The Machinery of Thought

Thought is this:  the past manipulated by present forces, algorithms built and pre-set, biochemically mooded, in order to create, or evolve, for the future, a particular plan of action and to bring about a desired series of circumstances. Good idea if you have the  International Menu of Life options and Lifestyle designs, help me write it. 

Other factors are what your plans are, what is in your queue, back burner, what you put in front of your senses. 

How can it be that vision and auditory use in the brain is 70% of its function. Are you going to "back up your brain" with a laptop, will take forever. Just how smart are we, and how can we tap directly into our subconscious genie? 

Recall we redefine Art to more, we have returned its power to its proper generation: we see more, the screens come quicker and with more template information.

We can use a new machine definition: a linked series of mechanisms

A mechanism is: A solid volume which obeys the algorithm energ-matter in, energ-matter out.

One attempt is to find more fun ways to see and extract ideas from what is in front of our eyes, the Big Connection machine. Its rules are like choosing from a menu, and much more fun in a group party. What is your good idea?

Some people are really thinking about things, and not all these people are crazy, or philosophers, they see the obvious and wonder where the obvious has gone for people, where is the child in them that can really see?

So the past is this big warehouse, memories make an impression in the wax of light or something, OK black box this, I had nothing. What is extracting the various information files is the Brodmann 10, not by itself, it probably works for some form of foundation with a Chairman of the Board getting ideas from all board members.

This board meeting takes place near the Dashboard Emotional Control Box, adjacent to the Theatre of the Imagination. Kind of far for neurons, but they have  superior taxi service.

The chairman is kept awake by histamine, which is sprayed every hour on the hour to his face, so he or she stays awake, why anti-histamines put you to sleep, they stop the little bottle.

Go right now Google "motors in the body" and see that those little motors look like Alien implants, they are little black machines like regional energy regulators and step down transformers.

Of course the spaces in the brain that appear "empty" are probably anything but; the brain is a nexus to V 4, and this is why we can't just "figure it out" how it works any more than we know what "energy" or "space" is, or "time" or "life"

Past memories, knowledge stored/accessed > Algorithms (in themselves little machines)> product (composition of machines). 

This kind of function, of a type of energy transduction, presents the science fiction writer with the observation that we function like a machine, composed of other machines, and creating new machines. Why, we may be a machine itself, but don't tell uncle Harry, he'll spill his beer. All the machines travel in time, and if properly powered or light enough, can go to the future, but not yet the past. 

From what is given and our team performance, we can assemble ideas from fields and connect them, unsolved problems may connect both at some level, and at some unevenness. 

We will study the TRIPLE slit experiment, since it has never been done! Then we go to the movies. 

Any system being studied must also include  that system which is doing the studying. There is a proper interaction at various scales, and this is opportune. The system will exhibit scaling and population, and most likely will be of the form linear plus non linear (the ax + bi complex expression in the general theory of personal and company economics). 

Connection theory, being not only the theory of everything, but the theory of nothing also, proves useful in seeing how the different systems interact, systems usually seen in the mind by zoom 2, the more far away look, which for the interior zoom is just "let it stew a little, wait for instructions from the Master Cylinder."

The future is an evolving space-complexity or I have been cheated of $9.99, so how are you going to de-volve it and go to your past? In a dream maybe. Can I paint a picture of a world with different physical constants that allow going back to previous configurations, like the loops. 

This is a little mystery what we have going on here, and I am sure it is the aliens speaking through me, or the coffee, probably most likely. Why invent beings from other world just because you feel a certain lightness, an acceleration of Mind. 


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