Ideas for a Better World

Companion Text for Visionary: How to Rebuild a World

Rockers, artists, thinkers: save the world 

We need to link our international minds in concert of ideas. 

List your emotions, moods, capabilities, and functionalities. 

World needs an alliance of artists, thinkers, musicians, and creative people. 

Mind Body Wallet Spirit and Social Life projects needs to be better explained in all schools. 

Ivy league schools show you how to own the company; public show you how to work for the company. Also in Ivy, you develop powerful members of your network. 

Learn to like sales or get a partner who does

Each person is born a corporation; strive for multiple incomes

Form cooperatives, like a music band working together for one purpose, they bring different skills and connections into play.  

Live cheaper until your ship comes in, but splurge once a week

Ask everybody for all the answers

Seek out the rich and influential

"Patent pending" means you have two years to sell protected

We need a world community of general problem solvers: DGI

132,000 die from hunger daily, and many would have been geniuses

Figure out what the world needs and where to get those resources

Compete and collaborate simultaneously

Create win-win-win situations, cut the world in on your deals

Telomerase may stop aging, there are two precursors responsible.

The Amygdala may be your connector to Spirit

We're all crazy, I know I am!

The philosopher is stifled from stirring the pot of emotion.

Think of the tribe, not just family. 

Culture is also problem solving, not just symphonies and opera. 

A new cycle is here, a new opportunity to renew our goals.

We have an emotional and an intellectual personality. 

The experts fell asleep: we ask everyone to solve all the problems

We all possess unique eye-brain-pattern analyzer systems unique to our gene pools. 

Take free shots at large economies and meet interesting people alon the way

Of course, get organized and enter all game shows all the time.

Don't turn the poor invisible: there are impoverished areas in all of us.

Take out 50 ads across the country selling your product or service

Greatest American assets: Cooperation and the ability to never stop learning and getting educated.

How can you be of service to yourself unless you learn how to be of service to others?

The plants and animals are here as our friends, we eat them. 

The idea of God also supports our intuition that we can form a Mass Mind across the planet, every night at 8 PM.


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