World Opportunity Index for Nations
Once we have TV Travel more in place, we create the Complete World View of their Opportunity Index. This is a measure of not only the opportunities there for us, but is an information exchange, through the embassies of the countries.
The Opportunity Index we need to create together, we need at least 14 other map ideas than posted below to have one.
Opportunity Index measures the economy of a country by the new multiple entrances into a cloud-like system, from 3-120 times. Our studies here are for the individual. Individuals are in groups, and they are easier to both qualify and quantify. For groups, the information may be less clear. We measure access to opportunity also, as well as social service.
Statistics: people, poor, broke, well off, rich, celebrities, sick
DGI question results
How easily is the Insular Bubble constructed there?
List of industries and its members
Bazaar: international distributors, dealer networks
Mind: philosophers and inventions, ideas from
Health and being in shape environment
Topography, natural geography, animals
World Communicator list, entrepreneurs
Import Export situation, put people in communication
Information Exchange of ideas, solutions, products and services
What is governance like? Contact for Department of Commerce
People descriptions of their lifestyles, 15 + in kiosk
Religion and its role
Music, arts, writers, films, recordings
What are yours? What is left out should be in there? How do I get a pizza parlor in Sweden?
Characteristics of God which led to "Second word of God" on website:
Cherisher of the world
10 Ways to Create Time to Read
Concept: if you can read 20 pages a day, you read two books a month, and some books you can get what they have in 15 minutes and one cup of coffee. I will publish a list of my favorite books, those which I have started at least five times.
1 Five minutes in the morning when you wake up
2 One or two pages at breakfast
3 Bathroom option for singles
4 One or two pages with lunch, food for thought
5 While waiting in line or waiting for somebody
6 Ten to twenty minutes in mass transit adds up
7 One or two pages with dinner
8 At night 30 minutes
9 Five minutes before going to sleep
10 Five minutes if you have insomnia!
Expert economists now working for the US government should create for the American people and run contests and give aways.
Celebrities and top sports players: how are the helping with their good fortunes?
Rich people know 100 ways to make money and use maybe 5-10, can we not get the rest donated to the American Psyche, the 80% that are struggling with money issues?
Scientific collective of Emeritus Scientists create inventions the money given to the American People.
People should be encouraged to start cooperatives with their family and friends. Financial patterns of success studies of different groups should be published in the business section.
The Opportunity Index we need to create together, we need at least 14 other map ideas than posted below to have one.
Opportunity Index measures the economy of a country by the new multiple entrances into a cloud-like system, from 3-120 times. Our studies here are for the individual. Individuals are in groups, and they are easier to both qualify and quantify. For groups, the information may be less clear. We measure access to opportunity also, as well as social service.
Statistics: people, poor, broke, well off, rich, celebrities, sick
DGI question results
How easily is the Insular Bubble constructed there?
List of industries and its members
Bazaar: international distributors, dealer networks
Mind: philosophers and inventions, ideas from
Health and being in shape environment
Topography, natural geography, animals
World Communicator list, entrepreneurs
Import Export situation, put people in communication
Information Exchange of ideas, solutions, products and services
What is governance like? Contact for Department of Commerce
People descriptions of their lifestyles, 15 + in kiosk
Religion and its role
Music, arts, writers, films, recordings
What are yours? What is left out should be in there? How do I get a pizza parlor in Sweden?
Characteristics of God which led to "Second word of God" on website:
Cherisher of the world
10 Ways to Create Time to Read
Concept: if you can read 20 pages a day, you read two books a month, and some books you can get what they have in 15 minutes and one cup of coffee. I will publish a list of my favorite books, those which I have started at least five times.
1 Five minutes in the morning when you wake up
2 One or two pages at breakfast
3 Bathroom option for singles
4 One or two pages with lunch, food for thought
5 While waiting in line or waiting for somebody
6 Ten to twenty minutes in mass transit adds up
7 One or two pages with dinner
8 At night 30 minutes
9 Five minutes before going to sleep
10 Five minutes if you have insomnia!
Expert economists now working for the US government should create for the American people and run contests and give aways.
Celebrities and top sports players: how are the helping with their good fortunes?
Rich people know 100 ways to make money and use maybe 5-10, can we not get the rest donated to the American Psyche, the 80% that are struggling with money issues?
Scientific collective of Emeritus Scientists create inventions the money given to the American People.
People should be encouraged to start cooperatives with their family and friends. Financial patterns of success studies of different groups should be published in the business section.