Getting closer to the self-ticketing car    DepartmentOfGoodIdeas@Gmail

                                                        20-Million year old plant, they look

Send ideas and questions, receive free inventions and information booklets, state a problem to be solved that is general enough. Amaze us. Happy? My dog can be happy, I want to be in awe of what I see before my eyes 

DGI:  open to collaborate on inventions and you get the booklet free now if you ask for it: 27 ways to market your inventions and small businesses.    How to buy things at 90% off retail in auctions, how to reduce your bills by 50%. What do I lose? Nothing, 

The money, I always thought, was so we could do those things we want to do and empower others too. Times have changed, you are doubling it or you are falling behind on money and probably health too. The poor are poor and need all of our help in all of the ways. The middle income has two extremes: can pay bills don't save, or save but not to millionaire, around 100 K. These  appear to be common patterns at the extremes..

Without family business knowledge, we cannot advance or serve others.People do not make their money from job,they make it from money multiplication,. We can all have a money doubler entry, this is called a business market product or service that you sell.

In each metroplex, if you can have 100 accounts making you $100 a month = 10 K per month; this is the good guy version of that nasty 99-cent thing you are presented with. You can also get in line or do trade shows where big corporations go with urgency and when they click with you, often fortunes are exchanged. The deals are hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you know money doubling is taking place, this is how business works.

We are programmed; we must make our way to the emotional control box center, see what is going on in terms of options and reasons for doing, and re program ourselves in a more awake mode whether it be thorough the mind, sports, social support, we must awake and improve all of our senses to take full advantage of the wonderful opportunities available now, if you develop the feeling for them.

We can increase life in Mind, Body, Money, and Time, it is the sum of the methodology, plus our ingenuity, desire, sheer Diamond Consciousness cleverness, and the help we can get from our supporters.

Expect none or they would be helping you already. Strange to say that, but that is the pattern I mostly experience. You need to help them, be their inspiration, and move on with your projects without any help expected except you can pay someone $40 for two hours work.

The ideas are not yet coming from the people who read the website. Thank you for the nice words, but there must be something from your area that is interesting and awesome, a way or ways to do things or find new ways to do old things. The magic in life multiplies when we share it without reserve; nothing happens? It seems there are a lot of idea people out there in all areas, they send you a newsletter, we need to find creative thinkers and put their ideas out there. Tell them they get a free invention or product from the catalog. 

One of our big  premises is that within your mind and computer you have ideas, places, and action patterns that become opportunities, benefits, of service to others, and not in the least take away from you. Also we are looking for magical excitement in our lives, not the boredom, and not just pretty: pretty can only do so much for you, at best inspire. Keep faith and hope, tomorrow it is a coming.

I am out there, I see that the people in general speak mostly about other people and trite things, that the professional expert primarily speaks of that professional expertise, or about other people and trite things. Where has the world of ideas gone? They are the free renewable green (and brown)  source of energy, and DGI has this collaboration in mind. Like John Paul Jones said: I have not yet begun to fight for the re-awakening of Minds, then the joyful merging once again with the world of ideas.

Think of where you find yourself: either in the general public spaces, the super markets, coffee shops, busy streets. Also, you are in cloistered spaces "for a reason" perhaps to be with the people to be found there. At what point are you in the world, conscious of ALL of your interests, and open to "good news" from around the world. 

Not only are our Minds designed to create ideas, they can even if that is not the emphasis, but they can create collaborative action patterns that solve most problems without money, with organization and large-scale thought, then Scrum Technique is applied.

You did not see that coming. Who's your data, baby?

Send some good magazine ideas to be posted. 

 communities, particularly Sunnyvale, Beijing, Chantilly, Miami Beach, San Francisco should send all types of ideas on the subjects presented as MIND BODY MONEY, or your art that is ready for sale. Imagine hundreds seeing your link every day 24-7. Surely there is a way that hundreds and thousands can focus on simple topic questions to be posted, and many have answers. We sum them up in the Central Bank of Ideas, by categories. Sometimes DGI sets the pattern, you find more. Fun! We all win by solving problems together, or else what are these ridiculous machines for?

DGI is going to be like those people that walk around with their hands in the pockets looking down, because they have no cell phone. 

I was going to film a movie where I would take it to an extreme, everybody would be looking down at their cell phone. It's no movie, it's what's happening. Do you see it? Some odd things. 

In the universities, I like the science, but if I step back a little, I see that everything is perfectly within topic and within the correctness of being a representative of the university or lab you may work for: no talk about UFO or you may be suspect, this is example. Where has the excitement of the complete world gone? Is enthusiasm a gift, an ability? It is, as they told us in sales school, what makes the difference. 

Notice what is beautiful about the beautiful day, it is the light striking your eyes and entering your brain mechanisms for all senses and functions.

Maybe 10% do their own thing, are more project driven, and hopefully found fun ways to make money, or a way to swallow a kind of bitter medicine which is you can make a lot of money, but you cannot have a lot of time.

As a premise, please take it that Warren Peace, being of "artist" mentality, wants to make the money to have the time for science, reading, playing sports, and making music, and helping others here and around the world; is something preventing us from living our dreams? Is it money, time, and the expectations of others around us?

Everyone in the world needs a money-doubling mechanism (called general business). 3-120 businesses can be had at the same time with accurate management. This is part of the Billionaire system, the first part of which is: you don't have to have a billion dollars to know and use billionaire system, the proof is simple enough: 

If a billionaire loses all his or her money (6 ways to do so), do you think they lose their connections, knowledge of business, of the world, of the power of the control of their emotions? Money was not all to the billionaire! The cause of causes was other, as are for most of us that like subjects and are good at it, it is for another reason which is inside of us (Hippocampus pin sensitivity. 6-week transfer of new sensations we want to keep as memory, they are transferred nearer to Brodmann 10; in transfer, they can be recorded later replayed for your system: you don't really think you ate that turkey sandwich yesterday, do you?).

Music, when you hear it, stimulates or gives energy to every part of your mind, and pushes down the depressing things, the bad moods, some, ameliorates is the word.

So what are your dreams? With the powers of the readers who deposit and withdraw constantly from the Central Bank, and the Metroplex Creatives thought-force of artists, we should be able to create for you.


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