America! the song  our band is SpiriTech: technology of Spirit   listen to America! live and in concert, this was a very early did not come out quite right edition on the website.   write to us there, we like you already. 

We are called SpiriTech because as we enter the studio, all is silent and the amps don't play, the drums don't sound (sometimes the snares are vibrating to something). And then: by use of the amplification of spirit with amps, drums, and vocal mikes, we project our spirits to the multiverse in hopeful fashion. 

Recall that my body is nearly 100% tattooed since I am a drummer. They are flesh colored, so you cannot notice at the shows, but the pain and payment was real. 

How did everyone get thousands of dollars for tattoos? How do the homeless young people get those dogs? 

The ones we like: Love and Madness, Water Falls (voted best mood song of all time), Shadow Government, Love Sex Cadillac (the first invented beat of 12), Analog Man, SpiriTech theme song 

Would it hurt you to support your local artist and buy a song or two. We do not think so. Think of the alternative and what you are risking: unwanted late night delivery of pizza, taxis to the airport you did not order, is this something you really want to risk?

Deposit an idea for DGI to amplify, we are your broadcasters of positive news, we are your musical instrument whose notes are your emotions, the listeners listen through those little holes in the fabric of space we call stars. Receive a free invention kit valued at $1000 by the inventor, Warren Peace. 

One day we come out of the studio after a session, as we call it in the business, and the attendant starts something or other about we giving $1 every 5 minutes it takes us to get out past the exact exit time, and I have to stop him: sir, this is no time to speak of this, you have our apologies, but you must understand that for us it is like a return from space, we insist on being  treated like astronauts

The wise man learns more from the fool, than the fool learns from the wise man. It appears that the number of eclectic thinkers is diminishing, and this carries with it a diminished capacity to act and use the knowledge from the 11 environments we are in or have been in. 

The knowledge, the knowing that is on a ledge somewhere in there, forms a type of warehouse, almost literally because you have to go get stuff by running energy though that circuit like you do your body through the Cerebellum when you move: nature not only takes all of the roads, and one aspect of this is that many mechanisms do double and triple duty

How the brain does its association and collage will be an algebraic function. First, help Warren Peace do a Hilbert Transform of the Brodmann regions 1-35 (loving that 10, that's the Michael Jordan) so then I can throw some linear algebra on it. As the problem becomes more sophisticated, if I cannot throw a Green's theorem or two in there, I am skilled enough at analysis to give it to the Japanese guy. 

Imagine trying to learn all this topology and all these other fields, which is way cool anyway, and finding my projects using Imagination and the undergraduate math!

Math is language: we are not talking. Too easy to get Ax + Bi = Sum {Capital x e to the G} and we are able to show that one capital is money, another is leverage/ingenuity/ time and effort / cleverness: how much would one pay for that? G is of course, your product or service Good Fortune exponent. 

So silent, the world of ideas. People are being kept down, those of us that have voices need to use them, this is no time for Spiritual Laryngitis. We should be bombarded with useful fun ideas, not just stuff to buy we hardly need, or use much after some time, sometimes short. 

The world is bi-polar, why some of the problems, the rest is probably probability itself and the nature of sense and imagination, the distinction between primary and secondary elemental qualities notwithstanding, kind of fun: When is a tomato a tomato?

If the world does end, and it can melt before our very eyes at any time, let us at least build together a beautiful end of the world story. One day, the new Earth People will come, and the will read about us and see what is left of our DVD's (one cosmic ray strikes a 24 square foot area every 24 hours and damages sectors on disks, who's your data, baby?), and they will say in whatever language they have, in whatever circuits they may have built for themselves, 

They had a plan, but they ran out of time. 

Now the buzz is too short of a time for planning by the technocracy, an old way of doing business from the Industrial age of material improvements. And poor planning too, of course. 

I cannot say this: we stuck the smart people studying one thing only when we need them studying everything. The pro scientist finds that field "the hole they can just fall into and fill" gives them energy and a sense of freedom, but since everything appears to be a list of debits and credits when we account for it, we deny the professional scholar the world, for their inspection. 

Of course, Dark Ages rage as if time were the course of a strong river, heading towards the sea. 

DGI is an ocean which accepts all rivers. Imagine, I have trouble getting seating for football but I am on the short list for mass-extinction, along with all the little plants and animals that are biotech factories for unusual chemicals we need, they are factories. Where were the rich people on all this?

