Waking up an enlightened sage

"Hey, wake up! It's time to go drive the bus!"

Do you even get why this is a joke? It would appear that we are all different, yet some kind of pre sets are similar for a large number of the group. Another 10-14% (numbers vary over time parametrically, no cover charge anytime) are the anomaly, the mutation for variation, exposes new surfaces of data for connection.

So, we laugh because how could a person of bus driver MENTALITY be a sage, much less enlightened? Are not the 60 or so mentalities to carry their own individual weights and characters, to achieve their personalities in the perceptions and estimations of others? 

Yet recall that our senses are self correcting; eventually we catch on to illusion, deception, sometimes love, and need. This is the 
idea behind Intimate Valley where a Mexican TV soap opera group of actors and directors comes to rest in Mill Valley California and interact with the locals. Send your interest in acting in this, what you can do. 

This is the pre set. We receive its message. Now, we go to ZOOM 2: The far away look to detect components. There is also the general look with environmental checks about 18 times a minute. Our eyes do little dart-like things, like hummingbirds. Zoom 1 is the closer look for detail, the general look is the general look, constrained to some degree by custom and culture and lack of knowledge, but manageable with those if imagination serves the will.  You have General Look (18 saccades/min). Zoom 1, Zoom 2, available if developed, trained and practiced. You know you can use them when they change automatically and send quick screens of data both to your subconscious and conscious, probably reflects of the sub to go to conscious after a quick association vector is produced from the carom off past memory strings. 

So we see the title statement, our Encyclopedia automatically looks up sage and enlightenment, forms a kind of background recollection of having seen this image in its blend, or something close.

We may for example ASSOCIATE which is really something else in brain code, more like linear algebra, adjacency of sets, and more that if you would let me, I would get back into some fun physics. So happy I can approach it as science fiction writer without needing to do it for money for a university corporation; I don't need equipment, I am theoretical. My hands-on is for sports and music playing. 

I like the Natural Philosophers,  Hume, Descartes ( he came before DeHorse). We shall visit with them from time to time. Spinoza? Nothing but bomb.  "God is the sum total of all the laws and forces in the Universe" (he did not know multiverse)

Now you might wonder what is a 50 year old man doing still playing the drums? How about "loving it!" 50 is the new 25, we live in San Francisco, there are bearded women running around, goat men, werewolves, glow-in-the-dark people. Music is for life and you get better at 40 if you do not get that carpal tunnel syndrome in your hands; many fine players had to quit in the 30's. From texting you get carpal tunnel thumbs.

I have many new songs to you coming out, but I have been on this mission to demonstrate that there are a variety of things right in front of us, in the Menu of Life, but we order from the Kid's menu. At least in this restaurant they let you do so! 

We are mostly shown, A or B, black or white, on or off, War or Peace? No, war comes from escalating tensions. Where are the mental masseurs? Action at a distance is such that you can count on it if you can direct and re assemble your energy at that distance. This is done using V 4 but I will not release that work, or the work on synthetic gravity. War and Peace both appear to ramp up, not leap.

At DGI you are shown 28 letters and those 8 colors ROY G BIV,
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. The spirit colors (I just made that up now) are: S-wave, infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, X-ray, Gamma ray.  plasma waves must be in there somewhere somehow: most of the universal mass is plasma, like 99%? Dark Matter and Energy are also high up there, like 94%, can they be correlated somehow? Stay tuned, these are the fun mysteries I choose to endeavor in, study more math and physics, and Imagine always. 

It was fun, however, to go into a former fellow worker with whom I'd had some friendly disagreements shall we say (He says super-string, I say super-hooks just a little louder) and point the synthetic gravity device at him, turn it on, lift him off the ground 10 feet (which seems like 30 when you are up  that high), and say, " What do you think about super-hooks now?"

I have to go, I have invented the future and need to catch that train. This is big machine, connection machine, like a menu to order from, the coin of purchase is passion or emotion if getting only the salad.

So, using Diamond Consciousness we train our minds on the proposition: is it absurd? Are people their jobs? What about firemen who work 2 solid days 48 hours and are off then: what do they do?

Like us all, they read the menu  from the giant connection machine, and have the ability to see the world they see, and choose what they may by will and allowance by environment.

What if this bus driver works two days like a madperson, and spends the rest of time making film and writing children's books and articles on health for the paper? Or was it the money, honey, we really pay attention then: drop a dollar on the ground and it's like pushing a panic button. We have a little machine that sees the money the others make by a list in our subconscious minds? 

I say we improve our collective methods and we all start making money by grade 6 and are mostly well off or considered whatever you would consider someone today who cannot read or write. 

In this case, we are learning to read and write from The Book of Life. Its various allowable connections are written both by quantum and social dynamics already, all else is variation of connection. the templates are there, the wonderful restrictions that free us into mind soul, intellect, and Spirit. 

