Induced Pluripotent stem cells

These are the stem cells that at some point can grow our body organs and tissue, but we still have to get kind of rich or well off: build the money doubler financial machine (American Business system, even if door to door), and also be looking out for how we can make someone rich and we get 10 % if they supply support, 15% if you do it all on your own: standard idea of  Sales job, hopefully commission only.

Get your kids to help, you friends, others who want to do business: not many any more, but find them. All these things that you think nobody does actually means that few do it, but eventually you find them, you pass each other, and the hope was justified: become a foundation of hope and light today, you cannot go wrong with the positive feelings that brings, get your family involved, they will thank you for that later. Life is a kaleidoscope...

Business means: you find a product or a service that costs you this much; you add, you sell it at double plus 10%  so you can make your profit and you compete against the others in your industry by quality, quickness, service, price, and superior advertising reach frequency.

We who are broke or need to increase income need to get right on it now, we all need $50,000 and nothing is guaranteed as prices keep rising and no one speaks about increasing income. Do lobsters in the boiler signal about the rise in temperature? I assure you it was also the middle income (there are no classes here, except in school!) that was helping everyone who was more broke with their donations and small needful helps

I suspect a loss in the signal and receptivity strength of the interaction between thinking mechanics and the contents of the big ship, which is why I write Department Of Good   we must all get on this right away, but it is as if a beam ray from outer or inner space has turned the people for the most part somewhat uncaring and unconcerned about most things at first look.

The Time Machine movie with Rod Steiger, go see it right now twice. Not only are some simple yet important things not spoken about, but it seems odd to others to speak about these things. We forgot how to be ourselves, how to champion themes or ask questions, We must be taught how to engage our organ of thought to get our minds together.

I suspect that we all think someone else is on the job that needs to be done, we don't realize it's s us? I labor against the fall of this type of darkness, for the ability of mind we learned to now be used in the real school: the world.

 I am working harder than a woodpecker in a petrified forest on an inventory of this world for those of you that care or can move the pieces around to benefit yourself and others. We can do more now, with refreshed and more fun mental mechanics, discipline, emotion, and focus,

Look, if he really was the son of God, you know he is coming back and what he says will go something like this: Laughing, "You guys!" wags his finger at us, points, "You got me! Oh, you guys, you really got me! I did not mind paying for the food, but I did not like getting stuck for the drinks (soldier)! Now, have you finished the work? We know from Spock 3:11   once by water, once by fire

As you can see, sales is one of the keys to doing well financially, to buy your dog a little boy, to have a band in the bathroom (piano and drums is more than sufficient).

Of course you must develop your mind, a sign of overall health, and your body, the thing that carries you around, on lease, but you have to take care of it until the dealership opens up again.

That's it, in some story Jesus comes back and opens Spirit Shops, where your internal mind gets cleaned up, tuned up, body made younger, stronger, given new opportunities, and out the door you go to find your teammates or do it on your own with some prayer perhaps, and paying $40 for a couple of hours of hands on support.

Go to the website, some new things there:

The new one here for collaboration: reach me at, is for a game where we do virtual brain surgery as a fun adult game: Virtual Neurosurgeon, I do not know how to set it up, but if you can contact me, if virtual surgery catches on, that could create some income. On the computer only, in a hologram environment.

I also have a nice new one but I will add it to the 35 I kind of do not need help.

The money for me as artists is for the time and resource to do my studies, my sports, and my music, these days my rest, so I am pushing the things that do not really stress me: writing, inventions, and film, so this can begin to cover my San Francisco Bay Area living.

In my version of V 2, which is V 3 the usual reality with super-creative spin to it, not money or big hassle, just collaboration: Vans go around showing people what I am going to be showing you next week because if life is a party, I have to go get party supplies and do some work, The brain does not study itself! Oh, wait, it does. The writing and inventions have some steam now (you know, the little engine and why he could, from the web), as does the film of my sci fi story.

Soon we go web live on YouTube and then the shows, with ads and product placements, a real network, will have about 10 shows and attract the Bay Area film makers: missing in inaction, find me some.

I will be the first to agree that if you have invested a lot of money on TV and film equipment, you need to go big. I am broke. I am planning the kick starter and all that stuff when I figure out what I need money for other than advertising, and for that my scaling the pyramid building can get me going. Or I can drum up one of the  inventions, I need help.

I know, no time and it does take a somewhat non-standard mind that wants to invent. Although I believe we can all do it, you start as assistant with big dough riding on the line.

Do I not offer a wonderful world before your eyes! More informed about Mind and how to use it, how to fit, get in excellent shape, enjoy American Business System explained a different way (business doubles your money, making someone rich makes you 15%), cleaning up your spirit, being active or calm,whichever moods melt your butter, social life is hit or miss and can be joy and headache, and waste of time, but what about those things you wanted to do, your special projects (hobby may be demeaning to your cause if you are motivated, hobby sounds more slack).

But no doubt the financial waters are rising, we the artist and middle income people are challenged with threats, and no one is talking about increasing income.

This changes next week I have more than formulas and inducements for emotion and support, I will publish lists from New General and Special theory of Personal Economics: how to go from job to business using American Business system

Also later this month early August, one of my 35 new inventions comes out and will change everything, and will be a large step in our ability to see our world. I may have 2 inventions, and then hopefully one every month or two, plus many little fun ones for collaboration between Warren Peace and you, my esteemed audience. See you at the website. I had to, it is too easy to create opportunity, benefit, and service for others I do not understand why everything is so artistically silent.

I am trying to get the musicians, my adoring 3300 fans, to get in on the metro creative thing, they only talk about music, as if we are not human first and should be attentive to the environments (8) where we find ourselves. Well, here I am and I love thinking and solving problems, at your service.

Maybe of course, I will reserve some of my ideas as "house ideas" after you see the next one and the one after that you will want in, but you will have to twist my arm and offer an oath of fealty not to me, but to your world and its people, with sincerity. Remember I have the Oracle chip in me, so the first thing I look for is sincerity: only when the inner person speaks is the deepest form of sincerity expressed, and I need that to make the answers work, some questions are not questions at all.

You can take my Oracle class, which includes a 12-hour Philosophers' Stone free if you qualify (clean heart of hearts, or close to it within parameter), only $29.99      just kidding, it is a little more than that, since you have to go to a seminar and I have not developed the course work other than study your Russian Literature, particularly Balsoff, and join me on the inventions developments and something will soak in your Mind, help me develop this course, we make people amaze themselves with projects and improvements up the wazoo.


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