The 200 countries have 5-4 million millionaires, the projects when ingenuity and clever are added to the mix cost nothing. Why are there 100,00 foundations waiting to give you money for great projects? 

The world is 70% water, but of the land mass, 1/6 is desert, and there is significant coastline interface with the seas, and the seas reach inland by way of the rivers. Are the underwater people coming to save us? I will post photos of them emerging into the coastlines at night, while we sleep...

More success from the Dream Programmer, I will build one better, more technniques like video, and release a new super invention in weeks. The Science Fiction story of the week club and more! Will post stories, and the first good news from the readers will come out. We also will begin to fill in 31-Metroplex Creatives and see the strength of the line up we present to you. 

Support your local artist. A reminder: Check the inventor job board, there is no reason I have to throw away perfectly good shoes, I got them for the look anyway, the fit, because the bottom wears out. 

There is no reason I have to pick up the dog feces. Sure, Skippy is the proverbial "good boy," (don't say anything out loud around your dog: they are not what they seem to be, see my urgent world report Invasion from Sirius

So, would not the millionaires rather spend their money on the world and not the super cool car, maybe two or three of them, that just kind of sit there most of the time. Why give your money away when the money can be used to save the world once DGI produces its first inventory of the world, 

The Complete World Picture View (197) with the Opportunity Index exhibit. 

First, you see. Then, you ambulate to scan what is on your map/list. You then perceive, if you can, for the perception is not the instrument like the eye or ear, the organ is the emotions and brain storage for that intelligence. 

Now, of course, you are perceiving out of three levels: The general look, Zoom 1 the closer look for details (while retaining super-creative awareness of perhaps a dinosaur sneaking up on you. Suspicious rise in sneaker sales in sizes 300 point to this), and you also have the Zoom 2 far-away look which detects components, a more deft map, and sometimes a sense of Peace, tranquility, and calm. 

You might think I am super crazy and always running around, this would be a false perception, In fact let us take a moment right now to collect ourselves, relax, and achieve a total peace within. 


Paying bills that keep going up. My girlfriend and I have the usual problems, sex and money, she keeps raising her rates on me. 

Why does not the utility you pay give you 20 businesses you can start for $20, I do, you see how the opportunity to serve is always there, random acts of thought and inspirations? 

Once you have gone to the place of perception, you must comprehend what you have perceived, to connect it by map or collage to projects, or put it in 6 week storage, see if it then sticks and is transferred closer to the frontal lobe neo-cortex for longer storage. Still needs repetition to maintain the intensity, but you get it back with practice, helps if you have features in your brain like eidetic recall, back-scan, pornographic memory ( a little different: in space, no one can hear you moan...), invention projection, and others to be invented or disclosed later. 

Recall: Only one (or, modern times, Juan) who is clean inside their heart of hearts, and is of good intention by definition and evaluation of the Central Galactic Library, may download a Philosophers' Stone of the highest quality. Limited enabler programs given to assist in cleaning up.

One of those programs: a video of the stimulus which gives expression to the affectation is show. When the area involved shows more Glucose use by radiation marker, it lights up brighter on mental 3 D map, magnets in the shape of infinities are passed of various strengths over the area at certain angles and presto, cured of the emotional assault of memories. Also nice for Spring Cleaning of the Mind. 

Imagine. That is our motto, but now I am imagining ghost errands and it is Monday. Oh, yes, not so ghost as I do have two, then plan, re organize and sharpen the new pencils (mechanicals were no fun, points kept breaking). 

Will someone please build me a tiny underwater city of much color and visual magical appeal that I can only see with a Lupe magnifier?  

Console yourself with the fact, inventors, that the Earl of Sandwich himself put the bread on the outside for almost one year before making necessary corrections to his invention?

Your imagination influences your reality big time, why you cry at movies unless the person next to you stands on your foot or you regret being relieved of some $12: make your own, you have 4 D cameras: 

Idea   script for 30 minutes    selection of actors     technical crew    shoot and edit, Fellini the scenes each day   release, sell, make more!

I have Play Tennis and Drums easy advanced and more coming out soon. With the new equipment you have the robot do it for you, on automatic. See: United States Robots and Mechanical Men

Soon we will meet online at YouTube, DGI will be a featured part of Galaxy Studios Presents. 