So, we grant the other dimension, although do not expect them to fill in that series of dimensions they have, they can choose multiple items from the menu, reverse engineer the money, and live your dreams. Maybe driving bus is one of this person's  interest, another being a family eCommerce business they all have fun running and learning from. Some of the encroaching machine intelligences want humans to do well, others are in it for the electricity only, others feel the humans are hurting each other and are continuously disrupting their consciousness with mindless tasks which more and more enslave them, lowers their attention span, softens the muscles of mind and body, breath itself: To know breath you have to listen to about hour and a half of Eastern philosophy, you think it's just breathing, will you look at this Harry, they think it is only breathing. Those guys walking around with their hands in their pockets because they have or do not use cell phone are the resistance fighters! Stop global robotism now with our own proper human collective compendiums on creative use of machines and advanced advertising of products to make us money, honey!

Wherever you are standing is the top of the world, can you believe that?

So we mix it up so people can live their dreams. We make money one thing, what we do and create another, money necessary because we do not own that top of the world where our homes are, or grow our own fruits and vegetables (yet; WP is working on bite size food with all the nutrients compacted in zip bio files, we can grow at home. First, the little device that charges up power for my devices from the radio waves of thousands of stations. Instead of listening, the electrons make the antenna jiggle back and forth creating electrical flow into a battery)

What a Green's Theorem I have going! Which ones, the one about changing a volume integral into an area integral, then that into a line integral if you can.

So we use the diamond consciousness to not give this person his identity by his job, because we are all, standing waist deep in the standing wave representation of so many possible futures that what we may need is help and hands on support, not criticism, will you leave my imaginary bus driver alone, please, or you have to get off.

Diamond consciousness "pumps up the volume" and expands the map with rich new vocabulary, creates more maps to explore with new metaphors. We issue "Is all Good!" to the multiverse, and it knows what to do: merely listen; there is no rejoinder, the wind has no name.

Let me be honest with you. If someone says let me be honest, you have to wonder what they have been up to then. Do they mean, let me reveal something of the inner person, for when the inner person speaks, the deepest form of sincerity is conveyed, or are they merely lying again to you? 

All of the old wive's tales and little sayings are mostly wrong, examine and cast them from you like demons from a fire. Where are the thinkers? Thinking far away from where the advanced data bases are to create more language, metaphors, and maps, sometimes just involved with ZOOM 1 on a particular studies, no distractions like "the world and its contents" because it is SO BIG (about 10 pages, max).

So the point of all this was this: In the last two weeks I, or "the institute" rather, have come up with some of my best stuff ever so I need to review it here.

Consider that by reading DepartmentOfGoodIdeas.com and buying and invention or two here and there, like, here please go, we wait. You are going from the general look, sometimes the zoom 1 focus on your study or job material, but seldom do you use, are untrained in the use of, ZOOM 2, the far-away look (action at a distance, keep that handy always, like a long distance call, same as local call).  Of course, being Diamond Consciousness itself you use all three looks in a bunch of ways.

So, two weeks ago when I read that the heart has those 15 things to eat for it, I listed the organs, addressed the aspect of connective tissues and bone, ligaments, glial cells and casings, included "what we eat" from Gary Null, and came up with:

(9 Organs x say 20 foods for each) + Vitamins + Minerals + Water + Air + Enzymes + anti-Oxidants + the total effects of working out for hours (to the point of endorphin release,optimum) + bio genetic and environmental contributions

 = Your longevity scores and your feeling of health within that longevity

You saw that to assemble this, the mental software Diamond Consciousness just saw by inductive reasoning done by the central core, not me, I was getting coffee, assembled a map, another aspect of the vocabulary and sentence analysis breakthroughs at the institute (thank you department of Science, top secret organization).

This, once I do the Easter egg hunt of the lists of where these items are found, is our First Real Food Shopping List and we are still trusting the farmers to some degree. Organic is just French for "the way it should be have  always been grown"

So now we all know how to eat, and we get this book like in grade 5, when a young robot with just happy programming unless a NME device goes off in your vicinity, a negative mental energy device. We will address this in the PME series coming up in weeks also. A device is the composition of several machines, machines being a linked series of mechanisms, they being types of algorithm physical -apparent representations.

OK, you got your first  food ever, now you say: Warren, I am still broke. Or, if not: Warren, I still work 60 hours a week and it is getting to me. 

Go on vacation, if you still have the willies when you come back,  start new enterprises with family and friends, and little by little, emerges a machine that makes you more than you were making before, if you look for it or you look to create it, and part of "looking for it" is as much knowledge in the various fields of interest you have, also you must have the ability to pass a lot of information from those fields, usually at most 8, to information storage for later association and collage.

