Your First Food Shopping List!
Food and diet problems account for 50% of the illness? 30% of cancer is from drinking, even casual? Exercise must account for some number, we are not designed to sit down or be sedentary.
Book title: Your First Real Food shopping list!
Quality of life defined:
Length of, and how you feel inside during the 4, 5 20 year intervals we get. Length of Life and how you feel inside of it.
Here is the breakthrough, which unfortunately points to our being asleep behind the wheel, because this is not so hard to do. Imagination is the hardest thing?
I read about 15 food nutrients for a healthy heart, state-of-the-art knowledge if there is consensus. There are about 10 organs, plus supporting structures of tissue, bone, etc.
Reproduction and waste
Each of those must have 15 or more nutrients also to maximize health, still subject to pollution, bad water, air problems.
Those are the FOOD containers, about 200, that we should first reach for in our preparation of meals, a form of chemistry, concoctions.
I hear there are 90 nutrients we run on, must have to be healthy. The food container is where those are found.
We vaguely hear out there: Protein, Carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins and minerals, balanced enzymes and anti-oxidants, but not in what range of ingestion amounts and intervals, or where to get them in the same sentence!
For the children: This Health and Diet Nutrition book, a couple of eCommerce sites by grade 6, then mind and service to others flourishes. Eating correctly and taking care of Mind is a sign of health, so those Eastern guys are right: We are keeping ourselves in a state of sickness and ignorance, of too severe a restraint on our minds and emotions. How do we bear this stress? What about the water and the air?
The lists change over time as research continues on who we are and what we are doing here.
If something is not on the list: it is chance indulgence or perhaps not so good; if humans made it, don't eat it!
Is there some reason, with "computers" that each of us is not given a book on what the nutrients are and where they are found for our bodies, and the range amounts of intake?
This is of such a sinister nature, to deny this valuable health knowledge to the people. Food production should not be in the hands of profit-motive but instead rich-already nutritional scientists who want to serve with no profit motive. This and our Minds are vital resources.
The 300 million must take action now on their own behalf; governance is overwhelmed.
One reason people don't care about this or exercise as much as they could: they see the others around them kind of doing the same things, so they think they must be OK (animal mimicry), also the giving away of our health takes such a long time that we do not notice as it is happening, in little pieces, any more than we see the plants growing.