Never Felt Remorse and I Feel Bad About That
Headline Berkeley: We have gone through piles and piles of notes that only a Harvard president would understand. From years and years, the stuff you always say I'll get to it. Well here I am.
Multi Verse, first images from Solaris
Routines are the way to get out of the constant search for answers:
Existence of self
Energy Cycles
Calm peaceful waters (satin sheet)
The effect of beauty is to play us like a musical instrument whose notes are feelings and whose melodies are our emotions.
Families are incubators for the imprinting of emotion and personality.
Read and write, sell some writing. Play sports regularly and go on big bike rides. Invent and design, sell what you invent, study physics and the brain. Film comedy and go play in the band.
It's all up to the 325 M to solve all the problems in concert.
Spend your priority time on the bigger payoffs. 80% of your time on the 20% most important tasks. Moody people should try it 15 minutes and see what happens. Get it done now!
Little bit here and there every day and before you know it, it's done.
8 Smart fields in your head: Language, Math, Kinesthetic (sports), Musical, Self-knowledge, knowledge of others, spatial, Spiritual, turned on to various degree, able to tune in and set up progress and goals. Different personalities have extra interest in some of those over time.
The Element 9 here is Intelligence, which is the use of the products of the files in your 8 smart fields in achieving your goals, projects.
Baker Beach, San Francisco
Personality mixes:
Outgoing / inward
owner/ worker
buyer / seller
loud / soft talker
Clean / somewhat dirty
Leader/ follower
Passive / Aggressive
Manner of Speech
Religious / not religious
Quiet / talkative
Angry / Happy (difference in moods)
Criminal / law abiding
Single minded / eclectic
Cuban saying night series card
Blessings for you:
Great Health
Ability to set and execute goals
Imagination more and more
Willful self-direction
Emotional OK: You feel like doing it
Spirit of a champion
Division of Logical terms in Mathematics:
Chrysalis, essay
People always ask me if I'm a single guy, what do I look like, two people? What's so hard about golf? First day out I shot a 170.
An Impasse is a wall whose strength comes from your weakness
He is such a bad driver that the St. Christopher statue on his dash has his hands straight out in front of him!
To do it you must commit to the schedule or make up your own schedule for your own projects. You join a team on their terms. Just thinking you should do it is not enough, find something else.
Amaze yourself, that is the better thing. Happy, my dog can be happy, I want self amazement, like I am looking at Colossus.
If you fight, use Judo with your friends, Kung-fu with your enemies.
"I've sold out" money is your first priority!
I was voted most likely to stay in neutral!
Don't talk yourself out of things, let other people do that for you!
If accompanied by the Truth, you are never alone.
Our Films this year will be:
Live in San Francisco
Soundwave International music
Existence (spooky, Twilight Zones)
Night Driver (Science Fiction)
Sports Events
20 San Francisco Parks and Inspirations
The Unsuccessful Playboys
Guide the World to Righteousness
Too much sex, money, fear, fascination and routine habituation are at the core of the code in the great programming of the self.
Seek knowledge, resource, creativity expansions, support, and promotion.
Things are really getting rough now. The Hell's Angels are on foot!
I know a gangster that is so poor, when he does a drive-by shooting, he just runs past the people and shoots them!
Life is what you do, what you feel, and what you have.
Emotions are certainly overlooked, but the true components of intelligence are smarts, emotions, and action. Without those you are just a good talker.
In the times of Plato, there was a sexual split between wives and men/boys/prostitutes in Greece. On the wedding night, the woman had to dress like a man to ease the transition.
Love was considered too frivolous a reason to marry; more was for political or money alliances.
Study physics or other science on your own
Develop science-fiction type lines of reasoning and do an experiment and write a science fiction story about it.
Take the basic courses:
Basic physics and Calculus
Differential Equations
Partial differential equations
Linear Algebra
Quantum Physics
Statistical Physics
Complex variables
Mathematical Methods for Physics
Results of physics laboratory course
Books, reprints, Archivx, magazines, conferences, web, study groups, MIT PRINCETON CAL TECH online courses, start your own group.
Organized by the organ factories and what they need, what foods
The Emotions of Feeling
How many people have more than the average number of hands? Almost everybody, since the average is 1.999
Acting: make gestures first, then start your lines.
Walking is toes, ankles, knees, hips, and vertebrae.
The human body is all nanotechnology.
In the movies, the bad guy can't shoot and he won't die
Our natural sleep cycle is 9-10 hours a night. 30 minute Naps twice a day are refreshing. Probably an anti-aging secret.
Eskimos have 40 words for snow.
About life, an endless series of doors and situations opening and closing, most trivial, some not.
Create a new heart and spirit within you that can effect and handle the change.
You would be paranoid also if there was a top secret world wide government organization hell bent on your destruction following you around 24 hours a day!
They should have caught on when President Clinton gave tours to the white house with his pants down!
We don't have to worry about aliens landing in the Bay Area, there is no parking! And when there is it's only two hours!
See if you can develop a Periodic Table of Wave Super positions.
We are also looking for S-Wave phenomena and more examples of Connection theory. Thankfully we have attained a deeper understanding of the brain and will open champagne in Switzerland later this year.
Your Government does a lot for you through 25,000 bureaucracies employing 250,000 people:
Indigent Welfare
Court system
Government expenses
Space Program
Food stamps
What movie would be right without at least some of these:
Dream sequence
Haunted house
Floor escapes
Secret passageways
Arch criminals
Beautiful seductive women
Powerful organizations
Secret weapons and devices
Escapes after capture
Suspenseful fast-paced scenes
Ironic, improbable twists
Wry humor (or was it whole wheat?)
