
Showing posts from February, 2019

TV TRAVEL: Arrive before you leave technology is here!

We Invented it. We knocked it out of the park; sadly we were playing tennis.  YouTube: San Francisco Taxi episode (1-31), in the next weeks, the world! Tell your fiends, we need videos taken like this! We start a global business together (International Luxury Malls Tele-travel) This hi-tech section is called TV TRAVEL by Department of Good Ideas, and it uses the human Mind as an advanced technology we are not using much. Can also be called: The Search for Intelligent Life on Earth , with an interesting premise, or you suggest. It has inventions, right now TV TRAVEL is here, arrive before you leave technology now state of the art, we can easily have this be a hi tech section.  See TV TRAVEL invention on YouTube:  San Francisco Taxi episode (pick 2-31) and you see what the world wide call for special format videos is about! Finally a good invention that does not turn us into morons!             Buy a card from the website o...

World Communicator

World Communicator is existing before our very eyes, which supports the illusion idea. This also has Opportunity Index ideas, not yet finished, needs your input and thought. Be part of a unique research.  My friends play a game and they are speaking with people from all over the world: Is there some reason the same device is not used to exchange information, Opportunity Indices? What an uncaring world, when I  saw this I saw a device that can put anyone in touch with anyone to:  We have import export idea or can sell products. We sell this and need to buy this from your country Family channel: how do you solve this problem in your country, or two Adventure channel: what kinds of fun adventures are there over there, which ones can I do from here? Information exchange channel: listings change                  (knock on door) "Remember me?" By now you have the Complete World Picture View on your TV, and...

The Emotional Control Box

21 Brain-Wave Generators and Receptors This is an abstract, the thoughts collected in one place but by no means do I yet know how to connect Diamond Consciousness      which is hard enough to get unless pressed or a weight falls on your head and from that moment on you are changed. We are too comfortable in our comfort, and feel too safe in our safety, what more is needed? Take that little blue pill, rest in your magnificent home (which you, the bank, and the US government own, and try to keep it going), and that should be it? Besides the ECB, we study other aspects of the brain to get a full creative picture: Feeding and nutrition, the blood-brain barrier (stops undocumented chemicals from entering), the physical structure and casing.                             Iron fist in the silk glove (sidewalk scratch detail S-Wave Transmission) Thought uses the language center as well as the imag...

Complete World Picture View 2

I did not explain the other one correctly. In my mode of analysis nature has no monopoles in our part of the universe.  So, to explain the complete world picture view you need to know the perception and processing machinery inside us, the perceptrons. And you need to know how they get energy. Can I change my mind? You do need to know how you see and analyze things, but not absolutely necessary. Suffice to say: I paint the world quickly in its categories, and I paint your ability to even understand this fantastic device, the Complete World Picture View.  This is easy, and it does support that some groups are suppressing contests of ideas, or I just have to find the normal channels, and enter in my unique way: asking questions to sharpen the view.  Of course we show the other countries in TV Travel, and that is building see YouTube. For each country we develop opportunity index which we need to put together, I know some of you have some ideas, keep working. We ...

Complete World Picture View (abstract)

DGI is launching this world picture view. Of course our invention TV Travel takes you there on your TV, we are working out the details, some are up already.  There will be two formats: online, and a kiosk exhibition, where all 195 countries, and the island territories like Puerto Rico, are shown.  For each we have an OPPORTUNITY INDEX which is a measure of how close people can come to billionaire mentality. It measures quantities and qualities of living in that country, including their ideas, their natural beauties, how they solve recurring situations. Also, through WORLD COMMUNICATOR which oddly enough exists in a different form now, we can speak with people in other countries and exchange opportunity, knowledge, benefits, and service.  Some might become business partners, import export business.  Ours is a world traveling through galactic space, the interior largely unknown, a magnetic Van Allen belt which keeps us from exposure to solar wind, and ab...