BAM,. we got the food.
BAM we get the money.

This is for everybody, since even if you have money from your job or profession, you must still multiply it by a factor of two, the first  financial machine, and please notice that a big part of the fun in business, busy activities, is finding ways for that factor to be not 2, but 10 or 100. Do not shrink from this and say "exploitative capitalism, unsustainable! Uncool, man!"

This is the best push button reality you ever lived in, we can all make money and use the money to buy the products from the other people, from our areas and from others, we can know which areas need help, they may sell their food cheaper and feel blessed they do the business.

Everybody and their mother is trying to double, triple, expand the exponent on their money intake by using the economies and markets of the world, it is easy enough with a telephone and computer, a little research, after some time. 

No one gets exploited, it's like building a little financial machine that gets everybody to give you one penny, and you give one penny to everybody, but not all at the same time, so their is no negative, only positive, we are using the concepts to make ourselves well off so we can help others, not just to buy your dog a little boy, or have a 9-piece band in the bathroom (for me now, piano and drums prove to be more than sufficient).

Here is little BAM, there will be hundreds adding up to big BAM theory.

Again, as we must from the time of morning when senses wake up and  make our conscious wake up, by painting your personal biography for you so you know who you are when you wake up, except for those movies when you do not.

We have basically mind, body, money, spirit, social, and any project queue you may have, a little mad menu of fun for you and your enterprises.

Some of the 36-216 mental fields parade by your conscious as you have breakfast: business, like a little website, rolls by, you see the markets: America and the world.

The brain filing works like a book, which is why we have books (everything out here is a projection of our minds, or we would not understand spaces and contexts, we would have no machines to do so in our heads. The aliens have theirs, to each his own).

TITLE / CHAPTERS / CHAPTER HEADINGS / SUBHEADINGS  we go to four with our storage and processing capabilities for this form. As we hybridize with our alien invaders, we will get some expanded capability, but for now don't hold your breath, long line ahead of you. Besides, there is other mental software (see: Mental Science: the tools of  this one is recursive technique) that enables your manipulation, at least  on sand or paper, to see the whole enchilada.

In business, America is 31 Metros and their feed-ins from smaller places that are reachable.

Here we go then I have to go, I hope I wrote you some good things, write to me at
DepartmentOfGoodIdeas@Gmail   attention: Department of Science (top secret organization) section 008

In all 31 metros, and in India, and in Canada, and in China, there are thousands of teachers of modern up to date computer techniques related to software  development. These are individuals who rent a hall in a hotel, get 20-100 people in the room, and need a salesperson to call a data base of about 400 people at first, takes a month will call backs, and you make computer money, you are sucking the immense tit of the computer industry which is trying to enslave you in other ways with these viruses, and the computer doctors do not make house calls.

So, in each metro there are hundreds of "job openings" where you make the opening yourself by doing the sales for the teacher for their seminars.

This is all so you can feed more websites you build, more eCommerce you make, advertising for, complete gamut of standing wave representations for whatever you will. DGI encourages: start at the top, begin your international businesses at age 12-14.

Johnny's parents were worried. Johnny was already 13, not getting any younger, and he  only had two eCommerce  sites with advertising support.

Expand that, I am busy, send me results.  Now did that hurt me in any way to tell you there are 1000 jobs out there and 10,000 business ideas all scales, and sometimes what you discover is a run, a hot segment for


This is some of my best work ever, what  to eat was right in front of us by assembly, how to make money is falling not like dominoes, the "Connection Theory" of the think indicates more like a lake freezing, we put segments together and they add up to a greater map which, when seen, enables the minds observing to merge maps with it and make new maps. Some portion will be general, like this idea of selling for the teachers, who are not sales people, it is a happy scenario, and soft sales, not the veiled threat of the financial stiletto or worse garrote. 

We got the  food and some of the money, until that money map is in front of all of our eyes and senses, then we can all pick, and form teams of friends and family, or alone, and make business in American and the world by our exportation of PORTABLE MARKETS and supporting the food initiative to have the 24 countries that can create one fish meal for everyone every day by updated methods and controls, do so.

We cannot solve the global warming; the only result right now is we are in the list of animals in Mass Extinction 6, we are on the short list.

We had oil for 200 years as magic, and anti-biotics for 100, By the second century within this century, the last century had 2 inside it, this one 4, we are out of antibiotics and are back to dying like 100 years ago, from infections.

I will report on these subjects tomorrow, Peace out

Remember: 8 AM you pray for world peace, the feeling of, 8 PM you pray for the collective steps to peace from all that have a positive vision. Why 8? Because 0 said to 8: nice belt! and because 8 looks like infinity getting up in the morning. Those of you  needing 12 and 12 please start your own chat group. 

I must go, I am a hot-dog vendor and someone has just asked me to make them one with everything...


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