The bee crisis

Subscribe to TED talks if you like speakers on various topics of the sciences, the studies.

The actual job may be in one area, but the projects are in whatever area chosen, and it is the results and the fun doing them that matter, you learn from failure, Diamond Consciousness is what gets you through the constant failures on the road to success. Tenacity of Will and Imagination.

Like a muscle, it can be improved with resolute practice, and can help in doing the things we like.

The speaker tells us that bees are involved in 1/3 of the pollination, and the bees are suffering from 3 different types of problems, temporarily controlled with pesticides.

Why does the speaker not suggest that the problem be quantified and given qualities by the research teams as working with a technical writer who can translate, the  way Isaac Asimov did with science, to the masses. Now we would have 320 million people in on this (we get the babies to problem solve), with a BEE BINGO card, and somebody somewhere is bound to have an   IDEA

Why not have a national contest of ideas regarding topics of interest and problems to be solved? does, 24-7. Those that write for the department get free inventions (not available on late night TV) more ideas from riffing and from other people, from their own stimulated imaginations. Inside, they may get the endorphin euphoric rise in positive perception, and the peace of mind from cleaning up, from doing and thinking positive thoughts and for all the  positive reasons: best mind, most efficiency, greatest income, increase in Life, revelation of magic-like forces like time that solve problems and create for us. 

If 320 million people gave 1 penny for each problem voted "solved, solution good", the inventor gets 3.2 M, and this stimulates invention in all of us. What is wrong with us? We make the artist the subject of instant marginalization, go to that corner over there where the girl draws pretty pictures and the boy writes stories. 

NO, art is the way back to a more enlightened consciousness, it includes science, thinking, invention, creative problem solving, writing,

fine art, film making, music, theatre, comedy (smart people, memory power here, language). 

Further, I see that in many of the things that were called distractions back in the day were actually rich sources of energy like reading, sports, arts, general business techniques, service to others. 

They require our full powers of PERCEPTION. What DGI the machine sees upon doing diagnostic is that most persons if not many are have this feature on their dashboard set to only GENERAL LOOK with its pre-set 18 S per minute, and the CLOSER, DETAILED LOOK (ZOOM 1), used mostly for work, and do not set to scan the results of the FAR AWAY LOOK, (ZOOM 2) for detecting components and forming hypothesis. 

We all need to take these positions and grow them to fun ability, they represent creativity and the stimulation of imagination to fun projects including those that serve others unselfishly, we have some time every month, and there are many of us. If not with money, we help with time and effort, and we get it done. 

There are problems, we inventory the categories, you go get data and add hands to the effort, ideas too. 

All the coffee shops have their tip jars; I suggest they put an IDEA jar next to it, they would have more money than they could shake a stick at, and much more. 

Like we should  be creating for each other. You see me walking, you can ask me create for you and I do it instantly, I have trained myself in this, but: times have indeed gotten harder, and we are the lobsters slowly boiling with the slow rise in temperature, which overtakes and overcomes. 

I find it interesting that if you like physics, I will be happy to tell you the books, if you like Brain, watch us go to the front lines (DGI has a virtual brain surgery game coming out), if you like sports, I have books and inspiration on how to play and remain fit (90% of being that celebrity super star is being on the celebrity super star program,. the feeling). Want to play drums, here, give me those sticks, and here is my DVD. Whatever Warren Peace does, you can do it too, I show you how with this magic box. 

And why do I say this? Because I have always been an enthusiastic student, and know from instinct that not only should that enthusiasm for learning be rewarded, but there will sadly be so few that show it. 

If it is possible to be more than alone, that is the fortune of this little world at this precise of times. 

Why, exactly are you here? 

Can you hear your higher purpose, that truth you always fought so hard to see, calling you now from the edge of night, from a shore so beautiful your eyes glare at the sea. Now you understand, don't you? When you buy your truth, there is a price to pay, and that price is that your words become unintelligible to the others. 

There is more, there is always more, but with a little care we can build ourselves more, increase life, and eat more leafy greens and vegetables while we are at it. Service is the ultimate payoff: 

(Warren Peace, giving ride to a model to Menlo Park wealthy area, mail is hand delivered by federal agent, sadly the model is a guy).

This is the area where the people have the big houses, the tennis court, and the swimming pool, the hi ceiling large pantheonic living rooms...

Warren Peace, without hesitation, with a wry grin (or was it whole wheat?) says: "Sounds good, what do they do the next week after getting those things?

This may be the big secret: you figure out what to do by helping others from accessing your data banks, why they are there, for application.

Some  fluid intelligence dynamic problem solvers can walk down the street and benefit all the persons seen, and all the stores that are engaging in commerce, and the artists in publication, you see the standing wave representations, the physical state mathematics in the interweaving themes, each a system composed of sub systems, this appears to be the way, one way. The sub systems usually have only four parts! Once you know the branching tree, you can build branches 3 D, networks. But most only go four deep it would appear; maybe Alien baseball has 4 strikes? My new game? 