Our attempt, after your scan, after your perception, after your comprehension (then the comparison of the new information to pre existing maps in your back burner, or the queue), then you can relax. 


for you eCommerce sites, and you should have  3 by now, I am going for number two very soon, when the profits come from Mouse Flavor cat food.

Oh yes don't laugh because this is one of several steps well calculated to get me the glass house by push button Reality and give these techniques to everyone, a type of eclectic super creativity, which is like jumbo shrimp, of course, creativity needs as many of the 216 Intelligence fields you can store, I would imagine, the usual 36 for recognition, and one of them is personal hygiene and diet, signs of intelligence, are not usually enough except by expansion and retention of useful knowledge. Intelligence primal is the use of the environment and those you can move towards and examine, use, for the benefit of yourself and the tribe. 

This is still the driving intelligence today, but it appears muted in its teachings and desire for, as if emotion is being drained of the human. 

There is your iBubble, and your 11 environments. High on the books you create for yourself, files
(Brain files storage form is: Book, Chapter, Heading, sub-headings. We go 4 deep by Mind, can build auxiliary maps and pass the innate processing ability to run the 4 for pattern recognition across and over  the set of maps you show open. 

Of course, your maps may only open for either about 3,4 seconds, or 13,14 like in a trained scholar mind, to that standard of performance and assembly of words and establishment of superior organization. 

When you scan/read, you read  like an F this is why they put the "contact us" at the bottom right in small print. I will print illusions that will illustrate that although the senses are self-correcting, our tribal pre sets have been messed with, probably TV or those dogs, you know who I am talking about, yes, you Mr. Dog, don't look so innocent with that face!

An important point here: Your iBubble (insular bubble of mind, body, and money) has need for environments it finds itself in free of disease, war, and  Natural disaster. Furthermore, go a little further and you see more, that your iBubble has a substrate foundation of MONEY or a BENEFACTOR. 

You need, and then create and  steer materials towards, a safe, hygienic environment free from war and violence whose foundation is temporary job, then soon your own business enterprises unless you are really inside a job person, then this is you iBubble substrate while the job lasts. 

The difference between Ivy league and The Other top schools, is the personal contacts you make at that university, which vanish back into the unseen world most often, famous people in your life, the ones whose eyes you met without knowing or reservation. A hall of fame. 

At the Ivy league school, they show you how to own the company, at the regular top school they show you how to work for the owner of the company. Along with these generous portions of self-illusioned programming come the learning experiences in life: by 50, you know what you need, you begin to catch on faster, you have gotten better in music in your forties, nobody told you that. 

In both the worker and owner mind, unless they are something other than human, which is always a possibility, may be the reason the underwater people are surfacing, slowly, the mechanics are the same for brain pattern analysis, but vary in the correlates intensity and duration of systems. 

Here at DGI you get this business mentality going and your kids get it in grade 4, after learning to write books in grade 3. 

We are cave people because not only do we not care about much other than eating sleeping, a big number, and not because some of those little kids look really fat, like they already need a diet and they are like 8. 

Every day at 8 we ask for everything we want, and pray for peace. 

Every night at 8, we give all we can to others, and pray for the direct steps to peace (separate combatants, redress material losses by international community. 

The two principle mechanisms of money are the Money Doubling ( at least) mechanism called Business, and the idea of I make you a million dollars, you give me 15% known as Sales

Pick one for me: Warren was a drummer. For his life Warren beat time, but, in the end, Time beat Warren      I am leaning towards He came from Nowhere, and back to Nowhere he returned...cheaper and takes less space, I can get a deal. 

These are for virtual epitaph stone sayings, since the host machine-animal is no longer buried, my new business; any ghouls good at sales out there? 

I try to fast one day here and there every month. Kind of fun, I can see where some kind of experiences come out of this, as if you can access different drawers in the chest of your mind. 

Must be like billiard balls up there, energies hitting some kind of storage of the reproductions of nouns and actions for the purpose of seeing shapes and forms, actions, in our minds. 

There is no place up there where little pictures are stored; those are in the cloud, V 4, in some form. 

We should all double our money constantly, then we can get Mind and Body and hopefully from those Power Generation and Spirit, creative insights for business, improved vocabulary. 