Opposite expectations
Exotic locales
S-Wave: a new force, a new material like mass, but also an object like space-time.
Multi Verse, first images from Solaris
Routines are the way to get out of the constant search for answers:
Existence of self
Energy Cycles
Calm peaceful waters (satin sheet)
The effect of beauty is to play us like a musical instrument whose notes are feelings and whose melodies are our emotions.
Families are incubators for the imprinting of emotion and personality.
Read and write, sell some writing. Play sports regularly and go on big bike rides. Invent and design, sell what you invent, study physics and the brain. Film comedy and go play in the band.
It's all up to the 325 M to solve all the problems in concert.
Spend your priority time on the bigger payoffs. 80% of your time on the 20% most important tasks. Moody people should try it 15 minutes and see what happens. Get it done now!
Little bit here and there every day and before you know it, it's done.
8 Smart fields in your head: Language, Math, Kinesthetic (sports), Musical, Self-knowledge, knowledge of others, spatial, Spiritual, turned on to various degree, able to tune in and set up progress and goals. Different personalities have extra interest in some of those over time.
The Element 9 here is Intelligence, which is the use of the products of the files in your 8 smart fields in achieving your goals, projects.
Baker Beach, San Francisco
Personality mixes:
Outgoing / inward
owner/ worker
buyer / seller
loud / soft talker
Clean / somewhat dirty
Leader/ follower
Passive / Aggressive
Manner of Speech
Religious / not religious
Quiet / talkative
Angry / Happy (difference in moods)
Criminal / law abiding
Single minded / eclectic
Cuban saying night series card
Blessings for you:
Great Health
Ability to set and execute goals
Imagination more and more
Willful self-direction
Emotional OK: You feel like doing it
Spirit of a champion
Division of Logical terms in Mathematics:
Chrysalis, essay
People always ask me if I'm a single guy, what do I look like, two people? What's so hard about golf? First day out I shot a 170.
An Impasse is a wall whose strength comes from your weakness
He is such a bad driver that the St. Christopher statue on his dash has his hands straight out in front of him!
To do it you must commit to the schedule or make up your own schedule for your own projects. You join a team on their terms. Just thinking you should do it is not enough, find something else.
Amaze yourself, that is the better thing. Happy, my dog can be happy, I want self amazement, like I am looking at Colossus.
If you fight, use Judo with your friends, Kung-fu with your enemies.
"I've sold out" money is your first priority!
I was voted most likely to stay in neutral!
Don't talk yourself out of things, let other people do that for you!
If accompanied by the Truth, you are never alone.
Our Films this year will be:
Live in San Francisco
Soundwave International music
Existence (spooky, Twilight Zones)
Night Driver (Science Fiction)
Sports Events
20 San Francisco Parks and Inspirations
The Unsuccessful Playboys
Guide the World to Righteousness
Too much sex, money, fear, fascination and routine habituation are at the core of the code in the great programming of the self.
Seek knowledge, resource, creativity expansions, support, and promotion.
Things are really getting rough now. The Hell's Angels are on foot!
I know a gangster that is so poor, when he does a drive-by shooting, he just runs past the people and shoots them!
Life is what you do, what you feel, and what you have.
Emotions are certainly overlooked, but the true components of intelligence are smarts, emotions, and action. Without those you are just a good talker.
In the times of Plato, there was a sexual split between wives and men/boys/prostitutes in Greece. On the wedding night, the woman had to dress like a man to ease the transition.
Love was considered too frivolous a reason to marry; more was for political or money alliances.
Study physics or other science on your own
Develop science-fiction type lines of reasoning and do an experiment and write a science fiction story about it.
Take the basic courses:
Basic physics and Calculus
Differential Equations
Partial differential equations
Linear Algebra
Quantum Physics
Statistical Physics
Complex variables
Mathematical Methods for Physics
Results of physics laboratory course
Books, reprints, Archivx, magazines, conferences, web, study groups, MIT PRINCETON CAL TECH online courses, start your own group.
Organized by the organ factories and what they need, what foods
The Emotions of Feeling
How many people have more than the average number of hands? Almost everybody, since the average is 1.999
Acting: make gestures first, then start your lines.
Walking is toes, ankles, knees, hips, and vertebrae.
The human body is all nanotechnology.
In the movies, the bad guy can't shoot and he won't die
Our natural sleep cycle is 9-10 hours a night. 30 minute Naps twice a day are refreshing. Probably an anti-aging secret.
Eskimos have 40 words for snow.
About life, an endless series of doors and situations opening and closing, most trivial, some not.
Create a new heart and spirit within you that can effect and handle the change.
You would be paranoid also if there was a top secret world wide government organization hell bent on your destruction following you around 24 hours a day!
They should have caught on when President Clinton gave tours to the white house with his pants down!
We don't have to worry about aliens landing in the Bay Area, there is no parking! And when there is it's only two hours!
See if you can develop a Periodic Table of Wave Super positions.
We are also looking for S-Wave phenomena and more examples of Connection theory. Thankfully we have attained a deeper understanding of the brain and will open champagne in Switzerland later this year.
Your Government does a lot for you through 25,000 bureaucracies employing 250,000 people:
Indigent Welfare
Court system
Government expenses
Space Program
Food stamps
What movie would be right without at least some of these:
Dream sequence
Haunted house
Floor escapes
Secret passageways
Arch criminals
Beautiful seductive women
Powerful organizations
Secret weapons and devices
Escapes after capture
Suspenseful fast-paced scenes
Ironic, improbable twists
Wry humor (or was it whole wheat?)
Opposite expectations
Exotic locales
S-Wave: a new force, a new material like mass, but also an object like space-time.