In all areas it seems there is both need and silence: where is the pamphleteer, the thinker, the creative problem solver, the inventor?

A micro-apartment, or Tiny Home is the future now costs $12,000. If this is the future so be it, do you mind if I laugh until the laughter subsides? Is there a camera around here somewhere. You know, as I say these things the stories call me, I can see that this blog is a warm up for my new stories, I wish to emerge from the ruins of Book Factory where I would write a science fiction story, run to the post office to mail it to some contest or publisher, and after putting in the mailbox, run to the top of the stairs and put my hands up to the sky like Rocky and yell: Book Factory!


Book Factory II: The Return of the Power of the Word

Wish me luck, the providence of chance smiles at the winds that bear us across a great sky as we ponder our lives.   

Look no further, I just have things to do, like double my money like a machine  and make other people a million dollars and get 15%, known as business when you sell and sales when you help a company make a million dollars. 

Did time matter to anyone other than me, a drummer? Have you bought my songs, from our band name is SpiriTech? We are the technology of spirit, this website is the machine of transformation, of voyage to pick up your new Mind from the dry cleaners. 

Do you really think the empty space inside your Brain is truly empty, is a vacuum, ever? Just what are we carrying up there in this radio set, for S-Waves from Pre-space?

I opened this Bank of Ideas, open 24-7 and will retreat to its maintenance and report-writing once the system is up and running, needs at least 15 more persons to send items in about 15 categories, and for the new inventions to be finished. Receive a free gift invention that can be emailed to you. 

Listening and hearing are human things, the aliens may have no clue as to sound. 

This is what new open source Idea generation does, it relieves the pressures of life by sharing great powerful words that lead to powerful actions, solutions to questions, questions needing solutions, w
hat we don't know we don't know, for, what we know

We know it. What we don't know: well, I will get some books and videos, online knowledge to sum up. 

And yet most of the things that happen and affect us come from WHAT WE DON'T KNOW WE DON'T KNOW 

I suppose the title of my new TV show, let's work on it. 

Working with the top secret DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCES, which can exist in plain sight due to the fact that people deny its existence, we have been able to begin the work on this new knowledge, an empowering knowledge. 

We address the inside of us in terms of what we should eat (health) how to work out for fitness and overall breath, and how to know about our very Minds and Emotions, how they work together. 

I was surprised to read about a part of the brain that when it is active, we are depressed. Sounds like a job for super-directed magnets!

To know life you must know mind and body and know them well. We are being jacked around by our frontal cortices, we must regain our child-like balance, our strength too. Of Mind, of body, of resolute wills to succeed and in out successes to contribute to being the tide that raises all ships including ours. 

Also I make small films, like PLAY TENNIS AND DRUMS Easy Advanced, which I hope is a good robot to have out there making me money by its very replication. 

We are all looking for push button Realities we can use to benefit.

Boy I need to study, I actually have physics and brain projects to pull me forward, but that money thing is a bear. 

Once DGI is in as vendor for a corporation, like the 99-percent store, then a deep breath is to be taken, a vacation for 4 days in a nice beach house, write  some stories there. 

Once I establish a dealer network for my products and inventions, that math goes to the form

100 accounts x $100 per account per month per metro = $10,000 a month per metro, go to the next. And your first destination here is anything at all per metro. 

Now, is this plan for the busy executive? No. Busy making bank from sacrifice, dedication, love, commitment, compromise of interests. It is for their friends, on their newsletter, for the people down town and around the corner. 

There are 100,000 millionaires in each of these metros, but, admittedly, escape rockets to Mars are very expensive. What about the sports players and other entertainers, where are their stories of becoming  a Foundation of Hope and Light? 

Further bad news is that underwater sponge species are also vanishing, increasing the rise of water in coastal cities.  

I'm caught up on laundry and errands after only half a century, I can do this! I will use the same advanced mathematical techniques that I use to solve tough problems (give it to the Japanese guy) to solve this one, I am that good a problem solver: Look for the Aliens already on Earth and ask them to do it. We are so ephemeral to them perhaps they have not noticed anything out of place except less rain, but they do not talk about the weather. 

What I do see is that collaboration is not yet so generally understood. We need to come out of the Dark Ages right away, as if from a trance, and assume our true expectations with the return of the power of the word to convey positive messages regarding what our radio stations tune in: 

Security of environment where the radio station iBubble is, effective financial foundation (money doubling and sums of machines that do this, the game is called enter the economy 3-120 times simultaneously, free for all us to play if healthy). Inside, the station tunes in internal emotions and flashes, like pictures, and follows an agenda, a to do list, a job, later social relaxation, a hobby. 

If you want more than that in your social, cave, or cloistered environments, YOU HAVE TO CREATE IT.

I make sure that instead of making a schedule for the week, I make one for the strong, works out better, more upbeat. I will try the 10 day week like the Romans or French did. 

Like for Napoleon, our thoughts are in chests of drawers we open then close when finished with that drawer content (file). When all drawers are closed, we fall asleep. 


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