I do not care. What does it take to activate minds and bodies to action? Admittedly, many prefer the calm, the peace, the restful work space maybe even a little in Nature beyond suburb. They can be valuable  consultants to this site, have them send their ideas. It would be nice to grow more and more each month with posts, can be quite anonymous, very positive: is that not what your book would say?

Is it not time we abandon this search for personal validity, get smart about  our minds, bodies, and money in a super focused way, and grow lives of energetic destiny, of vitality and robust service ideals. If the regular persona you project is displeasing to you, may we suggest you become a cartoon character, a little more...Italian in expression, South American in your caliente, Nordic in the coolness of the flows of your thoughts.

You will find, if you had loved reading at least once, that the world is not too literary at all. The world you have emerged into is basically set up along commercial and not creative lines. Where are the Super Creative? Are they down some? Their restaurant shifts are too exhausting? I would have expected something like  buses you can get on and off that teach you things, idea booths all over the place, Learning Kiosks (just invented it right here right now, help me, you like it?) the ideas of the thinkers always in exposition, the alternatives to drinking where you learn comedy, how to write books, play a sport, do new activities.

How is it that Art can be so silent? Is it in truth artifact, that which is left behind?

The world of super creativity is a little different. It themes about being eclectic and somewhat curious about the world from the word go. Reading probably helps: The words and picture ideas go into your brain, probably like little super-trains going into all kinds of ports in there, delivering energies. The very movement of energies from outside in stimulates the flow of energy in the brain. For the brain, information is energy too.

Let's say you walk into a room. How do you know you are in a room?

As your brain scans this space, the central core picks up, is looking for perhaps, a 6 x 6 feature space that is already archived as a general template for ROOM, in the mental encyclopedia.

The outline of the door, the door, angle of the floor and wall, the ability to look inside when the door is open, the familiar paint, the door knob. You go inside, and you see familiar things, probably 6 of them reassure you that you are indeed in a room, and then you recognize furniture: 6 features tell you it is a chair, and quite often you glance and see a whole chair and you did not, the whole room can be illusion, based on how humans scan for reassurance with the archived template map. The core sends you a message extremely quick, like a fast strobe image: Is all good.

With super creativity, which means new-definition creativity everywhere, because of the stimulus curiosity, you have more fields to connect with what you see, and you can recall them easier, connect their features map to map. The easier faster recollection means that maps which your central core sends to your conscious mind (your conscious is an afterthought: the central core knows everything you are experiencing at that subconscious dashboard ahead of time, then informs you, wherever you are, disembodied?) arrive faster and faster with simpler and simpler templates. It provides the reading on the dials you read. So, can enable closer to a 6 x 6 x 6 matrix, because you can connect other knowledge, such as projects you are working on, or new ideas, or subjects of further research (place in queue) to be dealt with at a later time; write it down.

Write to me, what do you think? It seems we should all be comparing our maps of the world and Life, we each have many big and small fields of knowledge about different things, and may know of more data bases and opportunities, benefits for all. Ask questions, many of them. DGI may have the ability to solve them by posting to thousands of readers. Being human those would come from the 6 human dimensions. Medicine? We hope to create new lines of reasoning, see previous blog on food for our organs, this is vital and key, and obvious. I can maybe put this together in two months, I certainly want to see that first food shopping list. Exercise is a very big key also, to stimulate all your biotech factories in your body. Food problems contribute to bad overall health, 50% of the illness is from diet. Drinking alcohol, even casually, contributes to 30% of serious illness (organ stress by poisons).

New things will be happening at the Department headquarters very soon, great inventions and fun videos. We are growing and wish for viability, like any child born of this world. This is for people who like to have fun thinking, contributing ideas, increasing life for all, increasing income, helping others. Send a list of the service organizations in your area, your unique problem solving ways, inside us and out.

We must get an idea of our thoughts regarding how to build the individual up in primarily Mind, Body, Health, and Money. Even the large salaried persons make their wealth from investment, what we call here the financial money machine which multiplies the money geometrically, where the multiplier factor is 2:  A + 2 A + 4 A + 8 A...  this indicates that your product is in the growth cycle, you are getting more dealers and getting more sales from. Later, it levels out, then tapers off, you get less sales, less dealers. Common natural pattern? Indicates an impressed force behind this connected to time. Try this: as time goes on, you get busier and busier until eventually you or your product is overwhelmed and cannot answer new questions effectively. Product cycle over, new inventions' time to roll out and see whether the market throws their hats at them, or politely hands them their hats and quietly ushers them out the door.

Help me build up Department of Good Ideas with your thoughts and ideas, your cleverness, and your invention ideas of support or marketing. Also we are Night City for creatives to visit in the late hours when no one is up; without so many brain engines going off, sometimes easier to tune in one's own thoughts. New features later this month in all areas, thank you and see you on the web.


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