Finally a day of rest and no obligations
No appointments, no meetings, no nothing. Rest, stress relief, sports, music tomorrow working on new fun tunes. Send me a tweet: @WarrenPeaceDGI A day out of time, do whatever, break ruts, try new patterns maybe, or just relax.
I am realizing, the waves of realization hitting the beaches, that this is in part because I eat at home, I can make better stuff more to my taste than eating out, and for much less. There was another benefit hiding in there: since I only have to go to the kitchen, I spend less time and have maybe 8 extra hours a week, eat better save more; I am on to something, wish me luck. The extra time will be for writing and inventing, studying and playing sports, long bike rides. This is big, before this was the savings by not using Middle English anymore, that "th" that never went anywhere, this "O'clock" like we are royal guards, no, I eschew Middle English and use the savings for extra reading, but this new thing is a Bonanza for me. What triggered it is eating for almost 2 hours and then talking (it seemed) for half hour more about the service, and how the food "was," and every trite detail there could ever be, but no real topics of wonder and amazement at this meal. I am not a drinker. email us:
Our music: SpiriTech Technology of Spirit Al-bum: Beyond the Illusion of Thongs songs $1
I am realizing, the waves of realization hitting the beaches, that this is in part because I eat at home, I can make better stuff more to my taste than eating out, and for much less. There was another benefit hiding in there: since I only have to go to the kitchen, I spend less time and have maybe 8 extra hours a week, eat better save more; I am on to something, wish me luck. The extra time will be for writing and inventing, studying and playing sports, long bike rides. This is big, before this was the savings by not using Middle English anymore, that "th" that never went anywhere, this "O'clock" like we are royal guards, no, I eschew Middle English and use the savings for extra reading, but this new thing is a Bonanza for me. What triggered it is eating for almost 2 hours and then talking (it seemed) for half hour more about the service, and how the food "was," and every trite detail there could ever be, but no real topics of wonder and amazement at this meal. I am not a drinker. email us:
Our music: SpiriTech Technology of Spirit Al-bum: Beyond the Illusion of Thongs songs $1
Low fat food: don't believe for one moment that cow is jumping rope! You also need 3-4 hours of exercise a day, and great sleep
Global warming: about time, the ladies are always cold. Call it global heating, more to the point. Could it be that cutting down 95% of the trees, which absorb CO2 and methane, and give oxygen, and the fact that we call this "land clearing" have something to do with it? Are we getting high altitude levels of oxygen. How many creative inventions come from the people that live miles up in the air, what about Colorado: Does this explain Boulder?
Organic food: I wish for the day when it is just called "food," the way it always should have been grown. The Chinese do not call their food Chinese food!
3D printing: as inventor, I am attempting to 3D food from the Equator to where the refugees went 25,000 years ago from Africa when the poles shifted last. Our design is to intake much more oxygen and wider variety of food than present, why food causes 50% of the illness, alcohol consumption even casual 1/3 of Cancer.
Early Education: from other countries, come ideas: the mother if possible should be home for that valuable pre-school period, she should be home until lunch time or work from home, better. Sample early education: 1 reading, writing, simple Calculus concepts, 2 new language begins 3 how to write short story, novel, sell them 4 the four steps to invention development 5 American Business system International: how to have fun and succeed in business 6 How to make film and documentaries 7 Sports, personal hygiene review, and care of body 8 How to be of service to others 9 ice cream, you've earned it!
Fish farms: and home gardens are the way of the future: we can no longer trust profit-motive to give us the best food for all of us, we must have local and home farms and gardens. If 24 countries participate in using their fish farms more scientific, modern methods, can feed everyone on the planet one great meal a day.
Gun control: read my Principles of Peace and Violence paper. One man went to an NRA meeting without a gun and they had him arrested!
Middle class: sorry, did I hear that right? I went to school, paid attention, and know we have no classes in America. Now, I also hear that it is impossible to "define" this middle-income group, hey I can: If you are not poor, and you are not well-off or rich, you are middle income!
I give the Warren Peace opinion on a bunch of topics from 100 magazines. Still I am not satisfied: I need that job, I am on the waiting list they told me and should expect a call, where I walk around just blowing leaves with a hose, with what I can only call a "magical motor" on the back.
I have enjoyed these moments today writing this. Since it is a day off, and I hope to manufacture more, it feels kind of, well, I just got a thought: Get dressed in 100% cotton and just sort of go "walking around!"
Here is my affirmation for the day: errands, write and send to publishers (has to be done, writers), work on selling my 13 inventions more (I should be in that damn glass house already, driving a type of Carlos Santana car combination BMW and Boy Mexican Wonder, it is cool looking).
Digression: So one day, I was kind of courting a girl singer who was doing Wizard of Oz. It was fun, me also being a singer and all, and my parents were singers too in Cuba. After the play, well done by the way, she was good, we go eat something at Joe's we are in San Rafael Marin county. We eat, she leans over and says to me: Hey, is that Carlos Santana sitting next to you, a kind of whisper really, and sure enough, it was. Now, we are professionals and know better than to mug a celebrity when they are eating, or at least while WE are eating: as soon as done, we swooped, she gave him her card and said how angels sing through her, I told him how much I had liked his song "Spooky" although he did not do it I later recalled, it was "She's not There."
The man gave us nothing but love, even while choking on his burger from being startled by us, and would issue palm-fulls of heart over and over at us, or was he saying go away, I am not sure?
I grew up. I no longer feel like 25. I feel more like 26 and need to make that money, while floating in space always (ha, you thought I mean something else: from this vantage point, level three perception zoom, I detect components, the up-close look, details, and the general look: I have to take out my laundry from the dryer.