What projects or dreams do you have?

The usual reason as to why action is not taken is no money and no time. Except in extreme cases, we learned in sales school, people have money and time for the things they really want. 


The website has more ideas and maps, plus the inventions catalog, the science fiction story club (great gift for a reader), and the 31-Metroplex Creatives listings. 

 Creatives listings: The machine of all the minds of the artists combined together reading the same question, like bingo, to solve problems, to answer the questions people/audiences may have. We the music people are also a type of conduit for social consciousness, not politics, when in performance or on our sites. 

would like to get ideas and questions from Sunnyvale. Any inventors out there?

Collaboration can be really cool, very cooperative work is shared so each does what they like to do in the project. 

We know medical science is only half way there, but hang on, the Telomerese is coming for the ends of your DNA for replicating the cell. 

RECEIVE FREE  INVENTION OR DESIGN BY EMAIL Send an idea or question, a solution or simplification, a new way to see, powerful words that lead to powerful actions. Help DGI develop a central bank of positive ideas and questions.

Back at you with how to be a writer, how to turn that on, with sales opportunities, with inventions development, eCommerce, and new ideas for everyone to benefit. How to make films, inventor steps. 

Think about giving your 12 year old one or two eCommerce business to run, then by the time they get to college, they study whatever they want, they do not need a job for money, they can do it for all the other reasons, and keep in fit health too. They will have  my soon to be made book 

Your first shopping list: 200 Things you need to eat, why, and where they are found  

food is: protein, carbohydrate, fats, vitamins, minerals, water (fresh, not stale; water has energy), enzymes and anti-oxidants. H

How can it be that we did not get a book like this in grade 5? Where is the owner manual and what to put in this thing?

I want to believe that the problem is one of finding voice. I was very quiet then I woke up, I had something to say, too many things are just somewhat anomalous from a human perspective. At first, some were funny, like why is the number two pencil called that since it is the number one pencil? This is the age of Power Generation of mind, body, and money. 

Clearly, it is understanding the Mind and our Emotions that will bring us forth into the light. We need a complete inventory of the ship, its contents, its opportunities, its benefits, its services. A clear, complete world picture view. 

Is there some reason why you do not have different kinds of businesses in other countries, fun. Remote business is here, like long distance property managers. I need to find out about this, maybe I open a pizza parlor somewhere. 

From all I hear, the evolution is out of job and into our own businesses, so we show these methods here as well. We understand the money is key, and we plan to resolve it creatively and bring in around the world in Portable Markets. First we are going to have to have a complete world inventory, of the big ship and its contents, with new methods. 

World peace and diminishing of violence we try to solve with  The Principles of Peace and Violence getting the thought ball going. The idea is collective thought, I put mine out there hopefully you riff, make something up from there, your life is also song, we are musical instruments whose notes are our emotions....in a dark room you give off photons, like musical notes. 


We can develop this new Opportunity Index, which gives us an opportunity to measure the new creative problem solving opportunities in each place, sometimes by bringing in a new idea from another place, one of the 31 larger metros, get it there, and from the 196 countries. Help me develop inventions, we profit both. Tell someone of the invention development opportunity, receive free inventions yourself.

Let's take a shot at developing the Opportunity Index right here. 

Lists interact like maps in creating new thought from the combination of various data bases your mind holds at length ready to interact with. Your brain makes a collage, you take a picture internally of it, you see the new thing. Venn diagrams, some surface areas are used. You see unions of maps and intersections of.

We wish to measure, for each country: 

How easy to get housing, cost and comfort

How easy to get job or start series of small businesses

Money spent going shopping weekly for food? Utilities?

Trades opportunities

Proximity to other countries

Professional career opportunities

How visual is the place? Water flowing?

The cooking, tell us about the cooking!

Social circumstance: custom and culture

Access to markets local and international

Access to food, water, medicines and doctors, hygiene

Transportation local and out of country

Education and schooling opportunity

Creative community representation, teachings

Thinkers/ Creative problem solvers list

eCommerce presence in social consciousness

Music, live bands, people play instruments or sing?

Jokes told on a frequent basis, overheard?

Are themes championed and valuable topics discussed in public places, is this a type of discussion-talk that is found?

Public Libraries and Internet

Bicycle culture and custom

Social scene regarding learning, entrepreneurship skills

Heavy drinking and drugs: how prevalent? 

Gangs and criminal enterprise, how prevalent?

Violence and theft?

How do they care for their elderly relatives?

Police, fire, EMT services? 


All along, the science, engineering, thought, and creative problem solving community joins the artist, the musician, the writer, the comedian and the film maker here at DGI blog to solve problems 5 minutes a week. It is getting a unique view of things that gives insights, and we hope to bring these good news insights to counterbalance the late news, more like occurrences often, and violence. Show us how to go into business, list skills and small businesses. 

The idea is we all need more time, more health, and more money; we can create for each other without loss, with just what we have in our head or can easily put in there, like more organization.

This would be how to get all kinds of mood tones which are positive and may lead to those same emotions felt at special times, then it can become a transcendent experience also. 

All things are many things, just how you connect them.   

The department thrives on questions and answers, it is a bank of good ideas. We want to empower you, to give you that hope that seems absent, in light of world difficulties.  

The Brain is largely untapped, ours is not a time of thought much, not in the popular consciousness, nothing I hear. What about the cloistered spaces? Usually monotopic. 

The world itself is not noticed by many! Concerns and curiosities appear to be gifts, found in those things in our head that go bzzz when we see something we like, even in our imaginations. It is the future calling, it is bzzz from the future!


1. idea 2. design and machine components 3. prototype assembly and testing (if needed) 4. Sell as in below 6 ways

There are 6 ways to make money from inventions and products you manufacture:  

Establish a dealer network $10,000 a month per metro

Do trade shows for that industry  each deal makes a medium fortune

Personal brochure and door to door: promote yourself today, stand out your products and ideas

Become Vendor to large retailers (takes one two years, or trade show) $1000 a day

eCommerce sites international: like a series of international vending machines with profit centers, advertising, and "learn more" commission referral button from the seller

Secure licensing deals from manufacturers after getting utility or design patent, at least patent pending 1.5 years  ($500), and shop it around. 


We are either out of our cave in public, in our caves, or in a series of cloistered spaces. Everyone. There is no they, we are they. We can do positive things, take action for ourselves and others, and I do see focused projects that send help out there. 

Each of those projects is a type of portal for all positive information.

The blog is social, spirit, and special projects, the web is Mind, Body, and Money more, this should cover the categories, or send more. DepartmentOfGoodIdeas@Gmail.com

We believe here that ideas are the renewable source of energy, very green and brown, and we build the collaboration in the Bank of Ideas so everyone can come to this creative Night City, and every question category answered collectively, many minds, fun; the rest is the outcome of your projects, and the interaction with Luck itself in our lives. 


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