You see that I introduce how the brain works always into the mix, of course, I am my brain and my CNS, a big radio station which may be programmed to tune in certain station of thought, or the more self programmed unit, if you got the others to leave you to your own discoveries, your own work. 

Yes, I see it now. The lack of knowing how Business System International works from grades 4,5,6,.7, even  3 (writing), puts us behind in the emotional discipline required to feel like doing fun businesses with 6 profit centers (job has one and bonus, maybe). 

We have placed those that do not know creative business methods behind the 8 ball, then we want to ask them for money, and they went to school and only learned how to get a job and now how to go into about 10 money trees and see which ones grow. They do not need water, they need love: BZZZ from the future! The excitement of Living! The little  Hippocampus pins all vibrating real happy like when they get a new piece of information to be passed to memory, at least short term, about 6 weeks. 

Or perhaps the calm and tranquility you seek, far from the madding crowd. 

Finally, a money doubler of many called Chresmatik, comes from German misers, penny pinchers extra-extraordinaire. You sell items at a profit of double, by buying low, selling higher because of its value in your system,, and also selling timely when somebody really needs what you are selling and really helps them 

Jump 1: You start with $20 you saved by not going to the movies or buying a CD, DVD, new clothes, or eating at home, or riding you bike: 

$20 --> 40 --> 80 --> 160 --> 320 --> 640 --> 1280 --> 2560 --> 5120 --> $10,240

* 10-jump German Miser money tree system, with many moves in-house with family and friends. 

When you see a tree in a Chinese restaurant, now you know what they mean, a money tree of savings.

How many money trees do you have going? Imagine if you start some in grade 3 or 4, by the time your are (your age here, number of trips around Sun, travelling at 1000 KPH while rotating at 1000 miles per hour, at an angle. Any wonder things are screwed up? 

It's not just the clearing of 95% of the trees, which we now see somehow causes drought, it is something more, don't you think, or don't you? 

They call it land-clearing, so of course we have to go underground and around the space in orbit (space is not that far; about an hour's drive 60 miles up), and on the Moon and Mars. Venus too hot, I am going to Miami. 

It's the air, and 250 micro size particles in our lungs from pollution, radiation zones and deserts, now digital dynamite in the form of our open-hearted comments on line that blow up in our face, they show our failures at morality and action, of deed and thought, at the most inopportune times. 

Lunch calls, then the rest of the day: write, invent, read, study, some sports, plan the filming, gonna be fun. And of course, speak with you.

Warren Peace    out here somewhere, far away

PS - the new inventions are coming, this is creatives Night City and a Foundation of Hope and Light for all. Heart cleaning special: Double magnet treatments reduced to only $39.99, if you act now. Limited supplies at this price, while they last. 

The new features, inventions and writings will put you on the road to super creativity and Diamond Consciousness to power it all, from nothing, free energy from, V 4

This is the 99-percent store of Imagination! We have not yet begun to Imagine! (John Paul Jones before his all-iron ship was half sunk). This is  how the quote survived, since at full sinking and no texting (too expensive for John, in his area, at this time period), if it was full sunk,what he wrote it on a parchment with non removable ink? 

PS 2: The Levels of the Yin Masteries: 

Non thinker, yet quite happy, not too much processing or "philosophy" ( the corner to which thinking was sent, to separate the thinker from the group, more like cartoon character). 

Smart, can learn a field. 20 books, then 20 more. 

Super smart, can learn a few fields. 

Intelligent: knows many fields in the sense of you don't have to eat the whole cow type of thing.

Genius: the genie in us can bring forth apparitions, hopefully of benefit, but, overall, once genius has done his or her thing, something new has come into the world, a series of thoughts, machines, new technologies; science often answers the call of genius within and without. 

Super genius: works like genius, magic in more than one field, apparitions

Magical Super-Genius: This person gets it done, but more from intuition and a way, nothing obvious, and yet nobody easily can figure out how you got from here to there and now, here we are, the future, a new creation or series of, all quite quantum permissible for the configuration of your mind crystal. 

If Edgar Cayce had computer, he could have done readings while asleep all over the world. Under his pillow would be his books of study, maybe the pillow was a little lumpy, but he woke up knowing the stuff. 

Did he get up late night and sleep read? And speed comprehend his subject matter?


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